The richest people in the world

  • Вот уже более пятнадцати лет экономика Японии борется с дефляционными процессами. Монетарные власти не остаются в стороне и играют в этой борьбе ключевую роль, хотя и не всегда сходятся в методах решения проблемы с властями страны. На данный момент Япония идет по пути «Абэномики», приверженцем которой является и нынешний глава Банка Японии Харухико Курода. Харухико Курода (Haruhiko Kuroda) родился 25 октября 1944 года. В 1967 году получил степень бакалавра права Токийского университета, в 1971 году – магистра философии и экономики Оксфордского университета. В апреле 1967 года Курода был принят на работу в Министерство финансов Японии, где и работал до 2005…

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  • Глава Банка Англии Марк Карни – пожалуй, одна из самых заметных фигур в финансовом мире. Например, в отличие от своих коллег-управляющих крупнейшими ЦБ мира, Карни единственный, кто не выступает с критикой программы количественного смягчения, которую проводит ФРС США. Заслуги Марка Карни в преодолении последствий финансовых кризисов тяжело переоценить. В 2010 и 2011 годах он входил в список самых влиятельных людей мира по версии изданий Time и Financial Times, а в 2012 году, исполняя обязанности главы Банка Канады, был признан лучшим в мире управляющим Центрального Банка. Пригласив в 2013 году Марка Карни на пост главы Банка Англии британское Казначейство, пользуясь футбольной…

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  • Америка традиционно рождает выдающихся экономистов. Самые талантливые из них вершат историю своей страны, занимая руководящие посты в самых важных финансовых структурах. Среди них можно выделить поистине культовых деятелей, и одним из них является Бен Бернанке, бывший глава ФРС США. В данной статье журнал познакомит вас с жизнью и биографией этого американского экономиста. Бен Бернанке: бывший председатель управляющего Совета ФРС Детство и отрочество. Бен Шалом Бернанке (Ben Shalom Bernanke) родился 13 декабря 1953 года в городе Огасте (штат Джорджия), однако рос в Диллоне (штат Калифорния). С раннего детства оно проявил склонность к изучению математики, поначалу анализируя данные бейсбольной статистики. Кроме…

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  • Европейская экономика в составе международной занимает одну из передовых позиций, поскольку представляет интересы множества государств, входящих в ЕС. Европейский Центральный Банк по этой причине является одним из наиболее влиятельных финансовых структур современного экономического мира. Личность главы ЕЦБ, Марио Драги, особенно интересна трейдерам, т.к. именно он является основным выразителем идей Центробанка. Журнал предлагает вам познакомиться с ней. Действующий председатель ЕЦБ Марио Драги Родился Марио Драги 3 сентября 1947 года в Риме и еще с детства проявлял склонности к изучению математики. Это и определило его судьбу как экономиста. Получил образование Драги сначала в столичном университете Италии Ла Сапиенца, а затем продолжил…

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  • Выдающиеся личности творят историю и своей деятельностью влияют на судьбы сотен, а иногда и тысяч людей как в пределах определенного государства, так и во всем мире. Сегодня журнал хотел бы обратить ваше внимание на Джанет Йеллен – выдающегося специалиста в области экономики, главу Федеральной Резервной Системы, женщину, которая известна не только в США, но и далеко за ее пределами. Новоиспеченная глава ФРС Джанет Йеллен Детство и отрочество. Родилась Джанет в Бруклине от 13 августа 1946 года. После окончания средней школы в Бруклине она поступила в Университет Брауна, закончив его в 1967 году с отличием. Спустя четыре года получила доктора…

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  • He is called the Russian Buffett, he is ranked number one in Finance magazine's capital rankings, runs a solid business even by Russian standards, heads the Russian Biathlon Union, and in 2012 was a candidate for the presidency of Russia. Mikhail Prokhorov was ranked fifth by Forbes in 2007 and continues to be considered one of the most influential people in the country. Mikhail Prokhorov laid the foundation for his colossal fortune ($14.10 billion) by his own hand back in his student days, when after unloading railcars he started producing "boiled" jeans together with Alexander Khloponin (now governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory). After that, in the early 1990s Prokhorov worked in the joint-stock commercial...

