For the novice trader

  • Why does a trader come to the foreign exchange market? Naturally, not for a thrill, but for profit. That is why the rules of technical analysis are studied, different trading strategies are tried and a lot of literature is read. Finally, the result is achieved - the profit is made. And here one of the most important questions arises - how to get your hard-earned money? The problem is that many traders choose a broker for trading, not really being interested in how to withdraw their profit. Let's find out how to withdraw money from your brokerage account. What to do before opening a real account Before you open a real account with your broker, you should first of all ask your broker if you can withdraw your profit from the...

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  • Trading lot on the currency market is a unit of measurement of the volume of trading instruments. The standard lot means 100 thousand units of currency. That is, a long position of 1 lot on the euro/dollar pair implies the purchase of 100 thousand euros for dollars, and a short position of 2 lots on the currency pair USD/CAD - the sale of 200 thousand dollars in exchange for Canadian currency. Similar to the stock exchange, trading lot on the currency market is a standard contract size. It is worth noting that standard lots are not used in interbank practice. Banks sell and buy currency in any volume, that's why the very concept of "trading lot" is relevant only for .....

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  • Every trader sooner or later comes across the concept of leverage, margin, and collateral. And, having penetrated into the essence of the question, traders are divided into two camps. The first one associates high leverage with the inevitable loss of deposit. The others consider this tool useful, moreover, they connect it with the possibility of diversification due to small margin and good stock of free funds. There are other pluses as well as minuses. Shall we try to understand? What is a leverage? To begin with, let us answer the question: what is leverage? Leverage is a leverage, which increases the amount of money a trader gives as collateral to open and maintain a position. In doing so, the broker's role is to provide...

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  • One of the first rules of trading on the currency market, which is persistently put in the trader's head, is the obligatory placement of a stop-loss order to limit his possible loss if the price goes in the opposite direction to the open trade. There is no doubt that one of the most important qualities of a trader is the ability to manage his losses - this is the direct purpose of StopLoss order. What is StopLoss What is a Stop Loss Order for? How Stop Loss Order Works How to set Stop Loss Order in MetaTrader 4 Technical Rules for Setting a Stop Loss Order How to Calculate the Size of a Stop Loss Order What is Breakeven and How to Use it What is Trailing Stop Loss or Trailing...

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  • This year I visited ShowFx World in Kiev and I would like to tell you about the speech of Tom Hugard, one of the most successful traders in a very large hedge fund. I should point out right away that in this article I'm going to quote his words as I understood them for myself. I've realized once again that success in trading is determined by psychology, not by strategy. It's nice to hear another confirmation of my opinion from the lips of a professional of such a level. *The slides used in this article are taken from the author's presentation. Principles of 2% successful traders The first, most important principle that guides successful traders, is to buy the strong and discount the weak. What is this...

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  • As a coach I cooperate with a small financial company, a professional participant of the securities market, which, among other things, provides trust management of clients' money. We have one trader, let's call him Mikhail, who for quite a long time showed very good, and most importantly stable results on a mini-account (about 3000 $). He was able to consistently bring his account up to about 5 000$ for a few months, and then withdrew 2 000 $ and started over again, repeating his success over and over again. In the end, we all agreed that Michael has abilities and skills of a trader. After examining his statement, we saw a certain stability: a good equity curve,...

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  • What is a trading plan, why do I need one and how do I make one? A trader's trading plan can be as simple or as complex as you want. Of course, a plan that is too simple is not informative enough to successfully implement key rules and/or strategies during each trading session. Conversely, if the plan is too complicated, it will be difficult for you to stick to it, and you may eventually give up using it altogether. Therefore, you need to think through the best option so that it is not time-consuming, while being detailed enough for self-analysis. The main task of a trading plan is to keep you calm and relaxed during...

