Vagit Alekperov - life in a dense oil ring

Vagit Alekperov is another Russian billionaire, occupying a confident 4th place in the rating of Russian billionaires. At the end of 2009, according to Forbes, his fortune was $7.8 billion.

Vagit Alekperov was born on September 1, 1950 in Baku, then the Azerbaijan SSR, in the family of an oil worker, which undoubtedly left its mark on the future of the businessman. Literally from his "young nails" the atmosphere in his home and life was literally impregnated with "black gold". Therefore, it is not surprising that his first profession was as a driller of the production association "KaspmorneftVagit Alekperov began his career early, at the age of 18. Vagit Alekperov chose an appropriate education, graduating in 1974 from the Azerbaijan Institute of Oil and Chemistry with a degree in Mining Engineering in Technology and Integrated Mechanization of Oil and Gas Fields Development.

But this, as we know, was only the beginning, because not every billionaire can boast such a dizzying career ladder, which was our hero:

— За пять лет, с 1974 по 1979 год, Вагит сумел добраться от оператора по добыче нефти и газа до заместителя начальника нефтепромысла, побывав между тем инженером-технологом, начальником смены, мастером и старшим инженером.
— С 1979 по 1985 год Алекперов работал руководителем в производственных объединениях "Surgutneftegas" и "Bashneft. During the next two years, from 1985 to 1987, he not only held managerial positions, but was First Deputy General Director of PO Bashneft for Western Siberia.
— Чуть позднее, но также в течение двух лет, с 1987 по 1990 год, Вагит Алекперов занимал должность генерального директора производственного объединения «Когалымнефтегаз».
— Далее карьерная лестница продолжала его баловать все более высокими должностями, и в начале 90-х, а именно, в 1990-1991 года, он становится первым заместителем министра нефтяной и газовой промышленности СССР.
— И, наконец, с 1991, преодолев путь становления в 17 лет, Vagit Alekperov holding my main position as president of the Langepas-Uray-Kogalymneft oil concern, which was transformed into the joint-stock company LUKOIL Oil Company on April 5, 1993 by a decree of President Boris Yeltsin.

As the head of such a strong company, Vagit Alekperov hurried to recruit for himself a cohesive, strong team of specialists that managed not only to gain a firm foothold in the competitive environment of oil workers but also in people's minds. The history of the billionaire is a small black spot in the billionaire's biography. Bank ImperialThe new bank, like LUKoil, was known all over the country for its active advertising campaigns, but he managed to get out of the situation safely and became Chairman of the Board of Directors at the new Petrocommerce Bank.

Vagit Alekperov undoubtedly achieved his success through a careful approach to the selection of employees and colleagues; he prefers to handle all personnel matters personally, thereby selecting only the best and trusted people for management positions. Alekperov treats military demobilized people with special trepidation, sometimes giving them preference even in competition with experienced oilmen.

Vagit Alekperov surrounded his life with a "tight oil ring". Alekperov's "family" is nicknamed by journalists as the people who have devoted their lives to oil империи, хотя настоящая семья миллиардера также вполне счастливая – Вагит Алекперов женат, с супругой Ларисой воспитывает сына Юсуфа. Своим кумиром Алекперов называет Энрико Маттеи — создателя итальянской нефтяной компании ЭНИ. Кроме того он доктор экономических наук. Автор монографии «Вертикально интегрированные oil companies Russia: Methodology of Formation and Implementation".

Obviously, oil is not only flowing in the blood vessels of the Earth, some of its inhabitants can practically boast of it too.

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