Trend indicators

  • Parabolic SAR of MA mtf indicator is a trend indicator based on a combination of two most popular trend indicators - Parabolic and moving average. The moving average changes its color depending on the trend direction, which is determined by the Parabolic. The crossing of price and moving average indicator Parabolic SAR of MA mtf considers as an entry point into the market. The function of displaying signals from other timeframes is implemented in the indicator. When the price direction changes, the indicator gives an audible alert and a text message. According to ForTrader experts, the signals of the Parabolic SAR of MA mtf indicator against the main trend should be ignored. When trading along the trend, the indicator signals can be used for...

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  • The Heiken Ashi SW MTF indicator is a modification of the popular trend indicator Heiken Ashi. The Heiken Ashi SW MTF indicator, unlike the original one, displays candles not on the chart, but in its basement. In addition, the Heiken Ashi SW MTF indicator has a function of displaying data from any available timeframe. According to experts of the ForTrader journal, the indicator Heiken Ashi SW MTF will be in demand for the analysis of the situation on the foreign exchange market, as well as in the trend trading strategies, "unloading" the price chart of the currency pair. Download Heiken Ashi SW MTF indicator Other trend indicators

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  • The Parabolic ZZ trend indicator is a modification of the ZigZag indicator, built using another popular trend indicator Parabolic SAR. The Parabolic ZZ indicator displays price marks on wave peaks. The incomplete price extremum is displayed in another color, Fibonacci levels are automatically applied to the last waves. According to ForTrader experts, the Parabolic ZZ trend indicator is a very successful compilation of the standard trend indicators and Fibonacci levels, which can become one of the basic elements in the trend trading strategies. Download Parabolic ZZ indicator Other modifications of ZigZag indicator

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  • Averages Alligator nmc indicator is a modification of the standard Alligator indicator of Bill Williams' MetaTrader 4 trading terminal with extended settings. Like the standard indicator, the Averages Alligator nmc indicator exposes value and shifts jaws, teeth and lips, but the number of moving averages methods is not 4, as in the standard indicator, but 19, and includes author's modifications of moving averages. In addition, the Averages Alligator nmc indicator works in multiframe mode. According to the experts of magazine, the Averages Alligator nmc indicator will be an excellent replacement for the standard indicator in trend trading strategies. Download Averages Alligator nmc indicator Other trend indicators

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  • The Road Map indicator is a variant of the popular ZigZag trend indicator, built, unlike the classical version, on the principles of Stanislav Chuvashov's wave theory. The Road Map indicator plots on the price chart the following markings: impulse waves (thick oblique lines); corrective waves (thin oblique waves); series of waves up (blue); series of waves down (purple); the length of series of waves (figures near the tops of the ZigZag); the breakdown levels of the series of waves (short green and red lines); the goals for taking profit (the Fibonacci net from the opening line of a series of waves). According to experts of magazine, the Road Map indicator is an excellent alternative to the ZigZag indicator, which can be used not only in trend trading, but in...

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  • The i-L_MTF_3_MA indicator is a modification of the standard trend indicator of the MetaTrader 4 Moving Average platform. i-L_MTF_3_MA indicator allows drawing three moving averages from any selected timeframe on the price chart of the currency pair. It is possible to adjust the period, calculation method and averaging method for each moving average. On the above chart H1, three exponential moving averages with a period of 50 and the averaging methods High, Open and Median, taken from the chart H4 are displayed. According to experts of, more efficiency can be achieved by applying several indicators i-L_MTF_3_MA with different parameters to the price chart, which will give a more accurate determination of the entry points and support and resistance levels....

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  • Zwinner Trend Indicator is a trend indicator displayed in the basement of the price chart, which can be used to determine the prevailing price trend on the market. The color of the Zwinner Trend Indicator line depends on the current trend: a descending trend - the red line; an uptrend - the green line. According to experts of, the Zwinner Trend Indicator can be used in trading strategies as a filter: the green line - only buy positions are considered; the red line - only sell positions are considered. Learn more about using filters to prevent possible losses and optimize your trading system here. Practical usage of Zwinner Trend Indicator...

