Exchange Dictionary
The Bank of Canada is probably the only central bank in the world whose monetary policy is as open and understandable to all market participants as possible, and has a number of other features that make it fundamentally different from its global "counterparts". History of the Bank of Canada The Bank of Canada was founded in 1934 as a private corporation, but within four years it became a Crown corporation and was transferred to the government. Unlike other government agencies, the governor of the bank and a senior manager are directly appointed by the bank. Although the Bank of Canada is run through the government, it is ultimately owned by the people. Because of the advanced economic relationship between Canada...
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The Bank of Japan (BoJ) is the central bank of Japan established to regulate the yen exchange rate and to conduct and oversee the country's monetary and financial policies. The Japanese banking system was established in 1873 under the National Bank Act, similar to a similar law that had been passed in the United States in 1863. By 1870 the Japanese banking system included more than 150 banks. The rapid growth of the banks and the lack of emission controls caused a high rate of inflation. In order to avoid a crisis in the economy, the Bank of Japan was established in 1882. The structure and tasks of the Bank of Japan The functions of the supreme body...
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The Central Bank of Russia (Central Bank of Russia, Bank of Russia, CBR) is the most powerful center of Russia's credit system. It plays a key role in the national economy. At the moment, the actions of the Bank of Russia are becoming increasingly important. Stability and further growth of economy, as well as strengthening of national positions on the international level depend on the effectiveness of its functions and correctness of chosen methods. History of the emergence of the Central Bank of Russia The banking and credit system in Russia dates back to 1733, when the Monetary Office, opened by decree of Peter the Great, was reorganized into the Monetary Chancery, whose functions included granting loans at 81,200 euros per annum and secured by gold...
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Маркетмейкер — кто это? Маркетмейкер (market maker) – это понятие имеет несколько значений. Наиболее распространенное определяет маркетмейкера как фирму-брокера, которая приобретает и хранит ценные бумаги, валюту и другие активы для последующей организации их продажи. В этом качестве маркетмейкеры действуют как самостоятельные участники внебиржевых торгов, поддерживая ликвидность. Как правило, маркетмейкер берет на себя обязательства по продаже какого-либо минимума акций для клиентов. Другое значение, которое принимает понятие маркетмейкер, – это менеджер на фондовой бирже, в обязанности которого входит отслеживание хода торговой сессии и информирование участников об изменениях в цене, курсах и т.д. На бирже маркетмейкер обычно имеет договор, согласно которому берет на…
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The Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) is a financial institution that has been central since 1960. Prior to that, a similar role was played by the Commonwealth Bank of Australia, which also worked in the commercial sector. Because this combination was not good for the local economy, the government decided to establish a specialized central bank, and the powers of the RBA were specified in the 1959 Act. Key purpose of the RBA According to this document, the main objectives of the Reserve Bank of Australia, headquartered in Sydney, were: to maintain the stability of the national currency (Australian dollar); to ensure full employment as well as their prosperity and well-being. As for the specific functions of the Central Bank of Australia, the key goal is to maintain the level of inflation...
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The Governor and Company of the Bank of England is one of the oldest banks in the world, but only relatively recently attained central bank status. For most of its three-century history (founded in 1694), the main financial institution of the United Kingdom performed commercial functions, although it was engaged in the privileged issue of banknotes and servicing the national debt of Great Britain. The story of the origin of the Bank of England The central bank of the United Kingdom is a living reminder of a not very pleasant page in the history of England - after the crushing defeat by the French at the Battle of Beech Head, there was an urgent need to finance a new fleet, which the then monarch William III...
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The European Central Bank (ECB) is the central bank of the Eurozone and the currency regulator that monitors the monetary policy of the region and controls the stability of the euro. Traders wait for its decisions every first Thursday of the month, as it has a great influence on EUR and other major currencies rates in the currency market. History and objectives of the ECB The ECB was founded on June 1, 1998, becoming the logical conclusion of a long negotiation of European officials, who in the second half of the XX century sought continental unification at the financial level. In fact, the Central Bank of Europe had already existed for four years by then, bearing the name...
