Exchange Dictionary

  • What are federal loan bonds? Federal Loan Bonds (OFZ) are one of the types of securities in Russia that are issued by the Ministry of Finance. In essence, bonds have a standard format, their peculiarity only in the fact that the reliability of the securities is ensured by the state itself. What is the essence of federal loan bonds? Essentially, when you buy OFZs, you lend money to the government for a certain period of time. With OFZs, you'll receive coupon income (usually once every six months) for the entire term of the bond. At the end of the term, you'll receive a refund of the original cost of the bond itself. Types of Federal Loan Bonds Federal Loan Bonds are divided into several types based on the type of coupon payment and face value. By type of coupon payment...

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  • What is an option? Option (lat. optio - choice, desire, discretion) is a standardized contract related to the so-called derivatives or derivative financial instruments, under which the seller gives the buyer the right, but not the obligation, to buy a specified asset within a certain time at a specified price. The writer of the option is then required to make a reciprocal opposite transaction in the asset in accordance with the terms of the sold option. What kind of options are there? There are three types of options: call option - an option which gives the right to buy the asset at a fixed price; put option - an option which gives the right to sell the asset at a fixed price; double option. Depending on the underlying asset and...

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  • What is the cross rate of currencies on the ? Cross rate is the ratio of the rates of two currencies, which is determined on the basis of their rate to the third. Since all currencies are quoted against the U.S. dollar, the third currency is the U.S. dollar. At the currency market the term cross rate characterizes currency pairs without the participation of the U.S. dollar. What are the cross rates at ? Currency cross rates can be divided into the following groups cross rates with Euro; cross rates with Yen cross rates with Pound Sterling; commodity cross rates (with Australian, New Zealand and Canadian dollars). Cross rates between the main hard currencies on the interbank Forex currency market have the largest trading volumes: EUR/JPY, EUR/CHF,...

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  • What is a timeframe?

    What is a time frame? A time frame is an interval of time for grouping price quotations of any instrument to create a minimum element of a price chart. Minimal elements, most often bars, are used to display price movement. What timeframes are available in MetaTrader 4? Standard timeframes for the MetaTrader 4 terminal include: 1 minute - M1 5 minutes - M5 15 minutes - M15 30 minutes - M30 1 hour - H1 4 hours - H4 1 day - D1 or Daily 1 week - W1 or Weekly 1 month - MN or Monthly In other terminals you may find timeframes in a different breakdown: M10, M20, H2,...

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  • What is a futures? Futures (futures contracts) is a derivative security (derivative) which is an agreement to set conditions for buying or selling a standard quantity of a certain asset at a certain time in the future, at a price set at the time of the transaction. There is a rule that there should be at least two working days between setting the terms of the transaction and its execution, otherwise the transaction is considered to be immediate. Why are futures contracts needed? Futures have three general purposes: the most important purpose of futures in general is to determine the price of an instrument. The applied meaning for market players can be one of two (or a combination): insurance against financial risks, i.e., hedging...

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  • What is a sideways trend (neutral) is also called a "flat" trend. A sideways trend reflects a stage in the development of the value of securities and other assets when price fluctuations are very small over a fairly long period of time. Most often, it occurs due to uncertainty in general world trends. A sideways trend is opposed to an uptrend or a downtrend. In technical analysis, a neutral trend is identified by a sideways channel. How to recognize and identify a neutral trend? The signs of a neutral trend or a flat on the price chart are price highs and lows, which are located approximately at the same level. A neutral trend on the price chart of a currency pair, as well as other types of trends,...

