Search engines are getting smarter than we are every year. To make it "easier" for us to formulate a thought, or maybe to think in the right direction, starting to type in a search query on a topic of interest, we stumble upon so-called frequently asked questions. There are a lot of jokes on the web about this, and you can look at funny hints on almost any phrase. Start typing in "How to eat..." and get a chance to learn a little more about how to eat your neighbor's lunch 🙂

In the same way, you can learn a lot of interesting things about binary options. Depending on your preferences, you will be offered to inquire about strategies, indicators for BO, earnings, brokers, reviews, and will also offer to answer the question Are binary options a scam for suckers? The wording, of course, quite strange, but you can't take words out of the song, so let's discuss this burning topic of divorce and those who are caught in it.
Who gets scammed by binary options brokers?

We have been observing the relationship between brokers and traders on the forum and in real life for quite a long time. Of course, there have been very different situations, including extremely unsympathetic on both sides, but the vast majority of traders who are unhappy with their company are newbies. This happens for the usual reason: the company is very active in advertising that it is possible to make money on binary options:
- To 100% in 1 minute,
- Huge profits per month with a minimum waste of time,
- And build a super business with only work for yourself.
That is, brokers in the struggle for the client are ready to tell a lot of interesting stories, some of which may well be true, but forgetting to mention the risks of such earnings. Of course, on binary options it is possible to earn up to 100% from a contract per minute, you buy 60 seconds optionYou guess the direction and get the coveted prize. Similarly, you can get 1000% a month and successfully trade just for yourself. Except that no one says in the ads that 100% is also easy to lose in 60 seconds! And that's where beginners are left out, expecting to find the golden antelope, but in the end they lose money. Who is to blame for this situation? experts believe that both sides. The company - because it knowingly fails to fully explain the situation, and the trader - because he allows himself to invest in something he does not understand thoroughly. He makes a sucker himself and is afraid to admit his mistake... Alas!
How to make yourself a LOSH on binary options?

