Exchange Dictionary
As with any activity that generates income for an individual, it is necessary to pay taxes on trading on . Most often such tax will be treated as personal income tax (personal income tax). To do this, you will need to fill out the appropriate declaration, to which attach a report certified by the broker on the transactions from the beginning to the end of the year. Many banks that offer the opportunity to trade with , assume the responsibility to pay the trader's taxes at the end of the year or upon closure of the account, so the only thing left is to file the appropriate declaration and sleep well. Learn more about taxes at
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In 1999, George Soros, who needed no introduction, declared that in the new century exotic currencies would take the lead. We are going to talk about one of them, the South African rand. The formation of the currency of South Africa - the ZAR After the British left South Africa and the recognition of the independence of the country by the United Kingdom, the former colony did not immediately renounce the British order. Thus, the first currency was the South African pound, which did not differ much in appearance from the better-known pound sterling. The radical change occurred a few years later, in 1961, when the South African rand was put into circulation in the country. The rand's exchange rate set against the dollar was soon...
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ZigZag indicator (ZigZag) is a technical analysis indicator, which is placed in the trading terminal MetaTrader 4 as standard. The ZigZag indicator is represented by several straight lines connecting significant tops and bottoms of the price chart. ZigZag allows you to mark significant price changes, which helps ease the perception of the trend and the figures of tehanalysis. The ZigZag indicator is best used to evaluate the price changes that have already occurred, because it is one of the indicators that reflects the dependence of the price value on its previous value. Therefore, ZigZag is not suitable for forecasting, but it will do a great job reflecting historical price movements. Other indicators
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Indicator "Bollinger Bands" (Bollinger Bands, BB) is a channel indicator, standard for the trading terminal MetaTrader 4. The indicator "Bollinger envelope" represents a channel, moving behind the price, the lines of which play the role of support and resistance. The basis of the "Bollinger's envelope" indicator is the standard deviation of the Moving Average, which means that the indicator shows the market volatility. It is recommended to trade with "Bollinger's envelope" on breakout or rebound depending on strategy and time period. Learn more about the Bollinger Bands indicator
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Futures Market Indicator - Commitments of Traders (COT) reports - an indicator based on Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) reports published every Friday. Each report of the COT contains information on open positions in various financial instruments of the three main types of futures players: Commercial players (Hedgers or operators), Large speculators and Small traders. Traders carefully study the indicator COT, because it reflects current trends and sentiment in the market - the position of the big players or transactions of commercial players, who are not speculators, but buy and sell depending on the needs of production, which they serve. Reports of traders in commodity markets (COT...
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Indicator (Forex Indicator) - technical indicator of price changes, which is calculated using mathematical formulas based on historical data of the selected exchange instrument. Indicator most often displays its data graphically in the form of lines, histograms, records, areas and other things. Based on the picture, which reflects the indicator, the trader can evaluate or predict the price chart behavior and make a decision about his positions. The number of indicators is constantly growing, because any trader, having the necessary level of knowledge in the field of trading, programming and mathematics, can create his own indicator, reflecting the necessary trading rules. Usually indicators can be divided into three groups: trend indicators (showing the direction of price movement), oscillators (reflecting changes in trends), psychological indicators...
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Despite the fact that Kazakhstan was one of the last in the CIS to adopt its own currency, the republic nevertheless did not have temporary money like most post-Soviet countries. The same "money", but in the Kazakh way A group of designers to develop the appearance of the future national currency was assembled already in 1991, and it coped with its task in exactly one year. There was a critical question of name choice: both "aksha", and "altyn", and more convenient for the people "som", by which the Soviet rouble was called by the people, were suggested. However, as a result of heated debates, there was a new version, "tenge", which satisfied most of the opponents. Fortunately, this Turkic word meant just "money" (it is believed that...
