Interesting facts of the financial world
A sensible person is unlikely to argue with the statement that money is a serious thing, which does not tolerate frivolous and disrespectful attitude. One only has to think of one's monthly payments - taxes, apartment bills, mortgage or consumer credit. A closer look at money reveals that financial problems come when they are no longer taken seriously. Each of us probably knows at least one case when successful people with a good income found themselves in debt up to their ears, and lucky people who received a large inheritance or won the lottery spent every last penny with amazing speed. Once you start haphazardly putting your hand into what seemed to be...
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Why do some people succeed while others do not? What is the difference between winners and losers? The answer must be sought in your attitude to life and to those around you. This is where the causes of success and failure are found. All, without exception, losers are characterized by the same sad, non-positive thoughts, which pull them into the swamp of life's difficulties. It is not for nothing that the ancient proverb says that our life is a reflection of our thoughts and expectations. Take a closer look at the losers' mental mistakes, described by experts below, and the methods on how to fix it. Perhaps you'll recognize yourself and be able to solve your problems once and for all. 1. My life is boring...
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How often do we put off important things with the explanation "No time"? Once a week for sure, or even more often. Sometimes a lifetime flies by for this excuse, and we don't have time to do all the most important things. Let's talk about how to get more done. Just 8 rules, which we have thought through with colleagues, will qualitatively change your life. Rule #1. Plan your day Each of us tend to plan what we need to do tomorrow, Wednesday, next month, etc. It can be quite difficult to remember all this list, especially if you are a busy person. Don't keep these plans in your head, but write them down! Have you ever wondered....
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In issue 98 of our magazine we touched on the subject of the principles of wealth. Surprisingly, the article had a great response, which was reflected in its active discussion, which I invite you to join. Everyone's experience is completely different, but what we all have in common is a desire to be wealthy and self-sufficient, so let's continue this topic and consider 11 more rules of wealth that we have tested on ourselves. Principle #12. Rely on luck, but take reasonable risks Luck goes with those who rely on it and don't take unnecessary risks. Sometimes our financial goals are so ambitious, and the desire to get everything at once is so great, that we may not...
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Bodo Schaefer is another legendary man of the financial world, writer and businessman, financial consultant #1 in Europe, who at 26 had nothing but debts and became a millionaire at 30. In Germany, Schaefer's homeland, he is called the "financial Mozart" after he said in one interview: "Notes were known before Mozart. What matters is what he created for humanity from them." Bodo Schaefer's books and seminars have become a starting point for many people who have achieved significant success in business. Perhaps the 22 principles of Schaefer will be the beginning of your financial success and independence. FORTRADER magazine experts tested these rules on themselves and...
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Are you often short of money? Worried that you don't have enough money for the purchase you want? Did you know that in 95% cases you are the reason for the lack of money? Your mentality simply pushes money away from you. Can this be changed? Sure! Simple exercises that will make you look at money problems very differently, and can become the first bricks in the foundation of your financial well-being are called to help you. 1. For starters, take a notebook and write down what you fear or dread financially, what money issues "stress" you out? It could be a fear such as: What if I don't have enough money to pay my bills?
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Who among us has not dreamed of a stable, large and independent income? Now imagine that every day, year after year, begins with receiving $86,400 from the bank. Gratuitously and completely at your disposal. Anything you don't have time to spend during the day is burned, and the next morning you receive another $86,400, which you are free to spend as you see fit. What would you do? Naturally, you would try to spend every penny of it, trying to fulfill all your desires and opportunities. And maybe not just yours. After all, the amount remaining at the end of the day is all...
Читать далее » - 06/08: The lowest gold price was recorded in April 2001, when the price of the precious metal reached $255.3 per ounce. After that, the price of gold increased continuously for 12 years, which is not typical for any other asset. Now may be the third year in a row that the price of gold has declined. 1. The longer the rise in the price of an asset, the longer the correction in gold may be. If you compare gold to stocks, what would the correction on stocks be if they had been rising for 12 consecutive years? 2. China gold statistics...
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Everyone wants to become rich, but few know how, and even fewer actually do. We offer you 20 simple rules and recommendations that will help you understand how to become rich in the coming years. How to make money? If you don't have enough money, you need to find new ways to earn it, not run after loans. Often, making little money is the reason you don't appreciate your work. If you feel that you can do more, try to find other options for work, or better yet, your own business. Sometimes a hobby successfully grows into a business, you just have to think about it and take the time. The size of your fortune corresponds directly to...
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How is that possible? A person works literally to the bone, and still no money. Each of us has such acquaintances, and perhaps someone recognizes himself in these words... Bad job, inadequate bosses, "they don't appreciate me at all" - it's very convenient to look for the cause in this. In fact, scientific research shows that in 95% cases the main reason lies in ourselves. And its name is delusions about money, which are firmly rooted in our consciousness. They confidently sit in our heads and become an obstacle to wealth and happiness. But is this obstacle insurmountable? The experts of magazine...
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Robert Thomas Fletcher - the famous American businessman, founder of the training project "How to become a millionaire," who became a millionaire at the age of 22, shares his advice on how to become rich. 1. 1. Do you want to be rich? Stop wasting money! The simplest example. A person spends money without regard to their financial situation. Despite insufficient income, many people want to own expensive smartphones, cars, or televisions, without thinking about how they will have to pay their debts later. Advice: Don't waste your money! 2. How to get rich? Be sure to set aside a portion of your income The optimal amount of money to be set aside is 10%-40% of your monthly income. What is it for? For unexpected expenses and profitable investments, of course....
