China launches its first 3D TV channel

The channel, owned by China Central Television (CCTV), will officially launch on the upcoming Chinese New Year.

This channel can be watched by citizens who have 3D televisions. Such countries as Japan, South Korea and India already provide similar services to the population. Initially, the channel will broadcast 4.5 hours of 3D programs daily, which will be repeated twice a day.
“Запуск 3D- программы является значительным шагом в развитии Китайского телевидения” ,-сказал Цай Фухао, глава Государственного Управления Радио, Кино и Телевидения (SARFT). По подсчётам экономистов, новый сервис сможет приносить  огромные доходы отрасли, если  500 млн. телевизоров будут заменены на 3D.
According to surveys, some Chinese people have agreed to replace their TV receivers, while others believe that we should wait until 3D TVs are available, which should be watched without stereoscopic glasses.

Based on foreign press for

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