7 misconceptions about money that keep you from being rich

How does it happen? A person works hard, literally to the bone, and still no money. Each of us has such acquaintances, and perhaps someone recognizes himself in these words....

Плохая работа, неадекватное начальство, «меня совсем не ценят» — очень удобно искать причину именно в этом. На самом деле, научные исследования показывают, что в 95% случаев главная причина кроется в нас самих. И имя ей – Misconceptions about money that are firmly entrenched in our minds.

They sit confidently in our heads and become an obstacle to wealth and happiness. But is this obstacle so insurmountable? ForTrader.org experts offer to understand the most common misconceptions about money, so you can get rid of them for good.

1 misconception about money - what works, such is the fruit

The misconception about money is hard work

Virtually all of us from childhood in our consciousness is planted the idea that big money can be earned only by hard work. Of course, this option is possible, but blindly following it simply blocks the very possibility of obtaining large incomes. As a result, a person works hard all his life, receiving pennies for it.

In fact, there is absolutely nothing complicated about making a lot of money. You just need to get rid of the misconception and engage your mind in this direction. Money loves the smart ones!

2 misconceptions about money - it's not money that makes you happy

misconception about money - money is not happiness

In some ways, the famous Russian proverb is right, but in today's world it could be more accurately stated as follows: happiness is not in money, but it is incomplete without it. After all, you should agree that with the help of money it is much easier to solve some urgent problems and give happiness and joy to your loved ones. As they say, the poorest of all troubles is when there is no money.

3 misconception - money changes a person for the worse

the misconception that money changes a person for the worse.

This is a completely erroneous statement. Note, all wealthy people are quite intelligent and self-sufficient. A simple example. Microsoft founder Bill Gates donated 39 billion dollars to charity, which is more than half of his fortune (55 billion). And there are plenty of such examples.

Where would you spend that kind of money? A Ferrari, a Lamborghini, a helicopter, your own island? It's not money that changes a person for the worse, it's the constant lack of it.

4 misconceptions about money - "All great fortunes are made by dishonest means"

the misconception about money - "All great fortunes are made dishonestly."

In fact, this is one of the strongest misconceptions, authored by Karl Marx, the author of "Capital", firmly planted in the heads of our citizens due to 70 years of communist history.

On the contrary, it is honest labor that earns a lot of money. Of course, we do not take into account the Sultan of Brunei, who is probably an exception to the rule. In this regard, the example of many American millionaires who earned their fortunes by hard and honest labor is very illustrative.

5 misconceptions about money - there are so many poor people around that it's a shame to be rich

misconception about money - there are so many poor people around that it's a shame to be rich

This misconception is partly rooted in our past, described in the previous paragraph, when to stand out from the general gray mass was not only unacceptable, but somewhere even considered as a challenge to society, up to the crime.

But think about it - is it your fault that there are so many poor people around? Each person is the master of his own destiny. To be poor is their choice, maybe unconsciously, due to the misconceptions we have described, but it is still their choice. And your destiny is exclusively your choice. Believe me, being rich is not a shame, being rich is pleasant.

6 misconceptions about money - money is safer under the mattress

the misconception about money is that there's more money under the mattress.

As the statistics of apartment burglaries show, according to the majority of our citizens, the best place for money is the linen closet. We will not advise where it is better to store money for a "rainy day". The very misconception lies in the word "store".

You buy a car to drive, not to keep it in the garage, right? It's the same with money. Money should not be stored, money should work and bring more money, and then the "rainy day" will become impossible in principle.

7 misconceptions about money - "If you haven't lived rich, you have nothing to start with"

misconception about money - it's a shame to be rich

What about me? You can't fight fate. Isn't that you, by any chance? You don't have to blame it on "it's not us, it's life". That's the logic of a bum who doesn't want to do anything and change his life for the better.

The longest journey begins with a small step. Set yourself a goal, make every effort to achieve it, and then you will be able to see for yourself that life is not quite "that way". For an example, read the biographies of famous millionaires and billionaires to see how they started their path to wealth.

Fight misconceptions about money, chase them out of your mind. Do not let them change your life. Feel yourself the master of your destiny and create it as only you - a successful, wealthy and happy person - need it!

Комментарии ( 8 )

  1. А еще богатым нам часто мешает стать отсутствие желания подумать, вырваться из привычных социальных шаблонов: детсад — школа — институт — завод. Я уверена, что при желании, заработать может каждый, но надо очень сильно подумать и поискать, что полезного ты можешь предложить людям вокруг.

    1. Я думаю, что это не отсутствие желания подумать, а неспособность выйти за пределы шаблонов. Человек живет в своем «двумерном» мире и не способен увидеть третье измерение. И окружение, самое близкое окружение, его в этом «двумерном»мире удерживает.

  2. I would add one more misconception: if there was money, we could figure out what to do with it. Life shows that people who accidentally get a lot of money, as a rule, lose it quickly. And often their own lives are destroyed. Big money implies competent management of it. In the West, there are hundreds of companies that help people manage their money, for example, people who unexpectedly receive a large inheritance, win huge sums in the lottery, or become millionaires overnight to ordinary employees and shareholders of a company whose shares have increased in value hundreds of times.

  3. I look at the question you raised in a simpler way. As the cause of globalization. Capital as a thing in its essence. It is the human psyche subordinated to the accumulated. https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Корпорация
    The corporation is a good example. In many respects, impersonal capital controls the psyche of people. Accumulated, material and power values subordinate the human psyche. Capital, like a living creature, requires conditions for its existence. That's why it tries to give society a certain form. In fact, the form of a bank. In which it is safely stored and has growth. It seeks to do the same on a global scale. To turn the world economy into a reliable bank for its safety and growth. (Globalization.)

  4. Против законов экономики не попрешь, а они гласят, что все «богатство» — это КОНЦЕНТРАЦИЯ прибавочной стоимости в одних руках, т.е. один миллиардер «стрижет» 100500 «бедняков». Своего рода «пищевая пирамида», на вершине которой может быть крайне ограниченный круг лиц. А «стыдно» и «честно» — понятия не экономические, а исключительно моральные. Т.е. к богатству отношения не имеющие.

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