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  • The Trend Suite indicator is a trend indicator based on the standard moving average indicator. The Trend Suite indicator allows you to display the moving average line in several ways, replacing the need to plot several Moving Average indicators on the chart. The Trend Suite indicator is displayed on the chart as a bar consisting of three lines, which can be plotted against high, low or close prices. According to experts of magazine, the interpretation of the moving average realized in the Trend Suite indicator allows you to use it in your trading strategies as an optimized filter with extended functionality and increased accuracy, as well as for defining resistance and support zones. Download Trend Suite indicator Other modifications...

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  • Parabolic SAR Color - Alert indicator is a modification of one of the main and most popular standard Parabolic SAR trend indicators. Parabolic SAR Color - Alert indicator, as well as the original Parabolic, is designed to determine the trend and the moment of closing positions during the market reversal. In contrast to the standard Parabolic, the points of the Parabolic SAR Color - Alert indicator change their color, depending on their position relative to the price. In addition, when the position of the points changes (color change), a window with a text message about the change in the price direction is displayed. Pay attention that the Parabolic SAR Color - Alert trend indicator has different default step and maximum parameters from the classic indicator, that...

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  • Parabolic SAR 2 indicator histo_mtf+alerts+arrows - nmc is a modification of the popular standard trend indicator of the MetaTrader 4 platform Parabolic SAR. In contrast to the classic Parabolic, Parabolic SAR 2 indicator histo_mtf+alerts+arrows - nmc is displayed in the basement by vertical lines whose color depends on the trend direction. When the price changes direction, Parabolic SAR 2 indicator histo_mtf+alerts+arrows - nmc displays an arrow of the corresponding color and direction on the price chart and also displays a window with a text message. According to the experts of the magazine, the Parabolic SAR 2 indicator histo_mtf+alerts+arrows - nmc, as compared to the standard Parabolic, has more functionality and accuracy, which allows to increase the efficiency of trading strategies that use the...

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  • SLMA indicator belongs to the category of trend indicators and is visually similar to the classical moving average. Despite the external similarity to the Moving Average, the SLMA trend indicator calculation algorithm is fundamentally different. SLMA takes into account the trend direction at different price levels and is calculated using several price averages for different periods. Application of trend indicator SLMA in trading A fundamentally different algorithm for constructing the SLMA indicator has eliminated the lag characteristic of moving average. SLMA tries to catch up with and get ahead of the price, which makes it possible to determine the trend reversal points ahead of time. Like the moving average, the SLMA trend indicator can represent a support/resistance level for the price. According to experts of magazine, the indicator...

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  • Сигнальный трендовый индикатор Volatility quality предназначен для входа в рынок в направлении текущей тенденции. Индикатор отображается в подвальной части ценового графика валютной пары в виде линии, цвет которой соответствует текущей тенденции. При смене тенденции на линии индикатора Volatility quality появляется стрелка соответствующего направления и цвета. Сигнальный трендовый индикатор Volatility quality является мультитаймфреймовым, что позволяет выводить на график показания с любого выбранного временного интервала. Настройки индикатора Volatility quality TimeFrame – таймфрейм в минутах Lenght – влияет на частоту и точность сигналов; Method – метод сглаживания Smoothing – степень сглаживания Filter – фильтрация, чем больше значение, тем меньше сигналов и они более…

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  • The SuperTrend nrp new mtf 2 trend indicator is an optimized modification of the most popular SuperTrend indicator, designed to determine the direction of the current trend based on ATR and CCI indicator readings. The SuperTrend nrp new mtf 2 trend indicator is presented in two versions: as a line on the price chart and as a histogram in the basement. Changing color of the line (histogram bars) indicates a change in market trend. The SuperTrend nrp new mtf 2 indicator implements the multiframe principle, which allows you to display readings from the desired timeframe on the price chart of the currency pair. This important feature allows you to put several indicators on the chart with readings from different timeframes, which will increase the efficiency of...

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  • The StepMA trend indicator pdf nmc 3.01 is the latest version of the StepMA indicator, which has long been popular among traders and in which the errors of version 7 have been corrected. The signal trend indicator StepMA pdf nmc 3.01 is a modified moving average with several parameters added and that allows optimizing indicator's reading according to your trading preferences. Indicator StepMA pdf nmc 3.01 is a multiframe, that is, it allows displaying the value of the indicator on the price chart of the currency pair from the timeframe specified in the settings. Application of the signal trend indicator StepMA pdf nmc 3.01 in trading Since the indicator StepMA pdf nmc 3.01 is a trend indicator, it changes color depending on the direction of the current trend and...

