Herman Khan is another of the Alpha clan
April, as always, was unspeakably rich in all sorts of ratings and estimates of the amount of money our and foreign oligarchs have. Regional divisions of Forbes, British agencies and even some independent experts released their data. It is worth noting that the majority of Russian billionaires have not only confirmed their status once again, but also significantly strengthened it, returning, of course, not to 2008 levels, but to 2007 ones for sure. The ranks of oligarchs were also swelled by several new business figures, most of them young. All in all, it was interesting. Well, this time we will take a look at one of the representatives of the "mighty of this world, Herman Khan.
Herman Hahn was born on October 24, 1961 into the family of a scientist and well-known specialist in metallurgy in Kiev. As a child, he was very fond of sports, boxing, which did not allow him to finish school well. That is why the first year of his adult life he worked as a metalworker at Kiev experimental plant of non-standard equipment. He received 2nd category and decided that he did not want to work "with hands" any more. He entered in 1978 the Kiev industrial-pedagogical college, which finished with honors, and then decided to follow in his father's footsteps. Herman Khan applied to the department of ferrous metals at the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys, where he later became acquainted with Friedman и Kuzmichev, future Alpha partners.
After attending the institute, Khan, like many others, went to cooperatives. I worked for a while in the cooperatives "Poisk" and "Cosmos". I met Alexander Borisovich Furman, with whom they organized their own cooperative. "Alexandria" was engaged in sewing clothes and selling them. However, some time later, by mutual agreement, the cooperative was sold.
In 1990 Khan took the position of head of wholesale, and in 1992 he became head of the export department of Alfa-Eco. The business began with the sale of carpets, which were supplied to Alfa by former classmates from Eastern countries. In addition, they sold perfumes, lamps, sugar, tea, etc. In 1995, Alfa began to look at the commodity markets. Many things were of interest - coal, oil, and metal. Eventually, they settled on oil.
Khan was entrusted with this direction. The business went on and very soon they were processing up to one million tons of oil at several Russian refineries. Later, exports were involved as well. In 1995 Khan became head of the raw materials department of Alfa-Eco.
Нефть затянула Германа Хана, и в 1996 году он вошел в состав совета директоров двух крупных нефтяных компаний — ОАО «Сибирско-Дальневосточная нефтяная компания» («СИДАНКО») и ОАО «Саратовнефтегаз».
In 1997, Alfa-Eco, led by Khan, took the risk of combining interests with Renova. Together they sold 632 million shares "Tyumen Oil Company (TNK)After that, it went uphill significantly. In the same year Khan took over as a member of the boards of TNKHe later became the company's first vice president.
It is to Khan's name that experts attribute the aggressive development of TNK, which allowed the company to grow by 3 times.
Tyumen Oil Company
In 2003 there was a merger of MNCs with Russian assets British Petroleum. The new company, TNK-BP, admitted German Khan to its list of top managers and made him an executive director. Moreover, in the newly registered TNK-BP Management, which was to deal with management, Khan was also listed as a member of the Management Board. At the same time, he held similar positions on the boards of Alfa Bank and Slavneft.
In March 2007, Khan was in the Top 100 Richest People in the World, according to Forbes magazine (86th position). Khan's fortune was estimated at $8 billion. In 2008, Khan closed the top ten in the ranking of Russian billionaires: his fortune was estimated at $ 15 billion. According to the latest calculations of the magazine "Finance", he is on the 11th line of the Russian billionaires with a fortune of $ 9.05 billion.
Хан женат. Со своей будущей супругой он познакомился в самолете: она работала стюардессой авиакомпании «Трансаэро». У Хана две дочери: Ева, родившаяся в 1995 году, и Элеонора — 2001 года рождения, а также сын четырех лет.