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There was a paradoxical situation in Armenia in 2006-2009: imports exceeded exports nearly four times, thus generating a considerable deficit in the trade balance, but the local dram only gained against the dollar, having strengthened by an unprecedented 50% against the USD during the whole period. The crisis of the Armenian dram "Dutch disease", which affected the Transcaucasian republic, was blatantly different from its generally accepted forms. The point is that in this case, the increase in the value of the national currency was not due to the export of raw materials, which Armenia lacks. The authorities of the country explain the rise of the dram with growth of private transfers from abroad, while opposition analysts point to an artificial overvaluation caused by limitation of money supply in...
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The most popular currency in Latin America, the Mexican peso, along with the Israeli shekel, became freely convertible in 2008. History of the Mexican peso The history of the peso is associated with the emergence of Spanish colonizers in the Aztec country. The so-called Spanish dollar, also known as the real, was minted specifically for Mexico, which became part of the Spanish Empire. The peso began as the largest silver coin, equal to eight reals. Under that monetary system, the basic unit of currency was the escudo, which contained 16 reals. It is interesting to note that the first peso had the modern symbol of the American dollar, i.e. $. Some historians consider the reason for this to be the accepted abbreviation of the peso at that time as ps, y...
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The modern name of the Azerbaijani currency, manat, has been used in the country itself for almost a century, being an unofficial variant for the Soviet ruble among the people. Formation of the Azerbaijani manat After Azerbaijan received its independence, the local authorities decided not to re-invent the wheel, and leave the former name of the money in force. Put into circulation officially in 1992, the manat quickly pointed to the economic difficulties in the country, which was not able to transition to a market economy, as in most post-Soviet state formations. Hyperinflation, which swept over Azerbaijan, continued for about a decade, there was only a difference in the depreciation of the national currency. This situation in the country naturally caused mistrust in the manat of the citizens, who kept most of their deposits in foreign currency. Dollarization...
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The name of the South Korean won, the currency of the Republic of Korea, is a consonant and consonant word for the Chinese yuan and the Japanese yen. Won, like the other two neighboring currencies, means "round shape," a concept that characterized coinage in ancient times. History of the Korean Won The history of the Korean Won has really thousands of years of roots. The first iron coins began to be issued during the royal dynasties in the 10th century. The won was officially introduced in 1902. Before that, the peninsula had such currencies as the mun and the yang in circulation. After the division of Korea into the North and South, both countries retained the won as their national currency. Between 1945 and 1951...
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Практически 16 лет назад в Грузии была введена в обращение новая национальная валюта — лари. За этот подростковый возраст он зарекомендовал себя достаточно стабильной денежной единицей, которой чужды резкие скачки изменения курса. Настоящий клад Грузии – лари Лари на древнегрузинском означает «клад», «имущество». Именно этот вариант был выбран для названия будущей валюты кавказского государства, получив предпочтение перед такими рассматриваемыми альтернативами, как «манат», «марчи» и «тетри». Сама же идея создания собственного денежного знака была поднята в Грузии еще в 1989 году, когда государство было на тот момент еще в составе СССР. В этот же период была создана концепция независимой Грузии, в…
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Despite the seeming exoticism, the Singapore currency is worthy of the name "dollar", not inferior to its overseas namesakes. Currently, many analysts point to the prospects of the Singaporean currency, the strengthening of which is fully supported by the policy of the Ministry of Finance of the city-state. History of the currency of Singapore Own currency Singapore began to issue on April 7, 1967, after the country's independence. Initially, the new currency was pegged to the British pound at a ratio of 60:7, but after sterling ended, the Singapore dollar was fixed to its older, American brother for a time. Beginning in the 1970s, the city-state began an economic miracle supported by the emergence of lucrative trade relations. The exchange rate of the national currency now became...
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One of the oldest currencies in the world, the Israeli shekel has nevertheless been formally in existence for just over thirty years. From pound to shekel The word "shekel" comes from the Hebrew "to weigh". This is because in the beginning the shekel, like many other currencies at their inception, was a measure of the weight of gold and silver. The first evidence of it dates back to the second millennium BC. It is also known about the mention of the shekel in the Bible. Originally the Jewish money mark was minted and used in Phoenicia, Persia and Egypt. For a short time the shekel became Israel's currency again, during the revolt in Judea, which was part of the Roman Empire, but after...
