Binary options trading video: 4 rules on how not to get caught cheating

The Internet is overflowing with videos of super-successful binary options trading. Before the eyes of the amazed user, the trader literally works miracles, making money on binary options trading The sums are staggering. In an attempt to get rich as quickly as possible, the gullible viewer urgently opens an account with the binary options broker advertised in the video at the affiliate link specified in the description of the video, and, as a rule, soon loses his money.

How could it be? Because binary options trading video - it's not just screenshots that are easy to fake, it's real! Or maybe it's not really that simple with the video itself? So how can you tell the difference between a fake binary options trading video? That's what we're going to talk about today.


1. Betting in binary options trading videos is huge

The first sign that should immediately cause disbelief in binary options trading videos is the amount of bets in the showing. If the betting amount is on the order of $500-1000 - the probability that the video is fake is 99%. Judge for yourself, the rules manimangement recommend risking 1-3% of the deposit in each trade. Accordingly, at a risk of 1% and a bet size of $500, the total amount of the deposit should be $500,000. Immediately a logical question arises - would a person who can afford to have a deposit of half a million dollars, attract partners?

Nevertheless, we leave 1% to the fact that the trader simply ignores the rules of manimanagement, betting in binary options trading $500, having a deposit of, say, $5000. That is, the trader does not trade binary options, but plays in the casino "for luck". And if the deposit is still there, something is obviously wrong. And even if such a trader has a superpower, we do not go along with such an approach, because luck is not provided with any guarantees.

2. the enormous size of the final profit

As a rule, in fake video about binary options trading The red thread runs through the idea "The bigger the stakes. The bigger the risks, but the bigger the profit! And the profit will not keep you waiting, all you have to do is do everything like the trader in the video". The purpose of such a video is to follow an affiliate link and open an account, thus providing earnings to the author of the video. The creators of fakes do not cut corners in order to shut off all cerebral processes of a trusting and, most importantly, greedy viewer, except for the thirst for fast enrichment. The binary options trading strategy they demonstrate can show profits from 1 to 10 thousand dollars a day and even more.

However, still use your brain, you need to clearly understand - no broker in the world of binary options can not afford to earn their customers 10 thousand dollars a day.

3. a large number of options of the same type, opened one after another

In many binary options trading strategy videos, you can see how Trader opens a large number of options in a row with a bet of $50 or $100. However, a simple mathematical approach shows that 10 options at $100 are the same as 1 option at $1,000. Then everything described in the first paragraph of this article comes into play.

4. Benefits for broker's clients

The following trick is not really related to fakes, although it has the same purpose - registration at a binary options broker using an affiliate link and depositing, which brings profit to the owner of the affiliate link.

In a video about binary options trading strategy, a number of certain "pluses" are widely offered: some gifts, promotions, trading signals, training materials, participation in the company's webinars. And all this is completely free of charge. But there is a BUT - free of charge only for the broker's clients. To become a client, you have to open an account and deposit a certain minimum amount. Having done all that, one can consider that the video has fulfilled its function - the viewer brought some profit to the author of the "super profitable" strategy for trading binary options.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that binary options brokersThe binary options trading videos, as a rule, have nothing to do with such fake videos. And not all binary options trading videos are fake. Many traders do make video descriptions and results of their binary options trading strategies, but such videos will hardly meet the above mentioned conditions, though they also contain in their descriptions affiliate links for registration, and there is nothing wrong with that, by the way. Nevertheless, the number of fake videos about binary options trading belonging to the category "How to make a million dollars in a week trading binary options" greatly exceeds the number of really worthwhile materials. Think with your head and don't let scammers and con artists make money on you.

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