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  • Asylum Currency

    What is a shelter currency? A sanctuary currency is a slang exchange term that defines a currency as a means of hedging or temporarily preserving assets during crises or increased volatility in the markets. Which currencies qualify as safe haven currencies? A safe haven currency is the currency of the country with the most stable economy and often a low interest rate. Historically this role has been played by the Swiss franc and Japanese yen as well as gold as the most liquid instrument in the market. Other articles on Forex Currency Types: Refuge and Commodity Currencies Forex Fundamental Analysis: Forex Features Worth Watching Hedging: Effective Insurance Against Trading Risks Interest Rates: Risk-free Returns

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  • What is equity? Equity is one of the trading account indicators representing the amount of free funds on the trader's deposit, i.e. the funds that can be used for trading. Calculation of equity is carried out according to the following formula: Equity = balance + floating profit - floating loss. Positions opened by the client at the moment of calculation of equity are taken into account. For example, the trader has a deposit of $1,000, on which there are 2 open transactions. On one transaction the current loss is $50, on the second transaction the current profit is $75. Equity will be equal to $1000 +75 - 50 = $1,025. Note that equity is...

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  • A temporary trend reversal (correction, pullback) is a temporary reversal of an established trading trend during the so-called moments of overbought and oversold market, when traders and investors decide to fix already profitable positions, since the activity of the initial movement has greatly decreased. Usually such a temporary reversal or correctional movement accounts for half or a third of the main movement. After that, the main trend movement regains its strength, recovers the pullback and strengthens, allowing the trader who caught the movement to make a significant profit. How to trade on a trend reversal and correction? Trading on a temporary trend reversal can be associated with large losses. It is not for nothing that the market says "The trend is a friend". Correction movement can...

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  • Monetary policy

    What is monetary policy? Monetary policy (MP) is also known as the monetary policy of the state and is a set of measures that are taken by the Central Bank of the country by influencing the state of credit and money circulation. These measures are a way to regulate business activity, create favorable economic conditions for citizens' living and doing business, strengthen the national currency rate, and maintain stability in the country and sustainability of the balance of payments. What are the objectives of monetary policy? The objectives of the state's monetary policy are: Regulating inflation Achieving full employment Regulating the growth rate of the economy Timely response to cyclical fluctuations in the economy Ensuring stability and regulating the balance of payments What are the instruments of monetary policy? The main instruments of monetary policy are...

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  • The National Bank of the Republic of Belarus (NBRB) is the central bank as well as a state body of the Republic of Belarus. It acts to ensure and develop reliable and efficient functioning of the payment and banking system of Belarus, to ensure and protect the stability of the Belarusian ruble, and acts exclusively in the interests of the country. It is located in Minsk, the capital of the country. History of the NBRB The bank was founded by the Council of People's Commissars in 1922 as the Belarusian Republican Bank. Soon it became subordinated to the State Bank of the USSR. The bank was reorganized in 1959 and 1987, and in its present form it appeared in 1990. Functions of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus In the process of accomplishing its tasks, the NBRB performs three main...

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  • Moody's Rating Agency

    When thinking about credit agencies, it is customary to speak first and foremost about the "Big Three," which include Standard & Poor's, Moody's, and Fitch Ratings, the best-known and oldest rating agencies. In some ways, their history is similar, but in some ways it is different. And if in the case of Standard & Poor's the beginning of the path was difficult, but nevertheless serene, the same cannot be said about the agency Moody's ... Moody's Rating Agency: the first appearance of Moody's is a rating agency, the full name of which is Moody's Investors Service. It is a subsidiary of Moody's Corruptions. It is engaged in credit ratings, research and risk analysis. It has had two openings, which may well be called...

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  • In this article we will discuss the work with the mobile terminal MetaTrader 4 and 5. For example, let's take the installation of the application for android, which will be about the same as the first launch of MT4 on iOS on iPhone or iPad. Our life is becoming more and more remote from home computers, so this instruction will help you navigate the trading process on your mobile device. To install the MT4 mobile terminal on your device, you should first of all go to the Play Store and enter "MetaTrader" in the search box. From the list of applications found, select the one signed by MetaQuotes Software Corp. (as a rule, the first one in the list) and go to...

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  • Pending Buy Stop order

    What is a pending Buy Stop order? A Buy Stop order is a type of pending order, which is a position to buy, opened by the broker when the price rises to the level specified by the trader. How does Buy Stop order work? A Buy Stop order is placed if a trader believes that the price will rise to a certain level, usually a resistance level, after which it will continue to rise. In this case the purchase will always be made at a price higher than the current market price. For example, on a daily chart of the AUD/USD currency pair, we observe a Double Bottom trend reversal pattern. We expect that soon the price will reach the resistance level at 0.7270, will break through it and the pair will start to form an uptrend.

