Вена самый лучший город для проживания, Багдад — худший
According to Mercer Consulting Group, Vienna has an excellent infrastructure, safe streets, and a good public health service.
These advantages allow the city to take its rightful place in the world, which is not the case with Baghdad, where it was given the last place. The German and Swiss cities of Zurich, Munich, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt, Geneva and Bern also made the top-ten list of the best cities in the world.
The Austrian capital, with its quaint buildings, public parks and extensive bicycle network, has recently reduced the cost of an annual public transportation pass to 1 euro per day. Few serious crimes have made the city, with a population of 1.7 million, the world's best in terms of quality of life.
In the "personal safety" ranking, due to clashes between demonstrators and police, Athens (among European cities), ranks last.
Oslo slipped from 15th place to 24th because of the mass murder in July by Breivik.
Багдад занял последнее место, как по безопасности (многочисленные нападения на иностранцев и местных жителей), так и по качеству жизни. Политические и экономические потрясения в Африке и на Ближнем Востоке снизили рейтинги Ливии, Египта, Туниса, Йемена. Города Окленд, Веллингтон, Сидней, Мельбурн и Перт попали в топ -20 по «качеству жизни», в то время как Сингапур оказался на 25-м месте.
200 cities of the world took part in the rating. Russian cities were not included in the first top-50.
Top 10 Quality of Life:
1 Vienna, Austria 6 Vancouver, Canada
2 Zurich (Switzerland) 7 Frankfurt, Germany
3 Auckland, New Zealand, 8 Geneva, Switzerland
4 Munich, Germany 9 Bern, Switzerland
5 Düsseldorf, Germany 10 Copenhagen, Denmark
Based on foreign press for ForTrader.org