#How I did it: The 90s

#How I did it: The 90sAuthor: Sergey Vasiliev

Publisher: Alpina Publisher, 2015.

ISBN 978-5-9614-5150-4
Pages: 360 pp.
Format: 60×90/16 (145×215 mm)
Weight: 570 g
Circulation: 1500 copies.
Binding: hardcover

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A book about the financial system of Russia in the 1990s

I remember well the moment when my perception of money as such suddenly changed...
Sergey Vasiliev

The book by Sergey Vasilyev, who started his business with TverUniversalBank, is unique personal notes about the 1990s. This book is about the transformation of typical Soviet youth born in the 1960s into modern businessmen of the 2000s. This book is about how the country was changing, its financial system, the formation of capitalism in Russia, the formation of its main attributes in the teams, companies and banks. Personal ups and downs, experiences and emotions. Business and Authority by the example of the interaction of commercial and investment banks with the Central Bank, the Ministry of Finance, the Presidential Administration. This book is about Moscow banks and their leaders of the 1990s.

Then a new century will begin. Putin will come, my dear oil priceeverything will change. But that will be another story.

After reading "#How I Had It: The '90s," you'll know:

  • about those who were born in the '60s; it was this generation that was destined to go out into the world, into great life - at the moment of the great rift; the USSR began to fall apart;
  • about banks, how young Russian bankers started their business, and what the Russian financial system was like in those years;
  • about business, about ups and downs, about experiences and emotions; from student construction teams to investment banks.

Sergey Vasiliev - started his business in 1991 with the foundation of the Moscow branch of TverUniversalBank. Later he held executive positions in the International Financial Company (IFC), and since 1999 he has been the main shareholder and Chairman of the Board of IG Russian Funds.

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Комментарии ( 10 )

  1. For a long time I wanted to read something about the turning points in the 90's. Who and how to build a business in those years.I would love to read this book.

    1. You want to know the whole truth about those who started building their business in the 90's and have now become millionaires (dollars). I'm going to disappoint you. The truth is not being written about those times yet. All true information will not appear until 50-70 years from now.

  2. I wonder who is interested in this book? Those years are over and everyone knows that at that time crime was in all structures of power. And in all this mess the first "millionaires" were born. This is an empty and irrelevant book.

      1. I'm not interested in this topic either. It is unlikely that anyone will tell the whole truth about the "business" in the 90s. Well, who wants to bring to light all their crimes?

  3. To be honest it would be very interesting to read about what it was like in the dashing nineties. I will definitely read this book and recommend it to my friends!

  4. Who opened a profitable business back in the 90's,he has a good business now.
    At the moment, to go into business because of competition and the crisis, I would not risk it.

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