Investments and trading. Forming an individual approach to making investment decisions

Investments and TradingAuthor: Simon Vine

Publisher: Alpina Publishers, 2010.
Hardcover, 648 pp.
ISBN 978-5-9614-1266-6
Circulation: 1500 copies.
Format: 70×100/16 (~167×236 mm)


Financial market - is an information jungle with constantly emerging dangers, opportunities, misconceptions and discoveries. How do you increase your chances of survival and profit? What methods of analysis can be relied upon? What risks are acceptable? What strategies are most likely to lead to success?

The book by Simon Wein, Managing Director of Alfa Bank, answers these questions and allows the reader to form individual trading style. The author critically rethinks the generally accepted tenets of financial theory and shows how it works in practice. In the second edition, revised and supplemented, the author provides an analysis of the situation that arose in the financial markets in connection with the crisis of 2007-2009.

The book is addressed to traders and investors who work in the stock markets, bonds, currencies and derivatives.

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