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In order to change (or set, if you do not have one) the investor password in the MetaTrader 4 terminal, you will need to use the following instruction. It should be noted in advance that you will also need the trading password for the trading account you are interested in. It is necessary to have it at hand. So, open the terminal MT4, connect to the trading account and then follow the instructions. 1. Enter Service menu 2. In the Tools menu go to section Settings 3. In the window that opens go to the Server tab 4. Click the Change button on the tab that opens. 5. A dialog window to change the password 5.1. In this window you will have to enter your trading password 5.2.
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What is Rebate? Rebate (from English Rebate - discount, also rebate, rebate) - means a discount, which is expressed in the return of a part of the spread (commission) charged by the broker when making trading operations. Broker pays its rebate partners a reward, which is a part of the spread from each transaction of the client, who registered with the broker under the affiliate program. Out of this remuneration, the rebate service returns a part of money to the initial client, the trader. How to get the spread refund? Rebate payments are accrued both from profitable and losing trades. Nowadays, practically all brokers have a spread refund service, however, there are also third-party rebate services that work on the IB-representation model.....
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Investing in a PAMM-account - this is one of the ways to passive income on . PAMM-accounts are provided by broker companies, which organize your interaction with the managers of PAMM-accounts through a website on the Internet. What is PAMM-account What is the offer PAMM-account Advantages of investing in PAMM What you need to consider when investing How to choose a PAMM-account for investment Algorithm of investment in PAMM Rules for investing personal capital in PAMM How to minimize risks when investing PAMM account - is... PAMM is the Russian pronunciation of the English acronym PAMM (Percentage Allocation Management Module) - percentage allocation management module. PAMM mechanism is used in trust management of the account for controlling the distribution of funds between the manager of the account and investors. PAMM.
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The Treaty of Maastricht is a document that was signed on February 7, 1992 in Maastricht, the Netherlands, which marked the beginning of the European Union. The purpose of the Maastricht Treaty The Maastricht Treaty was designed to transform the then European Community into a political, economic and monetary bloc. It was the Maastricht Treaty which set the criteria for the country's joining the EU: inflation growth rate, level of interest rates, government budget deficit, public debt level and others. The Maastricht Treaty also defined the procedure for the introduction of the single European currency "Euro" and provided for the creation of a financial regulator (European Central Bank). The Treaty significantly expanded the powers of the European Parliament, which...
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At present, central banks of the world are a powerful instrument of monetary regulation. This function has a default effect on fluctuations of asset prices in financial markets. Changes in policy of any central bank, the economy of which has a noticeable weight in the scale of the world economy, lead to corresponding, quite abnormal reactions of financial markets. U.S. Federal Reserve: lords of dollars The most influential in this matter, of course, is the U.S. Federal Reserve System - FED (Federal Reserve System). The FED is completely independent in its economic policy decisions. When the chairman of the FED makes a speech, the markets react very strongly to his statements, especially when it comes to changes in interest rates. The ECB: the benchmark...
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Referring to the history of the development of the Central Banks of the world (CB) and their current status in the market system, their main activities are reduced to the following objectives: ensuring the stability of the national currency and purchasing power; ensuring the liquidity of the banking system; providing an effective algorithm for uninterrupted conduct of all types of settlements. The Central Bank is the "bank of banks" In order to achieve the above-mentioned goals, it is necessary to solve a number of tasks, the fulfillment of which makes the Central Bank the "bank of banks" and the main financial center of the country: being the issuing center of the country, the Central Bank solves the problem of organization of issue and circulation of cash banknotes; almost all its operations the Central banks of the world perform with local banks of a particular country, but not with commercial and industrial clients; keeping of class reserves...
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Second echelon shares are, as a rule, shares of regional companies, which do not belong to the category of "blue chips" and are traded on the stock exchange. Main signs of shares belonging to the second echelon: Low level of liquidity. Average daily volume of trades in "second echelon" shares is less in tens and hundreds times than volumes of trades in liquid shares. Instability of dynamics. Shares of the "second echelon" can be unclaimed most of the time, and then make a sharp jump within a short period of time. Lack of information transparency. Companies issuing "second tier" shares, as a rule, do not provide financial reports in international format, do not declare a clear dividend policy and do not have a definite strategy of economic development. Large value of spreads.If in...
