• At the moment on the market of PAMM-platforms there are not many products worthy of attention, but they still exist. One such service is the service provided by FxPro - FxProSuperTrader. It is worth mentioning that this is not a PAMM service, the platform works on the principle "the capital is with the investor, and trades are automatically copied". This solves many problems. Reviews of FxProSuperTrader First of all, the investor limits his own risks. This means that if an investor is willing to risk 10 % of his deposit in a trade, this is the value he sets. When the specified parameters are reached, the investment account will be detached from the account of the selected manager. Reviews on the Internet about this...

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  • Gradually PAMM-accounts are passing into the category of habitual ways to earn and save valuable capital. Actually, in the category of highly profitable investments PAMM-services have no competitors (at least at the moment). In times of crisis the traditional bank deposits do not save from inflation, and the stock market requires a good preparation and a large budget. That is why more and more people who are thinking about the safety of funds, pay attention to the services of PAMM-accounts. Such results are achieved due to the fact that both groups and independent traders can participate in the system. High-yield investments in the market can be a good solution, but not everyone is ready to spend all their free time on trading and studying the market. Those who...

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  • The financial market is a place with unlimited possibilities. Everyone can apply their experience here and achieve success. But practice shows that accessibility and great potential are not always a guarantee of profitability and material stability. Your experience comes at the cost of your time, trial and error, and missed opportunities. And even if you achieve a stable profitability, trading on the exchange market is not always what you really want to do. For many who want to be involved in stock trading and profit from it, but don't trade on their own, there is a pretty good solution. It combines capital investors with...

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  • PAMM-accounts - a fairly new, but already proven tool for multiplying your capital. You will definitely appreciate all the advantages of investing in PAMM-accounts, because today the service is at the peak of modern trends in private investing. In this review, we will consider a service company Forex4You, for nearly a decade, providing services to the market forex-trading. About Forex4You Forex4You is a trademark of the holding company E-Global Trade, which was registered in the British Virgin Islands back in early 2007. What is interesting, the company's services are in demand not only in Russia and Eastern Europe. In fact, most of the international domain's visitors come from southeast Asia, where you can meet many customers from...

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  • STForex, a rather young company, has been providing trading services on the market since 2014. Despite little practical experience, judging by the reviews on the Internet, the company has a good reputation among traders. Indeed, judging by the products and services -broker, you can see how the company is trying to apply its vision to the already established in the industry notion of the level of services provided. The broker operates on STP technology, which means you can expect low floating spreads. Nevertheless, the commission offered by the broker is not the smallest on the market. The main investment service of the company, the PAMM-accounts service, has a rather unique design and allows you to register both as an investor and as a...

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  • PAMM service from Insta began its work in 2010 and quickly enough became one of the most popular PAMM-services in Russia and the CIS. In many respects it was achieved due to the absence of strict restrictions on the minimum deposit of PAMM accounts, the size of investments and investment period, giving clients almost complete freedom of choice. Also, the company has developed an advanced account monitoring system combined with the ForexCopy system. Depending on your intentions, you can register as a PAMM-trader, PAMM-investor or a PAMM-partner. We will show you how to register a new account, make a deposit and then invest in a PAMM project. Account registration In order to...

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  • Today in my author's column I would like to discuss the quality of PAMM services. I and my colleagues have already written many times about how to choose such a service, how to choose a trust manager and the amount to invest and other questions (see the PAMM investing section), but this time we will talk in a different context... In the context of the safety of your investments and their protection from the machinations of the company, "unexpected" bankruptcies and plums of incredibly successful traders. "PAMM-services" in a beautiful package It is difficult to say whether today there are traders with experience of more than 5-6 years, who, one way or another, have not suffered from the closed...

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  • Good afternoon, dear readers. It has been quite a long period since our last investment in the PAMM accounts of TenkoFX. During this time, of course, there have been significant changes in our portfolio, as we watched the situation and changed the trustees, based on the level of losses. Some PAMMs were simply closed, in others there were severe failures, for which we have paid with our money... Here is the minus! To the latter we can refer the work of PAMM HermesRUB, which has had the strongest drawdown at the beginning of autumn. Now it has won it back and even added to the profit, but it has lost almost 30% from our deposit with the potential for further fall, which was subsequently confirmed by the chart and...

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  • Hello, dear investors. At the beginning of the summer we started with you the process of creating a trading portfolio for 500$ in the service of PAMM accounts of TenkoFX. If you remember, we invested the specified amount in the four most successful, in our opinion, traders and began to wait for the result in 4 trading weeks. The first couple of weeks everything went quite successfully. We earned profit on the total amount of all PAMM accounts, so we decided for some time to stop watching so closely our investments and go to the personal cabinet only in the middle of July to get new data before writing the article and to make some changes in accordance with the new PAMM accounts appeared. Unfortunately, everything went...

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  • So, we have dealt with the main topics, which should at least slightly open for you the process of investing in PAMM accounts. Recent events with the most active PAMM platforms, of course, somewhat damaged the overall impression of the service, however, let's not think badly of all companies and still continue our conversation about this method of investing in . PAMM investing in practice Starting with this article we will move on to one of the most interesting stages in the study of PAMM, namely, we will take the service by fight - start trial investing, using different strategies. To begin with we have 500$ and desire to get...

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  • For those who closely follow my column on investing in PAMM, I will not open America, saying that it is a very curious and profitable experience for those who do not want or cannot trade on their own on , but do not mind a good profit from investing free funds. In this article, I would like to summarize our master class, giving 10 simple tips for PAMM investors for profitable and smart investing in PAMM on . 1. Choose thoroughly the company with which you plan to cooperate This is my most important advice to date. About why it is profitable for brokers to keep PAMM service I wrote in details in 91...

