Volatility indicators

  • The Notis trading indicator measures market volatility based on the difference between the intraday high (High) and low (Low). The Notis indicator has two operating modes: Non-curve mode (default) In this mode, the indicator displays two lines: Plus and Minus. The difference between the lines indicates the magnitude of market volatility - the volatility is high when the difference between the Plus and Minus lines is large, and the volatility is low when the difference is small. Intersections - direction of movement. Cumulative mode In this mode, the indicator behaves like a regular oscillator with one line. In this mode, it is possible to invert the indicator chart. The indicator has four adjustable parameters: Period - period of calculation; Method - method of smoothing;...

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  • VolatilityAverageSingleHighLimit indicator, using readings of several ATR indicators, allows you to determine the state of the market. The VolatilityAverageSingleHighLimit indicator displays three lines in the basement of the chart: the red indicator line - a single volatility (period ATR 1); the blue line - average volatility (period ATR 24); the light-brown line - increased average volatility (period ATR 24, multiplied by 2.5). As a result, we get three market conditions: Low active - the line of unit volatility is below the average volatility line. Active - the line of unit volatility is between the average and increased average volatility lines. Extremely active - the single volatility line is above the line of increased average volatility. volatility indicator VolatilityAverageSingleHighLimit can be used in trading strategies in...

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  • The Soho Williams VIX Fix Price volatility indicator is an advanced version of the well-known VIX Fix volatility indicator. The original VIX indicator is a ticker symbol calculated by the Chicago Board Options Exchange and is a popular measure of market risk, as well as one of the best ways to measure existing price troughs. However, the classic VIX indicator is only applicable to the S&P 500 stock index. The famous trader Larry Williams finalized it, getting the VIX Fix indicator, which can already be applied to all traded assets. The VIX Fix reflects investor interest in future movements, where highs are associated with price troughs. The influence of investor sentiment is amplified in price troughs, so the VIX and VIX Fix are best...

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