"The Most Widespread Mistakes of Traders..." - Yuri Voloshin, GC LiteForex
FT: Hello. Introduce yourself, please. How did it happen that you got acquainted with stock trading?
Y.V.: Hello. My name is Yuriy Voloshin, I am the General Director of LiteForex Group of Companies.
My acquaintance with currency trading occurred in 2000, when online trading was becoming more and more popular worldwide. Obtaining additional education in the analysis of financial markets opened up completely new job prospects for me. I started my career in LiteForex when the company was founded in 2005. I actively participated in brand building and development of new ideas.
FT: Exchange trading is becoming more and more a part of our life - many people know about it or are holders of certain securities. Why do you think the popularity of stock trading has increased?
Y. V.: Yes, recently the popularity of exchange trading has increased tenfold. Mostly it's connected with the growth of knowledge about the market, as compared to the recent past, when those who wanted to start trading currency had to collect the necessary information by bits and pieces. Now financial markets literature and their working mechanisms are presented in abundance.
FT: Which exchanges are of interest to you and why?
Y. V.: We are interested in all kinds of exchanges. The market of precious metals, energy, futures and CFD, as well as the most popular foreign exchange market provide a variety of opportunities to profit from participation in online trading. That's why we provide access to all stock exchanges in the interest of our clients. Within the framework of a single trading account clients of LiteForex group of companies can work with any trading tools according to their preferences.
FT: What don't you like about the structure of exchange or OTC trading or what would you like to change?
Y. V.: I think that the organization of exchange or over-the-counter trading does not require any major changes. Today, thanks to modern Internet technologies, online trading in currencies, metals, raw materials and other exchange instruments is well organized: quotes and news are delivered in real time, operations and orders are executed instantly.
FT: In your opinion, can anyone become a trader?
Y. V.: Any conscious person who has reached the age of 18 and has a desire to work for the market You can also use and multiply your financial resources in a smart way.
FT: What qualities should a trader have in order to become a professional?
J.V.: The market demands the qualities that a professional trader should have. Firstly, it is the desire to learn and constantly improve their knowledge in the field of online trading. Secondly, it is Discipline and self-control. Psychological stability combined with knowledge and experience is an important component of a successful trader's work. Working in financial markets requires these qualities from a speculator to ensure adherence to the rules of the applied trading system, regardless of momentary emotions and desires.
FT: Many people think trading on the stock market is either a frivolous business or a scam. What do you have to say about that?
Y. V.: Unfortunately, there are dealing companies that expect to profit by any means and make unjustified promising offers. From this follows the main

broker. This status is confirmed this year by the receipt of the prestigious award "Asia's Most Stable Broker 2010" at the international exhibition "ShowFX World" held among the biggest representatives of the industry. It should be noted that such a high evaluation of LiteForex's activity was given by the world's independent financial experts.
FT: In your opinion, what is the most common mistake traders make?
Y.V.: The most common mistakes among traders are inconsiderate money management and disorganization. When managing real money, as I mentioned earlier, self-discipline and self-control are very important. You can correctly analyze market situation and predict the price movement direction, but due to loss of control over your emotions you are too early or late to close the right trading position and miss a considerable part of profit. You cannot make trading decisions based on momentary emotions and break the rules developed for your own personal trading position. trading system.
FT: Why traders should work with your company?
Y. V.: LiteForex group of companies provides the most balanced package of services for each client's comfortable work: multi-currency accounts, swap-free accounts, minimal spreads, no additional commission, interest accrual on the funds available, the possibility of margin trading using leverage. We offer our clients a wide range of trading instruments, including not only currency pairs, but also the whole range of currencies. CFD spectrum, LiteForex indices and precious metals.
Focusing on interests and needs of traders with different level of training and financial possibilities LiteForex's specialists have developed two types of trading accounts: cent accounts LITEForex and dollar accounts REALForex.
Regardless of the type of account, we provide the same quality service and comprehensive care, which includes round-the-clock technical support and professional advice in all matters arising.
LiteForex group of companies offers excellent cooperation conditions of different partnership programs for those who wish to start their own profitable business. The efficiency of their cooperation has been marked by WorldFinance authoritative British edition. According to the results of annual contest "2010 ForexAwards" LiteForex group of companies won the nomination "Best Affiliate Program 2010".
The interest of traders is also attracted by regular promotions and contests held by the company.
FT: This year LiteForex group of companies celebrated its five-year anniversary. How do you see the company in the coming years?
Y.V.: In the beginning of the activity the company's specialists and the management had a priority goal - to make the LiteForex brand known worldwide. I think that we used the 5 year period for improving our services. Now the LiteForex brand is presented practically in all key regions and countries where it has high popularity.
I am confident that we will be able to maintain our worthy reputation and leading position in the field of online trading services.
We built the company around the interests of each client, and in the future we will adhere to this principle.
FT: What advice would you give to newcomers to the exchange?
Y. V.: First of all, I advise to approach trading seriously and start from studying the theoretical foundations of currency trading. Now there is a lot of quality literature about the market

The LITEForex accounts allow clients to gain invaluable experience in trading on the market by testing and honing their technique on LITEForex cent accounts. In this case a beginner immediately starts working with real money with minimal investments, which eliminates uncertainty and excitement when moving from one account to another. demo accounts to a trading account. As the practice shows, the majority of LiteForex's clients who have started systematic work on cent accounts turn over to successful management of large capitals very soon.
Note that in the near future LiteForex plans to launch contests on demo accountsThe winners will be awarded with money prizes from LiteForex's real trading accounts and will be able to test their trading strategies and, most importantly, believe in their strength, competing with other novice traders. The winners will be awarded with money prizes to their real LiteForex trading accounts.
We wish good luck to all potential participants and believe in their professional qualities.
Yuri Voloshin,
director general LiteForex group of companies