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  • February was marked by another stock exchange scandal: a large number of complaints from investors and PAMM managers regarding the service and payments by Pantheon-Finance provoked a conflict with the founder of this type of trust management on the market, the broker Alpari. The public not very attractive disputes between the two companies, most probably aimed at advertising their own services, attracted the attention of the regulator - the Russian Federal Service for Financial Markets, which put Pantheon-Finance in the "black list", suddenly seeing in its actions signs of a pyramid, and together with him there also defined the partner company - broker Forex Trend, indicating its unscrupulous business. So, the winter ends with another "war", but we'll discuss with you why...

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  • In the next article of the master class "PAMM-accounts and investments on" we will discuss with you an important question - what is the optimal amount for investment in PAMM on . We have already gone quite deep into the issues of modern asset management at , we have studied how to choose a trading account, how to choose a company for cooperation, assess the risks, etc. Now we can go on to the process of investment and we should start with your desires and opportunities. To invest today in one or several PAMM-accounts in the foreign exchange market is possible literally in a few minutes. Account opening at the broker became very simple process, it is also possible to deposit it through electronic payment systems, which takes very little time...

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  • We continue to study the processes of trust management on . In the previous articles of this series we have considered in details the principles of PAMM accounts and PAMM platforms, learned about the nuances of working with them. However, this is not the end of the types of trust management services at the exchange market. There is another type of automated investing offered by some brokers, called LAMM. Let's discuss the difference between these two services and try to determine whether it is more profitable to invest in PAMM or LAMM. Other articles of the master class "PAMM-accounts and investments on " Investing in PAMM: where to start an investor? PAMM-account as an effective investment tool PAMM-portfolios - a financial tool with diversification of risks PAMM account offer - a modern investment tool...

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  • An important factor allowing the PAMM investor to choose the right PAMM manager is a satisfactory service agreement or, as is true for most modern PAMM-platforms - the PAMM account offer. The offer in this case is a set of basic conditions on which the trustee takes the funds in his investment account. Investing money in the chosen PAMM-account, the investor automatically accepts all conditions of such an offer. Therefore, to fully understand what you finally agree with, let's analyze in detail the work of this contract for trust management. Other articles of the master class "PAMM-accounts and investments on " Investing in PAMM: where to begin an investor? PAMM-account as an effective investment tool PAMM-portfolios - a financial tool with...

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  • Thinking about a decent future, many people do not even think about the fact that it is unlikely to be possible without proper financial planning. Some, in the old way, pin their hopes on the fact that the state will provide them with a decent pension, and someone, like an ostrich, hides his head in the sand, trying not to think about it and living only for today. Nevertheless, in conditions of unstable economic situation and having already had the example of freezing of pension savings by the state, the question of independent provision of their financial future is becoming more and more urgent. One of the ways to passive income is investing in PAMM-accounts, which cannot do without a clear plan. Only the presence of a competent investment plan...

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  • Not all investors who decided to invest in PAMM-accounts know that in order to get the income it is important not only to properly approach the choice of a broker and manager of the PAMM-account, but also to the choice of the optimal time for investment. In the process of monitoring of PAMM-accounts, it is unlikely to find an account manager, the graph of the profitability of which will be exclusively ascending over a long enough period of time. So how to choose the right time to invest in PAMM-accounts? When NOT to invest: assess the profitability of the PAMM account First of all, you need to evaluate the history of trading operations of the PAMM Account Manager. The most optimal time for investing in PAMM can be determined by the peak on the profitability chart. For example, take two PAMM-accounts: with...

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  • So, you have free funds for investment or profitability of independent trading stopped satisfying you, and you decided to use the results of managing traders, investing in a PAMM account at . PAMM investments - an excellent decision, because the profitability of asset management can significantly exceed the interest from passive investments (for example, from the deposit in the bank) and give even more than 100% per annum, but do not forget that the higher the income, the higher the risks. Making a decision about investing in PAMM All that is connected with trading and speculation requires a considered and serious approach, because high profits can often be replaced by losses. No one is insured from this...

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  • When investing in financial assets, the return will directly depend on the level of risk the investor takes. Naturally, the greatest losses can be obtained when trading high-yielding assets. Managers of PAMM-accounts show investors a ready method of placing free funds, which brings tangible practical results and is more stable. One of the best options is a ready-made portfolio of PAMM-accounts. Variants of the formation of a PAMM-portfolio If we consider portfolios of PAMM-accounts as a financial tool, they can be referred to the strategic method of making a profit from investments. A ready-made portfolio can be formed in two ways: By a broker providing PAMM investing services. The investor himself/herself having already gained PAMM-investing skills. At formation of PAMM-portfolios experts...

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  • Investing in PAMM-accounts is gaining more and more popularity nowadays. However, choosing the right PAMM platform for investment is half the battle. The greater the profit, the greater the risks, so it is very important to diversify risks by dividing your capital among the selected PAMM-accounts. Do not strive for super-profitable Some investors have a rather frivolous attitude to investing, burning desire to maximize their profits every month, often unnecessarily risking and forgetting the main rule of PAMM-Investing: it is good if you manage to get a small profit, and very good when you can earn a lot of money. It is very important to have patience and not to strive for super profits. Usually, beginners, in the pursuit of profitability lose their money, and the patient investors earn a lot...

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