Of course, there are situations where brokers are somewhat flirtatious in their understatement. For example, most recently on the our forum we came across the discussion of the problem of one of the client, who gave permission to the analyst of the binary options broker to open a "very profitable deal" after a series of successful winnings. Well, what seems to be the problem, the company has already earned the client 10,000$ and promised to double the deposit with just one trade, but she forgot to specify that the expiration date of the contract will be in a year...
We do not exclude that the analyst warned the client about it in passing, that everything was done honestly, but it did not seem that she understood the situation to the end, since the previous contracts were only for a few days. It all became clear when she needed the money urgently, but it was too late.
"Playing on trust is not a good publicity stunt"," is a reference to brokers. "Don't make fools of yourself", is an appeal to newbie traders. The profit of binary brokers is your loss, no one wants and will not make you money in the company. Do not forget about it!
What to do not to become a sucker when trading binary options?
Our latest articles on binary options trading are similar to each other. In each one we tell you that trading is not an easy way to earn money, that no one wants your winnings, that you need to think with your head. The practice of the trading process is very easy to understand:
In two hours of uncomplicated reading, you will become a savvy user. It's much harder to be patient with practicing on a demo account, finding a successful strategy, and Selecting the best broker. In order not to become a sucker and not to fall under the "scam" in binary options, follow the simple rules and everything will work out.
- Learn all about binary options trading - don't fall for the enticement that it's the easiest earnings, that there's nothing to know. Yes, there isn't much to know, but it's a must to understand and try trading.
- Don't want to look stupid and lose your deposit? Start with demo trading or small bets. Do not risk everything at once, money does not like haste.
- Choose your binary options broker carefully. Check its reviews, trading conditions, service.
- NEVER let company representatives trade your funds. A normal broker has no right to give advice on trades individually or even more so to open something on your account without your knowledge. If they start offering you such service, immediately withdraw your deposit.
- Try to withdraw funds. This is necessary both for your psychological peace of mind and in order to avoid divorces associated with delays or denials of payments.
- Your deposit is money you can afford to lose. When you open an account, get over it! If you can't, put your money in the bank.
Situations when the trader himself is to blame
So, after a certain amount of time of binary options trading, you have a profit in your account, which you have decided to withdraw. However, the binary options broker refuses to withdraw your hard-earned money. How come? That's mine! Especially ardent traders immediately rush to the forums to open themes with claims to the brokers.
Is it about the broker? For what reasons, depending on you, can a binary options broker refuse to withdraw profits?
We have identified the four most common reasons why the trader can not get the profits earned solely due to his fault.
Reason #1. The broker of binary options does not withdraw profit because ... verification is not passed
Among many binary options traders there is an opinion that verification - is a way of complicating the already difficult life of a trader, which is specially invented by the broker. Verification is a mandatory requirement imposed on binary options brokers by the financial institutions which regulate their activities. The presence of a verification procedure at the broker of binary options is an indication that the company operates in the legal field. The list of documents required for verification may differ slightly from broker to broker, but the basic elements everywhere are a copy of the passport and a copy of the credit (charge) card.
Recommendation of In order to withdraw money quickly and safely, you need to prepare the necessary documents and pass verification in advance.
Reason #2. You have an unused bonus on your account
Unfortunately, at the moment, almost all of the leading binary options brokers slightly tightened the rules of withdrawal and withdrawal provided bonus funds.
[info_block align="right" linkText="Binary options: 9 bonuses for your trading account" linkUrl="" imageUrl=""]More about binary options trading bonuses[/info_block]
Previously, a client could withdraw his earned profit without touching the bonus and basic funds, but now, until the bonus is worked off, you will not be able to withdraw profits. The only funds you will be able to withdraw are your own money that you deposited into your account. In this case, both the bonus and the profit made will be burned. magazine recommendations: When using bonus funds, you should clearly understand that you are assuming additional obligations. Read the terms of the bonus carefully, and then decide whether you need it or not. Remember that the bonus is essentially a means of binding the trader to the broker.
Reason #3. The amount of withdrawal specified in the application exceeds the amount in the account
Almost every third trader has encountered this rather painful situation. Its essence is as follows. A certain profit has been earned. A request for withdrawal of funds from the account is formed. While the request is being processed by the corresponding service of the broker of binary options, the trader continues to trade, in case of loss of which the funds in the account are reduced or can be lost altogether.
Recommendations of Until the broker processes the withdrawal request and writes off the specified amount from your deposit, it is better to refrain from binary options trading. Take a rest from trading, take a break - it will only do you good.
Reason #4. Not provided credit (charge) card for withdrawal
Within the framework of existing legislation, licensed binary options brokers it is forbidden to withdraw to an e-wallet an amount greater than that which was deposited from it.
Recommendations from to simplify this technical moment of withdrawal, it is better to have a credit or charge card. At the moment - this is the most reliable and convenient way to deposit and withdraw funds when working with binary options brokers.
What do I need to know in order to withdraw my profits?
Unfortunately, most traders, in their desire to make quick money, do not read the terms and conditions of the client agreement, which often leads to their violation. However, as they say, ignorance of the law does not exempt from responsibility.
To avoid future problems with the withdrawal of money, the experts of recommend to start working with a broker of binary options with the clarification of the following points:
- What documents are necessary to go through the verification procedure. It is necessary to take into account that the passport has an expiration date, as well as the presence of a credit (charge) card.
- How long does it take to withdraw funds. Money cannot be transferred instantly. The terms of application processing and withdrawal of funds are specified in the company's regulations and can take from 1 to 14 days.
- Conditions for receiving a bonus and the rules for working it off. As a rule, by working off the bonus is understood the commission of transactions on the same account to accumulate the necessary trading turnover. The trading turnover does not depend on whether the trade was profitable or unprofitable, but represents the sum of all funds invested in the trade.
- Rules and conditions for withdrawing profit. It is necessary to clearly understand how to withdraw the net profit received from the deposit, if its replenishment took place through an electronic purse.
So who makes traders suck? Binary options brokers? Well, except only on 5%. We do all the rest of the work ourselves, being lazy and disregarding the risks and our money. There is no scam. Binary options is almost a casino or a bet. And don't be offended by whoever wins that bet. No one promised you to lose, right?