General concepts
When thinking about credit agencies, it is customary to speak first and foremost about the "Big Three," which include Standard & Poor's, Moody's, and Fitch Ratings, the best-known and oldest rating agencies. In some ways, their history is similar, but in some ways it is different. And if in the case of Standard & Poor's the beginning of the path was difficult, but nevertheless serene, the same cannot be said about the agency Moody's ... Moody's Rating Agency: the first appearance of Moody's is a rating agency, the full name of which is Moody's Investors Service. It is a subsidiary of Moody's Corruptions. It is engaged in credit ratings, research and risk analysis. It has had two openings, which may well be called...
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The Treaty of Maastricht is a document that was signed on February 7, 1992 in Maastricht, the Netherlands, which marked the beginning of the European Union. The purpose of the Maastricht Treaty The Maastricht Treaty was designed to transform the then European Community into a political, economic and monetary bloc. It was the Maastricht Treaty which set the criteria for the country's joining the EU: inflation growth rate, level of interest rates, government budget deficit, public debt level and others. The Maastricht Treaty also defined the procedure for the introduction of the single European currency "Euro" and provided for the creation of a financial regulator (European Central Bank). The Treaty significantly expanded the powers of the European Parliament, which...
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The eurozone is a monetary union that unites 19 countries of the European Union (EU). The official currency of the eurozone is the euro. States members of the monetary union are required to issue and use in free circulation banknotes and coins denominated in euro. It should be noted that the European Central Bank (ECB) is responsible for the monetary policy of the countries of the Eurozone. Eurozone consists of 19 European Union countries: Austria, Belgium, Germany, France, Finland, Greece, Spain, Italy, Ireland, Netherlands, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Cyprus, Malta, Estonia, Slovakia, Slovenia and Portugal. All of the above countries use the euro as their official national currency. The following EU countries are not included in the Eurozone: United Kingdom, Denmark and Sweden, because the residents of these countries...
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Skolkovo Science City (Silicon Valley) is a scientific center created in the Russian Federation to develop new technologies. The project is made by analogy with the Silicon Valley in the USA. Science town is located in the eastern part of Odintsovsky district of Moscow region. The purpose of building Skolkovo is a reorientation of the Russian economy and transfer to a more technological and innovative way of development. The main areas of the science city are biomedical and nuclear technology, energy, telecommunications and space, as well as information technology. The Skolkovo Foundation has three advisory bodies, namely the Board of Trustees (chaired by Dmitry Medvedev), the Advisory Scientific Council (co-chaired by Zh. Alferov and R. Kornberg) and the Foundation Council (V. Vekselberg and K. Barrett). The President of the Foundation...
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Российский Алюминий (ОК «РУСАЛ», Объединённая компания «РУСАЛ», United Company RUSAL, UC Rusal) – это объединённая алюминиевая компания России. Компания Русал является крупнейшим производителем первичного алюминия и глинозема в мире. Все заводы компании суммарно выплавляют 4,7 млн. тонн алюминия и выпускают 11,5 млн. тонн глинозема. Деятельность компании ориентирована на добычу бокситов, производство алюминия и глинозема. Также компания «РУСАЛ» занимается выпуском фольги, кремния, порошков, пудры, галлия и прочего. Штаб-квартира «Российского алюминия» находится в Москве, однако компания зарегистрирована на острове Джерси (Великобритания). Генеральным директором компании «РУСАЛ» является Олег Дерипаска. Компания «РУСАЛ» образована в 2007 году путем слияния компаний «Русский алюминий», «Сибирско-уральской алюминиевой компании» и…
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ОАО «АвтоВАЗ» — крупнейший машиностроительный завод России, основанный в 1966 году. В настоящее время компания ориентирована на выпуск легковых автомобилей торговой марки «Lada», а также на поставку машинокомплектов другим заводам. Ранее «АвтоВАЗ» выпускал автомобили марок «Жигули», «Ока», «Нива», «Самара» и «Спутник». Завод расположен в городе Тольятти Самарской области. Здесь же находится и штаб-квартира компании. Генеральным директором ОАО «АвтоВАЗ» является И.А. Комаров. Деятельность компании в основном ориентирована на внутренний рынок, а также страны СНГ. Следует заметить, что в числе акционеров «АвтоВАЗа» присутствует компания Renault. Руководители завода связывают развитие «АвтоВАЗа» с дальнейшим сотрудничеством с инженерным альянсом Renault-Nissan.
