The Age of Turmoil. Problems and Prospects of the World Financial System

Alan GreenspanAuthor: Alan Greenspan
English.: The Age of Turbulence: Adventures in a New World
Series: Skolkovo

Publisher: United Press, 2009.
Softcover, 520 pp.
ISBN 978-59614-0633-7,978-5-9614-0978-9,978-5-9614-0911-6
Circulation: 6000 copies.
Format: 70×100/16 (~167×236 mm)


The book Alan Greenspanwho was in charge Federal Reserve This is not the kind of memoir usually written by retired politicians and statesmen. Rather, it is a global economic analysis based on the personal experience and worldview of a consistent advocate of the market system. That is why the book is divided into two parts.

The first one is dedicated shaping the author's personality and the formation of his views, and the second is the conceptual basis for understanding the new global economyThe book examines the critical elements of the evolving global environment. The book examines critical elements of the evolving global environment: principles of governance dating back to the Enlightenment; energy infrastructure; global financial imbalances and fundamental changes in world demographics that threaten further development; and concerns about the fairness of the distribution of outcomes. The author concludes by attempting to envision what the nature of the world economy will be in 2030.

The edition is supplemented by an epilogue on the global financial crisis.

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