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The Statement is the official detailed report on the trading activity on the market, generated by the trading terminal. How to make a Statment in MT4? Go to the "Account History" tab; right-click on the context menu; click "Save as detailed report". The statment will be available in the folder, in which the MetaTrader 4 terminal was installed, in the DetailedStatement file. Besides the trading history the statment contains the following indexes: Gross Profit - total profit of the positive transactions; Gross Loss - total loss of the negative transactions; Total Net Profit - the difference between the total profit and the total loss; Profit Factor - the profitability index, which shows the Gross Profit to Gross Loss ratio. The value...
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The eurozone is a monetary union that unites 19 countries of the European Union (EU). The official currency of the eurozone is the euro. States members of the monetary union are required to issue and use in free circulation banknotes and coins denominated in euro. It should be noted that the European Central Bank (ECB) is responsible for the monetary policy of the countries of the Eurozone. Eurozone consists of 19 European Union countries: Austria, Belgium, Germany, France, Finland, Greece, Spain, Italy, Ireland, Netherlands, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Cyprus, Malta, Estonia, Slovakia, Slovenia and Portugal. All of the above countries use the euro as their official national currency. The following EU countries are not included in the Eurozone: United Kingdom, Denmark and Sweden, because the residents of these countries...
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Skolkovo Science City (Silicon Valley) is a scientific center created in the Russian Federation to develop new technologies. The project is made by analogy with the Silicon Valley in the USA. Science town is located in the eastern part of Odintsovsky district of Moscow region. The purpose of building Skolkovo is a reorientation of the Russian economy and transfer to a more technological and innovative way of development. The main areas of the science city are biomedical and nuclear technology, energy, telecommunications and space, as well as information technology. The Skolkovo Foundation has three advisory bodies, namely the Board of Trustees (chaired by Dmitry Medvedev), the Advisory Scientific Council (co-chaired by Zh. Alferov and R. Kornberg) and the Foundation Council (V. Vekselberg and K. Barrett). The President of the Foundation...
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Российский Алюминий (ОК «РУСАЛ», Объединённая компания «РУСАЛ», United Company RUSAL, UC Rusal) – это объединённая алюминиевая компания России. Компания Русал является крупнейшим производителем первичного алюминия и глинозема в мире. Все заводы компании суммарно выплавляют 4,7 млн. тонн алюминия и выпускают 11,5 млн. тонн глинозема. Деятельность компании ориентирована на добычу бокситов, производство алюминия и глинозема. Также компания «РУСАЛ» занимается выпуском фольги, кремния, порошков, пудры, галлия и прочего. Штаб-квартира «Российского алюминия» находится в Москве, однако компания зарегистрирована на острове Джерси (Великобритания). Генеральным директором компании «РУСАЛ» является Олег Дерипаска. Компания «РУСАЛ» образована в 2007 году путем слияния компаний «Русский алюминий», «Сибирско-уральской алюминиевой компании» и…
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Fibonacci levels (Fibonacci) is a technical analysis tool, market indicator. Often these levels act as support or resistance on the price chart. Fibonacci levels are based on the mathematical Fibonacci series, in which each subsequent value is equal to the sum of the two previous ones (0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5...). How to set Fibonacci levels? In order to correctly set Fibonacci levels on the chart, it is necessary to determine the minimum and maximum of the analyzed period. The minimum will take the value 0%, and the local maximum will correspond to 100%. Between the maximum and minimum we set the key levels 23.6%, 28.2%, 50%, 61.8% and 76.4%. Thus, we get a Fibonacci grid on the price chart. How to use Fibonacci levels...?
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Стохастик — это… Индикатор стохастик (Stochastic) – это инструмент технического анализа, торговый индикатор. Индикатор Стохастик представлен двумя линиями: быстрой (%K) и медленной (D%). Также на графике осциллятора присутствуют контрольные линии 20% и 80% для определения зон перекупленности и перепроданности. Данный индикатор предпочтительно использовать при боковом движении цены, когда волатильность рынка значительно снижена. Как использовать стохастик? Сигналом к продаже, согласно индикатору Stochastic является пересечение любой из линий уровня 80% снизу вверх, а затем сверху вниз. Сделку на покупку можно совершать при пересечении линией уровня 20% сверху вниз, а затем снизу вверх. Для открытия позиций также можно использовать пересечение линий %K и D%.…
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