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A private equity fund (PIF) is a type of mutual investment fund (MIF) that inverts funds in promising industries and companies. At the same time, the DIF acquires at least 10% shares of a promising company, and sometimes even a controlling stake, taking an active part in management. The activity of Private Equity Funds is aimed at long-term stimulation of the most promising industries of the country. Private equity funds buy existing shares of a company by repurchasing them from shareholders, and also buy new shares issued by an additional issue. PEFs have the right to participate in the management of the investee company, as well as to influence the company itself by having a representative on the board of directors. The Private Equity Fund takes a supervisory...
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Параметр FTc (ForTrader coefficient) – коэффициент эффективности торгового счета, использующий в своих расчетах его наиболее важные показатели: размер депозита, прибыль, плавающая просадка и количество сделок. Формула FTc FTc = (P + PR)*100/D*S, где — P – максимальная плавающая просадка; — PR – зафиксированная прибыль; — D – депозит; — S – количество совершенных сделок. Информация по FTc обновляется вместе с данными по торговому счету. Соотношение показателей в параметре FTc показывает, насколько рискованной является торговля трейдера: чем ниже показатель, тем ниже риск. Полезные ссылки: Торговые стратегии индикаторы для МТ4
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What is the stock market? The stock market is a part of the monetary and financial market turnover. The essence of the RCB is the purchase and sale of securities and their issuance. The securities market is represented by a network of banks, stock exchanges and other specialized financial institutions. Through the RCB, there is an accumulation of funds of individuals and legal entities, as well as the state. The securities market interacts with the system of bank credit. Usually RZB and the stock market are equated, but there is a significant difference: since not all securities originate from monetary capital, the stock market cannot be fully attributed to the financial market. Insofar as the RZB is based on money as...
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What is the IMF? The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is a financial institution established after World War II with the aim of creating a stable economy in each country, preventing possible economic shocks in the world, ensuring economic and trade cooperation between countries and stabilizing the balance of payments of its members, if necessary. The International Monetary Fund operates on the basis of the IMF Charter. It is a specialized agency of the United Nations with headquarters in Washington, D.C., United States. What countries are members of the International Monetary Fund? The International Monetary Fund has 188 member countries. Membership in the IMF is open to any state that pursues an independent foreign policy and is willing to accept the rights and...
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Who is a speculator? A speculator (from Latin speculatio - tracking, looking out) is a legal or private person who enters into a transaction to profit from changes in the price of an asset being bought or sold. Depending on the price fluctuations, the speculator selects the time of opening and the duration of position holding. In the stock markets, speculators are commonly referred to as traders. What is the role of the speculator on the stock exchange? At the exchange, speculators fulfill several functions: they take over the risk of hedgers, which allows the hedgers to agree on the price with sellers much faster; they play the role of a "bridge" between the buy and offer prices of securities, which increases the exchange efficiency; they help increase the general liquidity of the market. Thanks to speculators, transactions with...
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What is the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS)? The Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) of Russia is an authorized federal executive body responsible for adopting regulations and monitoring compliance with the antimonopoly legislation, legislation on natural monopolies (as far as the powers of an antimonopoly authority are legally established), advertising, monitoring foreign investments in business entities of strategic importance for national defense and security Official website of the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS of Russia): What...
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Gold is not just a precious metal. Along with some currencies, SDRs, IMF reserve positions, gold (in the form of gold and foreign exchange reserves of states) belongs to the international liquid resources. International gold market has its own structure and a number of features, which we will discuss in this article. Evolution of gold price For more than 40 years there have been two parallel prices for gold: real and official. From 1933 to 1976 the official price of gold was determined by the U.S. Treasury. For example, beginning in 1944, the official price of a troy ounce was set at $35. In 1971, when the U.S. currency was devalued, the official price of the metal...
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