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Habit is second nature. The ancient Roman orator Cicero talked about this, as did research by modern psychologists. Without noticing it, we shape our daily life under the influence of habits. So it should come as no surprise that poverty is also a habit that many people unconsciously develop in themselves. How do you get out of the habit of being poor? Perhaps in the patterns described below that make people poorer, you will find something similar to your habits? If so, it's time to kick the habit of being poor. 1 habit - complaining Whatever the tears are about, they're all about self-pity How many times have you heard friends or acquaintances complain...
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Original title: The Brain Sell: When Science Meets Shopping Author: David Lewis Publisher: Mann, Ivanov & Ferber, 2015. ISBN 978-5-00057-332-7 Pages: 304 p. Format: 70×100/16 (170×240 mm) Circulation: 2000 copies. Weight: 304 g Binding: Hardcover Buy Book Read Book | PDF A book about what attracts us so much in stores and how to shop properly The book "Neuromarketing in Action" will tell you what and how makes us buy more - even if we don't want to. From laboratories, science has come to the supermarket in your neighborhood--and it's having a major impact on you. In a highly competitive marketplace, companies are using brain science to analyze how we make...
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Warren Buffett is one of the greatest investors of the modern financial world, nicknamed "The Oracle of Omaha" for his accurate economic predictions. Buffett is one of the richest men in the world; his statements on any subject immediately make the headlines and are quoted in the media. Warren Buffett is already 82 years old, but he is still active, exploring new investment opportunities. It's 2015, and Buffett is ready to offer us his predictions for the coming 365 days. The Oracle of Omaha: Curious Life Facts Buffett first bought securities at age 11. Almost his entire fortune (99%) was earned by Buffett after 50 years....
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In the foreign exchange market, as in any other business, there are people who, without exaggeration, can be called real legends. Most traders, at a glance, can only name George Soros. However, apart from him, there are some more great people thanks to whom the currency market exists as it is known to everybody. William Delbert Gunn William Gunn (6.06.1878 - 18.06.1955) is one of the most mysterious and legendary traders of the world. Over time, the personality of Gunn has become riddled with rumors and speculation. In particular, there is a widely circulated opinion that Gunn was a member of the Brotherhood of Freemasons and had vast wealth. Along with this is popular and another opinion, according to which Gunn ...
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Each person's relationship with money is different. Some have a strong friendship with it, some not so strong, but everyone wants to have it. Money is favorable to those who know how to deal with it, who observe its laws. The laws of money are not very complicated. You can simply ignore them, considering them foolishness - and absolutely in vain. Money loves respect for itself and its laws. 1. Choose your attitude toward money Everyone has the right to choose his or her attitude toward money - to be wealthy or not. Often one is trapped by stereotypes and beliefs created by oneself. They have a limiting function and do not allow a person to...
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It turns out that your personal well-being depends a lot on what kind of wallet you use. Take out your wallet and assess whether it attracts money, or on the contrary - pushes it away from you? What should be a wealthy person's wallet? 1. Wallet should be respectable Cheap wallet initially charged on the poverty and can not attract a lot of money, because simply for them is not intended. Have you never met a world-famous figure in a bus? Of course, not everyone has enough money for an expensive purse. Here there is no need to go too far - you can stop at a medium purse. The most important thing is its respectable appearance. It must be functional.
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A businessman got into debt up to his eyeballs and did not know how to get out of a difficult situation. Business partners demanded payment, creditors demanded repayment. One day, this businessman was sitting in the park, with his hands around his head in despair, thinking of the thousand-first way to save his firm from bankruptcy. Suddenly some elderly man suddenly stopped in front of him. "I see you are seriously disturbed," he said. After listening to the businessman, the old man replied, "Apparently, I can help you." Asking the businessman's name, he wrote a check and handed it to the distressed man, "Take it. In exactly one year we will meet at this place, and then you can pay me back these...
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1. Never count your money and don't even know how much is in your wallet. Maybe you're just a billionaire and tired of counting it? Remember - money likes counting. 2. "How am I going to save if I'm not earning?" Try saving just 10% of the amount passing through your hands, and pretty soon you'll be pleasantly surprised by the money you've accumulated that you just didn't notice before. 3. In order to save and save, you need to earn a lot This is the wrong approach. Saving 10% from your salary will not play a significant role, but over time, can turn you into a millionaire. If you look at the statistics, it's...
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Деньги, семья, личное счастье, как и множество других важных моментов в жизни человека, веками обсуждаются учеными, проводятся исследования с целью определения взаимосвязей между данными факторами, зависимости одной сферы от другой. Сегодня журнал хотел бы познакомить вас с исследованием экономистов Йюджина Прото из Уорикского университета и Альдо Рустичини из Университета Миннесоты, которые изучали взаимосвязь ВВП на душу населения различных стран и счастья в жизни среднестатистического человека. Также Вас могут заинтересовать ТОП-10 малоизвестных мест мира, которые стоит посетить Восемь шагов, которые вас сведут к финансовому неблагополучию Задействуем мозг на полную: принципы Николы Теслы Несколько не хитрых советов пользователю компьютера 10 опасных…
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