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  • VelocityWeves indicator is designed to analyze trends and displays on the price chart of a currency pair the size, average volume and speed of price change of each trend, including the current one. The author of indicator is cmillion, user of forum. Additionally, the VelocityWeves indicator has an audible alert and a dialog box that appears when the price exceeds the value in pips. According to experts of magazine, the VelocityWeves indicator will be useful for trend trading strategies. Download VelocityWeves Indicator Other Trend Indicators

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  • The Visual MACD indicator is a modification of the standard MACD indicator of the MetaTrader 4 platform. In contrast to the classic indicator, Visual MACD is not displayed in the "basement", but directly on the price chart of the currency pair in the form of shaded areas, the color of which corresponds to the position of the histogram of the standard indicator relative to the zero line. Another difference between the Visual MACD indicator and the standard one is the presence of a second signal line. When used in trading, Visual MACD does not allow it to detect divergences but it works very well as a trend indicator. The greater the distance between the moving averages (signal lines), the wider the shaded area, which in turn indicates the strength of the current trend. Education...

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  • The i-Alligator Zone trend indicator is made in the form of a histogram located in the basement window of the currency pair price chart and is designed to determine the direction and strength of the trend present in the market. The strength of the trend is determined by the thickness of the histogram bars. The direction of the trend is determined by the color of bars on the histogram: the red bar indicates a downward trend, the green bar - an uptrend. In addition, the trend indicator notifies on the presence of a trend using a signal window. According to experts of magazine, the i-Alligator Zone indicator can be used as a filter in trend-following trading strategies. Download i-Alligator Zone Indicator Other Trend Indicators

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  • Трендовый индикатор Advance Decline Ratio (ADR) является адаптацией индикатора, применявшегося на Нью-Йоркской фондовой бирже NYSE, к валютному рынку . Индикатор предназначен для определения рыночных импульсов путем определения соотношения повышательных и понижательных импульсов цены. Применение индикатора Advance Decline Ratio (ADR) в торговле Одновременный рост цены и индикатора ADR расценивается как признак наличия сильной восходящей тенденции. Одновременное снижение цены и индикатора ADR расценивается как признак наличия сильной нисходящей тенденции. Расхождение направлений цены и индикатора ADR расценивается как признак возможной смены тренда. Пересечение индикатором ADR уровня 1,00 снизу вверх расценивается как наличие восходящего тренда. Пересечение индикатором ADR уровня 1,00 сверху вниз расценивается как…

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  • The Alternative Ichimoku v07 indicator is an alternative to the standard Ishimoku indicator of the MetaTrader 4 platform. Alternative Ichimoku v07 indicator settings The SSP parameter is the value of the lag of the first (leading) line of the cloud. If the price is outside the cloud, it is interpreted as a trend. The SSK parameter is the lag value of the second (lagging) line of the cloud. The price exit from the cloud is interpreted as a change of the market trend. The second value is the line of stop orders of the second level. The line located inside the cloud is considered as a line of stop orders and its breakdown is considered as a sign of trend reversal. Application of the Alternative Ichimoku v07 indicator in trading The Alternative Ichimoku v07 indicator does not have the Kijun-sen and Tenkan-sen lines inherent in the standard indicator. Instead of them in the cloud...

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  • ULTRA TREND ver2 is a universal indicator, because it combines the qualities of a trend indicator and an oscillator. The ULTRA TREND ver2 indicator minimizes lag and implements additional filters of market noise. The ULTRA TREND ver2 indicator allows you to: Determine the market trend. Determine trend strength (maximum and minimum indicator value) Determine support and resistance levels. Use overbought and oversold levels. Build Elliott Waves and Fibonacci levels. According to experts, the ULTRA TREND ver2 indicator can replace a number of standard indicators of the MetaTrader 4 platform, as well as become the core for developing effective trading strategies. Download ULTRA TREND ver2 Indicator You may also be interested in

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