Успешный трейдер — и женская профессия

Female TraderLovely girls, market The 21st century favors you!

In 1724, the Royal Council of State of France composed a decree that established a ban on the appearance of ladies on the premises exchanges. What prompted the politicians of the time to take such harsh measures against women traffickers is hard to say.

One relatively plausible assumption is that women are treated according to the principle that they are "children, the kitchen, and the church. Therefore, the woman on the stock trading was perceived practically as a fallen woman in those days.

Another assumption is absurd, as if scent of women's perfume interfered with the bidding. We are left to conclude that in France at the beginning of the 18th century perfume for men, if it existed, was not honored, and the heated bidders stock exchanges emitted only natural odors, particularly sweat.

It seems that the two centuries during which ladies were excluded from bidding, women have accumulated strength and are now making up for lost time. It is a well-known fact that traders occupy a significant share of the world's most intelligent people. And the cream of the crop are women.

A pioneer in the history of women's participation in the stock market is Muriel Siebertwhich became a broker in the mid-1970s. The most successful participant in exchange trading was Martha StewartThe fact that she earned more than half a billion dollars as a simple broker is no longer in evidence. Nowadays there is no need to prove the fact that there are hardly any fields of activity in which only men or only women can work.

The main thing that attracts women to stock trading - the market gives freedom of action

Работая на кого бы то ни было, — государство это либо частная компания, — как ни старайся, упираешься в определенный потолок. Это касается и карьеры, и установленной ставки «согласно штатного расписания». Прибавьте к этому необходимость выполнять чужие задачи, быть в зависимости от настроения руководства, вынужденно соблюдать писаные и неписаные корпоративные правила. Сюда же можно отнести женскую дискриминацию, страх потерять работу, скуку и рутину, офисные интриги — да мало ли всего-прочего! Несмотря на то, что exchange trading is certainly a risky venture, a chance to succeed in the field of currency trading there is.

The prospects look very tempting - you depend only on yourself, your earnings are not limited by anything, you set the dynamics of work in accordance with your character, you are not tied to one place. It is enough to have a computer connected to the Internet, and knowledge and experience are always with you - and you can work anywhere in the world. And as a result - financial independence, which women aspire to. When working for currency market High self-esteem and confidence in one's abilities - "if others could do it, so can I" - helps a lot. Combined with more developed imaginative thinking, determination and a serious professional approach to stock trading - these are the qualities that have brought and will bring to women success in mastering a difficult profession Trader.

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