The Spiritual Laws of Wealth

The Spiritual Laws of WealthAuthor: Saidmurod Davlatov

Publisher: Intellectual Literature, 2015.

ISBN 978-5-9614-4862-7
Pages: 352 pp.
Format: 60×90/16 (145×215 mm)
Weight: 470 g
Circulation: 2,000 copies.
Binding: hardcover

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The book is not only about material...

The strength of a drop of water lies in its stability. It is not that a drop of water is stronger than a stone. The advantage is in the stability, it is the stability that will overcome any obstacle.
Saidmurod Davlatov

What the book "The Spiritual Laws of Wealth" is about

The spiritual laws of wealth work and determine your success whether you know about them or not. And if you do not know anything about them, then, striving to achieve your goals, you risk spending a lot of effort in vain attempts to break through invisible, but no less real, walls and never understand what prevented you from getting what you want.

Saidmurod Davlatov, a business coach and doctor of psychological sciences, convincingly proves with concrete examples that the spiritual and material worlds are inextricably linked. Therefore, in order to find long-term success in life, one must follow certain spiritual principles. You will learn what they are and how to apply them in everyday life in this book.

The key themes of the book are.

  • A kind of business novel with a protagonist named Mehron, who personifies the author himself.
  • The power of success is always stronger than the power of failure. Success as a role model for others.
  • Wealth is the result of practice. Business as a creative process that brings material income.
  • "Business"-prayers as a tool for successful management: examples and result of action.

Saidmurod Davlatov  - Doctor of Psychology, business consultant, President of the Samo International Center for Human Development. After school he entered three universities at once, but because of his difficult financial situation he had to abandon his studies in his native Tajikistan and go to Moscow to earn money. In Moscow, he managed to work as a loader in a store and as an administrator at the market. Later he was trained by Mirzakarim Norbekov and Bodo Schaefer. In tandem with training from the recognized gurus, Davlatov succeeds as a real estate businessman and investor in many projects. He is the author of a series of books on financial well-being called "The Philosophy of the Ant".

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Комментарии ( 20 )

  1. I wonder how to put into practice what the authors of such books recommend? I have come across several works and... I have a feeling that either I am closed to such information or the authors are pouring from empty to empty. Let's take another risk.

    1. Usually such books are written so that you and I, in our pursuit of prosperity, stop and think, "Will you stop?"

      However, I have come across similar books with practical advice on what to change in oneself to improve the material aspect. There were interesting conclusions, which, however, should be tried in practice. From the series: you want more profit from business - buy and recommend competitors' products 🙂 🙂

    2. Natalya I completely agree with you, moreover, books on the topic of how wealth and prosperity help to get rich only to their authors and sellers. How many times I read them, I just get a mess in my head.

      1. Such books help, even if not to become a millionaire lightning fast, but to learn how to build relationships. I recently read Benjamin Franklin's advice, he subtly points out people's weaknesses and recommends how to use them.

  2. I find this book very useful. It is always important and interesting to read the life journey of people who have gone from the bottom to a successful business.

  3. Not bad, I was expecting something less useful, at first. But there is really something to learn from this book, especially since the topic has been relevant to me lately and the book helped summarize some of my personal thoughts on the subject. I hope to be able to put what I've learned into practice.

  4. I agree that the spiritual and material worlds are connected. Everything depends on us, we should never give up, but go forward. As a person puts himself, so people treat him. Every person can achieve success, hindered by his fears, compulsion of others. Who does not risk does not drink champagne as they say.

  5. I believe in the connection between the spiritual and material worlds. I also know about the psychology of poverty, so I will definitely read about the psychology of wealth.

  6. I haven't read this book yet, but I've heard a lot of good reviews. As soon as I have some free time, I will immediately start reading it. Such books are very useful for self-development, motivation to achieve their goals. In general, books by businessmen who have achieved success from scratch should be introduced into the school program.

  7. Started reading the book at your suggestion. I like it very much. I don't know yet what it will bring me, but it already at least makes me think that all the events of our life are the consequence of our actions and our choices.

  8. I would love to listen to the book in audio format. It seems to me that when you listen to the reader the information is memorized on a subconscious level. But this way I would be just bored, I can hardly get through it.

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