Forex: From simple to complex

Forex: From simple to complex Author: I. I. Morozov

Publisher: Alpina Publisher, 2012.
ISBN 978-5-9614-1949-8
Pages: 324 pp.
Format: 70×100/16 (170x240 mm)
Circulation: 1500 copies.
Weight: 560 g
Binding: Paperback


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A book about successful investing

«Убив романтику приключений, научно-технический прогресс и рыночная экономика породили финансовые рынки. Здесь не надо ждать годами повышения по службе. Здесь все гораздо проще. Либо вверх, либо вниз»? – Игорь Морозов

What is the book "Forex: From Simple to Complex" about

On the state and structure of the world currency market. Much space is given to the organizational structures of the largest banks in the U.S. and Europe, whose actions have a direct impact on the monetary policy of the market.

Why "Forex: From Simple to Complex" is worth reading

  • The perfect compilation of tips, facts and examples for building your own trading strategy;
  • A modern approach to currency management, without relying on traditional styles and outdated examples of great traders who have remained great in history trading;
  • Доступность изложения для любого рода специалистов в силу отсутствия “заумностей” и метафоричности высказываний;
  • Полное соответствие формы и содержания: тема “от простого к сложному” раскрыта как в историческом плане, так и в плане практическом.

It is intended for economists, financiers, traders, and those who are interested in the organization of the banking systems of the largest countries in the world or the history of the formation of the world system of monetary relations.

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