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  • Despite the variety of all possible trading terminals, the MetaTrader 4 platform is still the most popular tool for trading on the foreign exchange market. The interface of the MetaTrader 4 trading platform is intuitive and does not require any special education. Nevertheless, the seemingly simple things sometimes cause questions for beginner traders. To assess your trading account or make a decision to open or close a position, you need to constantly monitor the main indicators of your account. The MetaTrader 4 terminal has five such indicators: Balance, Funds, Collateral or Margin, Free or Free Margin, and Level. These indicators are available in the Terminal tab. Let's take a closer look at what each...

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  • How to become consistently successful in trading? To answer this question we must first understand what makes millions of traders unsuccessful - what makes them lose money? What prevents them from analyzing the market and placing orders correctly? Why they succumb to fear, gambling and abandon the rules of trading strategy and capital management? In this article you will learn how the science of human brain - neurobiology - explains these processes, what happens on the subconscious level and who intercepts the control of our behavior. What does a trader think? So, let's begin. The first thing worth knowing is "what we think. Where, in our head, does market analysis and decision making take place...

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  • I recently had a chance to talk to a trader who said he had a goal to increase his trading deposit from 150,000 to 250,000 rubles in about two months. The markets were kind to him, and he reached his goal even a few days earlier than planned. Now he has replenished the deposit, increasing it to 500,000 rubles. Lack of experience - the main problem of beginners His new goal is 1 000 000 rubles by the end of this year. Something tells me that this goal is unlikely to be achieved. The fact is that this guy is a rookie. He got to know the market only a few months ago, and so far...

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  • Is there an independent forum in today's Runet, and is it that hard to be independent? The answer is simple - it all depends on what exactly you put in the concept of independence. If it is just a word on your website's logo - one thing, but if the word has a certain opinion and actions behind it, then it is a completely different story. forum: the price of independence It is my duty to administer the forum or "blue" as some participants call it, bearing in mind that we have colleagues who use different colors in the design of their websites. In addition to the various pleasant duties associated with this job, quite often, especially...

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  • The beginning trader, having achieved a stable result on a demo account and started trading on the foreign exchange market, often realizes with unpleasant surprise that he will not be able to earn a million dollars by the next Monday. Then there are several possible scenarios. The beginner can simply quit trading and go to other spheres of activity, start to study more deeply the mechanisms of financial markets, methods of their analysis and so on, which with time will turn him into a professional trader. And some traders discover the grail, the name of which is the robot. The robot: the prospect seems tempting Indeed, why not download an Expert Advisor, which are tons of them, and enjoy your time on the couch,...

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  • Every trader, trading on the currency market, faced with false price breakdowns. Technical analysis distinguishes between several types of false price breakdowns. Correctly recognizing and interpreting a false price breakout, a trader gets the maximum profit and reduces losses. Let us consider classic examples of false breakdowns. False breakdown of a key level False breakdown of a key level can occur both in the upward and in the downward trend. A pattern is formed of 1-4 candlesticks, which is the confirmation of the fact that the breakdown of a key level is false. As a rule, such breakdowns occur during a strong trend when the price approaches an important level. In this situation most market players take a corresponding position when forecasting the breakdown of this level, however the price...

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  • Every trader sooner or later comes to the idea of building a pyramid in trend trading on the currency market, that is, adding positions in the current trend. Such method allows to exclude problems with finding an entrance point and get the increased profit. The essence of the trend pyramid on the First of all, it should be noted right away that the construction of a trend pyramid is not a grail. The essence of this strategy is to reduce risk and, consequently, to increase efficiency of trading on the currency market. Gradually increasing the number of positions, the trader gradually increases the volume of his presence on the market, while gaining an acceptable level of risk. Let us have a closer look at building of the trend pyramid. Let's assume that the trader has an open trend position....