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  • After pop stars, Roman Abramovich is probably the most mentioned person in the press who has his own colossal business. The guy from Saratov, who lost his parents early, was brought up by his uncle and aunt in the Komi Republic, an icon for Chukotka residents, a lover of huge yachts and soccer clubs, a fan of Daria Zhukova beauty, currently divorced Abramovich occupies, according to the rating of "Finance" magazine, the second largest fortune - at the beginning of the year it is estimated at $13.90 billion (408.4 billion rubles). After graduating from high school in the town of Ukhta in the Komi Republic, Roman Abramovich enrolled in the Industrial Institute, but upon completion of his first year was drafted into the army. Then, according to various sources, Abramovich continued his studies...

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  • For a long time Alexander Abramov remained in the shadow of more famous Russian oligarchs, but now the owner of EvrazHolding is one of the most influential figures both national and global financial space, not the first year he is included in the top 50 billionaires of the Russian Federation. In 2010, according to Finance magazine, Alexander Abramov's fortune was valued at $5.05 billion, ranking 21st in the Russian Federation. In 2009, according to Forbes magazine, he was 119th in the world list of billionaires. Alexander Grigorievich Abramov was born on February 20, 1959, in Krasnodar. In 1982 he graduated with honors from the Faculty of Molecular and Chemical...

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  • Victor Niederhoffer is certainly one of the most extraordinary and outstanding traders of our time. Despite the repeated failure of his financial initiatives in 2007 he was and still is in the list of the great stockbrokers of the planet. Victor Niederhoffer: sports representative Victor Niederhoffer was born in 1946 in the famous borough of New York, Brooklyn, in the family of a policeman and a schoolteacher. The boy's grandfather was a famous player on Wall Street and even boasted an acquaintance with the legendary trader Jesse Livermore. Perhaps such hereditary roots predetermined Victor's fate later on. The boy's childhood hardly indicated future fame in the financial world. It was more likely to be a sporting one: Victor was an early...

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  • A couple of times a year the press rejoices the reader - another trader or financier has been arrested who has eased his company's accounts by a solid amount of money. The last known scam is the losses of the Swiss bank UBS AG to the amount of $2.3 billion caused by the actions of trader Kvek Adoboli. However, it's quite possible that the specified sum isn't final - after the details of the incident became known, the bank suspended its advertisement, and the losses could grow. Of course, Mr. Adoboli didn't lose such a substantial sum at once - he had been trading for more than three years, making unauthorized transactions and trading, for example, futures on the S&P500 index and hedging risks...

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  • Warren Buffett (born August 30, 1930, Omaha, Nebraska, USA) is the modern symbol of an overachieving investor with all the qualities and virtues he needs. According to Forbes magazine, Buffett is the third richest man in the world, with a fortune of $50 billion. A childhood stock exchange lesson for Warren Buffett Those unfamiliar with the personality of the great billionaire are unlikely to believe that this affable older man who drives a used car to his favorite diner has capital on which he could easily buy up a dozen towns like Omaha, where he lives. Nevertheless, meet Warren Buffett, arguably one of the most...

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  • Alexander Gerchik's extraordinary fate could serve as a good storyline for a Hollywood movie. However, a movie has already been made about the famous Odessa trader: in a CBNS Wall Street Warriors project, conducted in 2006 among 2,000 traders, Gerchik was named the safest, with not a single bad day in his entire trading career. From Taxi Driver to Broker A graduate of a food technical school, Alexander Gerchik began continuing his education at university, but quickly dropped out and decided to go for free bread in New York. Arriving in 1993 to the financial capital of America, the Odessa emigrant, like most post-Soviet illegal immigrants, became a cab driver. During his three years in the service...

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  • Peter L. Bernstein (1919 - 2009) is an acknowledged popularizer of the investment business, having worked in the field for more than three decades and written countless academic papers and books. The financier willy-nilly The father of the hero of the article was a financial consultant, so it is quite possible that the subsequent financial successes of the extremely capable son were genetically predetermined. In 1967, on the unexpected death of Bernstein Sr. Peter inherited a family business consisting of a wealth management firm. By this time the new Bernstein-Macaulay Inc. fund manager had two college degrees under his belt, including the famous Harvard, service in the U.S. Air Force during World War II...

