The art of being humble. Mechanisms of making trading decisions in the Forex market

The art of being humble.Author: Peter Pushkarev
Company: TeleTRADE

Publisher: United Press, 2010.
Hardcover, 448 pp.
ISBN 978-5-904522-39-1
Circulation: 5000 copies.
Format: 70×108/16 (~170x262 mm)


Forex без прикрас и отвлеченных теорий. Реальный рынок во многом не похож на описания в классических учебниках. Методы анализа работают прекрасно, но с учетом массы деталей. Даже привычные понятия – support, сопротивление, канал – автор переосмысливает, предлагая читателю algorithms for constructing price zones.

How do trends unfold? Is there a way to distinguish a true breakthrough from a false one? You will find the answers in this book. You seem to know everything about the figures of technical analysis? But there are nuances here as well, and some naive notions will have to be abandoned right away. The logic of the market is impeccable, however, it often differs from the simplistic schemes. The author, whose experience of trading in the Forex market for 13 years, professionally approaches fundamental analysisThe reader will be able to understand and use examples from his own experience to illustrate the material in an easy-to-understand language.

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