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  • Here are 5 questions, the answers to which will show your knowledge of how Central Banks work in the world. Central bank decisions always have a strong effect on national currency rates, so this knowledge will be very useful if you plan to trade profitably. At the end of the test, there are the answers. If you have noticed your mistake, do not hesitate to follow this link and close your knowledge gap. 1. The largest foreign exchange reserves in the world are... a) U.S. Federal Reserve System; b) European Central Bank; c) People's Bank of China; d) International Monetary Fund. 2. The slang name "The Old Lady" is... a) The Reserve Bank of Australia; b) The Swiss National Bank; c) The Bank of...

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  • National Bank of Ukraine (NBU)

    National Bank of Ukraine (NBU, Ukr. National Bank of Ukraine) is the central bank of the country. NBU is a legal entity, state-owned and has a registered capital of 10 million hryvnia. The main function of the NBU is to maintain the stability of the national currency - the Ukrainian hryvnia, as well as price stability and banking system, within the allotted powers. History of the National Bank of Ukraine The starting point for the establishment of the NBU was the law "On Banks and Banking Activity" adopted by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on March 20, 1991. The basis of the NBU was its predecessor - the Ukrainian Republican Bank of the State Bank of the USSR. In the nineties of the last century Ukraine faced a complete inadequacy of the financial system to the market conditions, as well as monstrous inflation, which...

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  • People's Bank of China (PBOC)

    The People's Bank of China (NBK, Bank of China) (Chinese tr. 中國人民銀行, 中中国人民银行, Pinyin: Zhōngguó Rénmín Yínháng, Pall: Zhongguo Rénmín Yínháng) is the central bank of the PRC. The Bank of China reportedly has the largest foreign exchange reserves in the world, exceeding 3.2 trillion U.S. dollars. History of the People's Bank of China The People's Bank of China was the result of the merger and nationalization of three major commercial banks in 1947: Huabei Bank, Beihai Bank and Xibei Agricultural Bank. Because of the civil war, the headquarters of the NBK was located in Shijiazhuang and was not moved to Beijing until 1949. From 1949 to 1978, the Bank of China was the only bank in the country. To the sphere...

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  • Economic sanctions

    Economic sanctions - economic measures of a restrictive nature, which are applied by a state or a group of states to another country. Sanctions may take the form of a complete or partial ban on exports and imports of products, as well as the introduction of restrictions on financial transactions, including cross-border payments and investments. Currently, a number of multilateral mechanisms for imposing sanctions by the international community against individual states, the basis for which are decisions of the United Nations, have been developed. The purpose of economic sanctions is to force a state government to change its policies. This can have different levels of significance: from changing decisions on individual agreements, to radical changes in the state structure. It can also include accession to a certain international treaty,...

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  • Repurchase agreement rate (repo rate) - interest rate, which is used when carrying out repo transactions. Repo operations mean operations with securities with the obligatory obligation of the seller to repurchase the security from the buyer after a certain period of time and at a certain price. Actually, a repo transaction is a short-term loan against securities, although it is formalized as a purchase and sale transaction. It is expressed as a percentage per annum. High repo rates have a negative effect on consumer credit growth and a positive effect on savings growth, which in turn leads to slower economic growth. As a rule, an increase in repo rates causes an inflow of capital into...

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  • The Swiss National Bank (SNB) began its work by opening representative offices in the five cities of Basel, Bern, Geneva, St. Gallen and Zurich. In 1903 the government's national advisor, Scherrer-Fuller, proposed a bill to establish a central bank of its own in Switzerland. A federal law on the National Bank was passed on October 6, 1905, and took effect on January 16, 1906. June 20, 1907. It is now also active in Lausanne, Lugano and Lucerne. According to the Swiss Federal Banking Act, the Swiss central bank is a joint-stock company with a special constitution and its functions are regulated by special...

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