HMA Color arrow indicator nrp & mtf & alerts + arrows 2
HMA Color arrow indicator nrp & mtf & alerts + arrows 2 - is a signal modification of the Hal's moving average, created by the famous indicator developer mladen. The indicator signals do not overdraw.
The Hala HMA moving average is known for eliminating lag, a typical flaw moving averages. Also NMA, when you change direction, changes its color.

The MTF function is implemented in the indicator, which allows you to display signals from any available timeframe. The arrow indicating the change of direction of the indicator is duplicated by sound and text alerts.

According to the experts at, HMA Color arrow indicator nrp & mtf & alerts + arrows 2As other indicators from mladen, it will be quite effective if additional signal filtering is applied.
Download HMA Color arrow indicator nrp & mtf & alerts + arrows 2
Other arrow and signal indicators

Unfortunately, the indicator overdraws, which makes it of little use.