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  • John Murphy

    John Murphy is a recognized authority on technical analysis of the futures markets, having passed on his experience and knowledge to interested readers through dozens of books published. From Fundamentals to Technique A graduate in business management, John Murphy hardly imagined that his entire professional career would be devoted to mastering technical analysis. After graduation, he expected to work on fundamental analysis, hoping to get a job as a securities analyst on Wall Street. But it turned out that the recent student became an assistant to a portfolio manager of CIT Financial Corporation, drawing charts of quote changes for him. As Murphy recalls, he had to understand everything himself. The labors of technical...

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  • Bernard Baruch's influence on political and economic life in the United States in the first half of the twentieth century was as great as that of more famous oligarchs such as John P. Morgan and John D. Rockefeller. Before he became the "Gray Cardinal of the White House," however, the hero of this article won considerable laurels on Wall Street. A million of his last $500 Coming from a poor Jewish family, Bernard M. Baruch, after graduating from college in New York, was forced immediately to take a low-paying and little honorable job as a messenger in a broker's office. However, the shrewd and ambitious fellow made the most of an unenviable situation, from "errand boy" at first becoming...

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  • One of the most odious figures in trading, Jesse Livermore could not withstand the fourth fall, which proved fatal. To learn and understand the methods of the legendary Great Bear, Edwin Ledefre's book "Memories of a Stock Speculator" is recommended for reading, which, according to many, was partially written by the hero himself. It describes in sufficient detail the risk-free approach of Jesse Livermore, who sold shares at the first losses and gradually built up his share in the profitable securities package. The great trader laid down the main principles of technical and fundamental analysis, pointed out the main signals which indicate the entrance to the market, and also emphasized the importance of studying the companies themselves and the situation in the country in general. The great one himself...

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  • An old-school investor, Thomas Rowe Price was nevertheless able to adapt to the new conditions dictated by the times and still stay afloat. From chemist to investor Thomas Rowe Price was born in 1898 in Maryland, USA. His father was a successful country doctor, which may have influenced Thomas, who went to college after high school to study chemistry. However, the young man did not work in his profession for long, as he realized that he was more drawn to the study of companies and the analysis of their financial statements. Thomas decided to use his open analytical gift for its intended purpose, getting a job at a brokerage firm. There he became involved in advising clients...

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  • Imagine a project like the "Star Factory", only not preparing show business figures, but successful traders. Can you imagine? That's exactly what Richard Dennis did back in 1984, without the annoying television cameras, but under the scrutiny of financial circles. The Chicago king of futures Richard Dennis was attracted to the stock market at a very young age. Not having the right to be on the stock exchange as a minor, Dennis guided his father's actions with the help of gestures. He was a member of the stock exchange, but had little knowledge of trading, so he trusted his son with a more pronounced commercial vein. At that time Richard was a part-time bellboy in the trading room, earning the minimum monthly wage in America at that time of...

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  • Super successful stock trader and author of three best-selling books, Peter Lynch, however, has long since taken a well-deserved rest and is away from the turbulent vicissitudes of the market. Always listen to adults, especially while playing golf Like many children in the post-war era (born in 1944), Peter Lynch had a difficult childhood, aggravated by the loss of his father at age 10. So the boy is already eleven years of age to work as a handler for golf clubs. On a strange whim of fate, this hardly an honorable occupation had a decisive influence on further events in the life of a young boy. The regulars at that golf club were the big...

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  • In the New Year issue of we will talk about Leonid Fedun, a Russian oligarch, a former military man who made his fortune on oil and gasoline at the popular Lukoil company. Leonid Arnoldovich Fedun was born in Kiev on April 5, 1956 into the family of a military doctor. Having decided to continue his medical lineage, in 1972 Fedun entered the Rostov Higher Military Command School of Rocket Forces named after Chief Marshal of Artillery M. I. Nedelin at the Military and Political Department. Five years later, in 1977, having graduated from it, he continued to study at the Adjunct Military Academy named after F.E. Dzerzhinskiy. Dzerzhinsky Military Academy, from which he graduated in 1984 with the degree of Candidate of Philosophy. Fedun's dissertation was titled "Public Opinion as...

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