The Psychology of Trading: Tools and Methods of Decision-Making

The Psychology of Trading: Tools and Methods of Decision-Making

Original title: The Psychology of Trading: Tools and Techniques for Minding the Markets
Author: Brett N. Steenbarger

Publisher: Alpina Publisher, 2013.
ISBN 978-5-9614-2215-3
Pages: 368 pp.
Format: 70×100/16 (170x240 mm)
Circulation: 3000 copies.
Weight: 600 g
Binding: Hardcover

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A book about the psychology of trading

"It doesn't matter that we are virtuous, hardworking, and otherwise successful people. It does not matter that we have attended all the latest seminars, read all the most popular books, and bought all the best trading tools. Not knowing how to deal with risk will weaken our efforts to achieve our goals and fail to achieve the success that might otherwise belong to us, both as traders and as people.", Brett Steenbarger.

About the book "The Psychology of Trading: Tools and Methods of Decision-Making"
О trading and how traders can identify and neutralize psychological problems that hinder successful trading. After all, getting to know yourself is as important as getting to know the market," says the author. The purpose of this book is to help you identify your stereotypes of success and failure and learn to better control them.

Why the book "The Psychology of Trading" is worth reading
The author offers unique practical methods that allow the trader to change his inner emotional world and later cope with psychological difficulties on his own. You will learn the original trading ideas of Brett Steenbarger. Applying the methods of intellectual and emotional self-knowledge set forth in the book, you will not only be able to look into your soul, but also to reconsider your approach to risk and reward.

Who is this book for
For traders and investors who want to know themselves better, overcome internal psychological barriers and improve their trading style.

Who is the author
Brett Steenbarger is one of the leading American psychotherapists and at the same time an active trader with more than 30 years of experience. D., professor at the State University of New York Medical School in Syracuse, a specialist in psychiatry and behaviorism, one of the directors of Kingstree Trading, LLC.

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