European currency (euro, currency of Europe, euro)

European currency (euro, currency of Europe, euro) European currency (euro, currency of Europe, euro) - the monetary unit for the united group of 16 Eurozone countries: Austria, Cyprus, Finland, France, Germany, Belgium, Greece, Ireland, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Italy, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Finland, France, Malta. The euro is also used in other European countries (not yet in the Eurozone, but constituting the European Union) on a par with their national currencies, for example, in the Baltic States. In addition, a number of countries that have joined the Eurozone have abandoned the use of the euro for their own reasons, such as the UK or Sweden.

Acceptance euro as a settlement currency took place on January 1, 1999. In 2002, banknotes and coins began to be issued. The euro replaced the ecu (European Currency Unit), which existed from 1979 to 1998.

The Euro consists of 100 cents or euro cents, and banknotes of 500, 200, 100, 100, 50, 20, 10 and 5 euros are also issued. The coins of each country are distinguished by their national side, on which each member of the Eurozone can depict what it considers appropriate. Banknotes, on the other hand, are distinguished by the letter in the serial number, which is different in each country.

Administration of the euro takes place European Central Bank (ECB)The European Central Bank System, which determines monetary policy in the Eurozone, and the European Central Bank System, which adjusts this activity on the ground.

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One Comment

  1. Before 5 years of upbringing, I belonged to the Order, being brought up on symbols, where Euro or Europe was my symbol, manifesting itself as a "baby cradle", a stamp (semicircle) and so on. In time I graduated from the 129th high school of Kiev, my classmate was Oleg with the surname "Misevra", and according to the school program there was no "European Union", as well as England was a peninsula, and the last Russian Tsar Nicholas II had a son named Dmitry. I turned 32 years old and everything around me changed, came and reevaluation to the surname "Mis Euro". or "Mi with Euro". The most interesting thing is that this surname does not change anything at all, as it is not and was not originally in the state registry of birth, as well as there is no certificate of completion of 129 secondary school in Kiev with entry in the same state registry for this surname. According to Oleg Misevra, he married Irinka and they had a daughter, who will naturally "marry" and change her surname, taking the surname of her spouse. That is, and "ends in water" with "Mis Currency".

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