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  • Как уже говорилось не один раз, несоблюдение трейдером или полное отсутствие торгового плана, который включает четкие правила входа и выхода из рынка, является практически 100% гарантией провальной торговли на валютном рынке в долгосрочной перспективе. Как правило, начинающим трейдерам присуща одна и та же ошибка. В случае неудачи, эмоции берут верх над разумом, и новичок попросту забрасывает свой торговый план, этим только усугубляя ситуацию и повторно применяя убыточные методы торговли. Такие трейдеры входят в позицию всем депозитом, игнорируют стоп-лоссы и удерживают убыточные позиции, в надежде на скорый разворот рынка, игнорируя обратные сигналы или же трактуя их в свою пользу, выдавая желаемое…

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  • Повышение доходности и снижение уровня риска – задача из самых сложных для Forex трейдера, вне зависимости от его стиля торговли. В первую очередь, это зависит от соотношения доходность/риск и прибыльности. Каждый валютный трейдер, что является вполне естественным, стремится увеличить доходность своей торговли и уменьшить риски потери своих вложений. К большому сожалению, это стремление иногда идет вразрез с амбициозными целями, которые поставил перед собой трейдер. Зачастую, трейдеру удается повысить прибыльность торговли и соотношение доходность/риск в целом за счет переноса акцентов с процента положительных сделок на размер прибыли от сделки и времени его достижения. Существуют конкретные рекомендации, позволяющие достичь трейдеру поставленных целей,…

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  • В прошлой статье мы говорили о среднесрочной торговле. Теперь рассмотрим, пожалуй, самый популярный вид торговли – дэйтрейдинг или внутридневную торговлю. Суть дэйтрейдинга Торговля внутри дня, как следует из названия, предполагает совершение сделок внутри одного торгового дня, без их переноса на следующий день. Как правило, этот вид торговли популярен среди новичков, поскольку они считают, что количество обязательно перейдет в качество, то есть, чем больше сделок, тем больше полученная прибыль. Стоит также отметить, что именно новички-дэйтрейдеры чаще всего идут на нарушение трейдерской дисциплины и игнорирование торгового плана, поскольку темпы торговли обуславливают быстрое принятие решений, что предполагает наличие определенного опыта. Да и от…

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  • По популярности среди трейдеров среднесрочная торговля занимает второе место после внутридневной торговли (дэйтрейдинга). Такая популярность обусловлена хорошим отношением полученной прибыли к вложенному в торговлю времени. Попросту говоря, по сравнению с дэйтрейдером, трейдер, практикующий среднесрочную торговлю, тратит меньшее количество времени при ощутимой доходности. Суть среднесрочного трейдинга К пониманию среднесрочного трейдинга приходят не сразу. Новичок, пришедший на , почему-то считает, что чем больше сделок, тем больше прибыль. Он пытается скальпировать, торгует внутри дня, ловя по 10-15 пунктов прибыли и, зачастую, в лучшем случае его масса сделок приносит практически нулевую прибыль, сопряженную, к тому же, высокими временными и эмоциональными затратами. И только спустя…

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  • О рисках на е знает каждый трейдер. Но торговать-то хочется! Что толкает человека на путь валютного трейдинга? Желание зарабатывать деньги собственным умом, создать новый источник дохода – в первую очередь. Конечно, часто причиной выступает и жадность, и азарт, и просто интерес попробовать. Но мы берем трезвый расчет, исходя из предпосылки, что трейдер хочет стабильно получать деньги за собственные умственные усилия. В таком случае особое внимание следует уделить именно уменьшению рисков на . Виды рисков на Условно их можно разделить на торговые и неторговые (синонимы – рыночные и нерыночные). К торговым отнесем: риски изменения валютных курсов. риски кредитного плеча. технические. выбор…

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  • Перед началом трейдинга всегда встает вопрос, что лучше выбрать краткосрочную или долгосрочную торговлю на , в чем разница между этими двумя видами трейдинга, каковы преимущества и недостатки каждого из них. Выбор продолжительности сделок довольно прост, так как много зависит от таких факторов как величина имеющегося в распоряжении трейдера депозита, склад характера и поставленных целей. Именно эти факторы являются основополагающими при выборе таймфрейма, на котором вы будете торговать, кроме этого существует ряд дополнительных моментов, на которые так же следует обратить внимание. Цели Если вы хотите быстро заработать денег, то вашим выбором однозначно будет скальпинг, именно эта стратегия позволяет за короткий срок…

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