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The pound sterling is the official monetary unit of Great Britain, its dependencies and external territories:British Atlantic and Indian Oceans, as well as South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands. The symbol of the pound sterling is Libra, a sign ? which previously had two crossed lines. The bank code for the pound sterling is GBP (Great Britain Pounds), as all currency traders know it, sometimes it is mistakenly replaced by UKP (United Kingdom Pound). The numerical code is 4217. At present 1 pound sterling equals 100 pence. Bills of 5, 10, 20 and 50 pounds and coins of 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 pence and 1 and 2 pounds are in circulation. Occasionally there are...
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The Polish zloty has served its country well, passing through periods of prosperity as well as long periods of oblivion. The term "zloty" was coined at the end of the 15th century, when they started calling it the equivalent of the Venetian ducat of 30 Polish groschens. Soon zloty became the measure of value and because of the ease of calculation knocked out from this position, as well as the Russian ruble in its time, the Ukrainian hryvnia. Already in 1526-1528 the zloty monetary system was introduced in Poland, despite the absence of minting denominations. The Polish currency gained its real value a little later, becoming equivalent to 12 groschens by the amount of silver in it. Thereafter, the Rech...
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The Belarusian ruble is just beginning its way down the long winding path to the broad currency highway, so it can still boast only modest achievements. The ISO code is BYR, the numeric code is 974. Emergence of the Belarusian Ruble The emergence of the Belarusian currency dates back to the early 1990s, after the collapse of the Soviet system. At first coupons were introduced in the country, and then banknotes of the National Bank, but the need for a strong currency of its own was becoming evident. The only question was its name: out of the proposed "Belarusian ruble" and "thaler" the first option was chosen. By the end of July, the remaining Soviet rubles began to be supplanted by their Belarusian counterpart and withdrawn from circulation. And despite the signing of the Russian Federation, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, and Tajikistan...
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The uniqueness of the Russian currency lies primarily in the fact that many residents of other post-Soviet countries still habitually call their own banknotes "ruble," preserving the memory of times not so long ago. Ruble is the official currency of the Russian Federation. Currency code of Russian ruble according to ISO 4217 is RUB. Prehistory of relations between currencies-neighbors The first mentioning of ruble dates back to XIII century. It is noteworthy that from here is traced a close kinship with its modern counterpart - the Ukrainian Hryvnia, when in the Novgorod Republic appeared two equivalent types of money. There are two versions, according to which the ruble got its name either as a result of cutting the hryvnia in half (according to some sources into four parts), or...
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Yuan is the official currency of the People's Republic of China in the Renminbi (RMB) system. Literally yuan translates as a precious shell and renminbi as people's money. One yuan is divided into 10 zao, or 100 feng. It means that 4.25 yuan can be divided into 4 yuan, 2 ziao and 5 feng. In the international ISO system the currency is referred to as CNY. The symbol for the yuan is "?", which is very similar to the Japanese yen "?". In everyday life and colloquial speech one can often encounter a simplified pronunciation of the yuan as "kuai" and the zao as "Mao". China's currency unit gets its main name from its round shape. This is how the yuan was minted.
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Гривна — украинская денежная единица может похвастать многим: и древней историей, и званием самой красивой валюты, и даже двумя вариантами произнесения ее названия. Код валюты по стандарту ISO 4217 — UAH, цифровой код — 980. Краткий экскурс в историю гривны Гривна впервые упоминается еще во времена Киевской Руси, где была известна как знак отличия, мера веса и монета. Название произошло от украшения из золота, носившегося на шее, или на «загривке». Вскоре слово «гривна» начало применяться как соответствие определенному количеству серебра, и стало денежно-счетной единицей. К периоду монголо-татарского нашествия существовали уже киевская, черниговская и новгородская гривны. Однако через некоторое время, с появлением…
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