Atlas Shrugged (in 3 volumes)

Original title: Atlas Shrugged
Author: Rand Ayn.

Atlas Shrugged, Atlanta Shrugged

Publisher: Alpina Publisher, 2014.
978-5-9614-4579-4 , 978-5-9614-1189-8, 978-5-9614-1430-1, 978-5-9614-1852-1, 978-5-9614-4304-2, 978-5-9614-4402-5
Pages: 1398 pp.
Format: 60×90/16 (145×215 mm)
Circulation: 10000 copies.
Weight: 1590 g
Binding: Hardcover

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What is the book "Atlas Shrugged" about?

Power in the United States passes into the hands of the socialists. The government declares a policy of universal equality, believing it fair to make the untalented and worthless rich at the expense of the talented and wealthy. The disadvantage of business causes economic devastation and the disappearance of talented people and successful entrepreneurs. Times of general prosperity are over; chaos and apathy reign in society. Tragic events are trying to confront the main characters of the novel, the owner of the railroad company Dagny Taggart and the "iron king" Hank Rearden.

The book "Atlas Shrugged" tries to answer questions about the meaning of life, to form a holistic view of the world and to convey the social meaning of business.

According to a 1991 survey by the Library of Congress and the Book of the Month Club in the survey, Atlanta Shrugged is the second book in the United States, after the Bible, to change readers' lives.

Three days after it went on sale, the book was on The New York Times bestseller list and had been on it for 21 weeks.

Ayn Rand spent 12 years working on the most significant work of her life.

Interesting facts about the book

The novel is divided into three volumes, named according to the laws of formal logic:

Book 1. Part 1. Contradiction.

Book 2. Part 2. Either-or.

Book 3. Part 3. There is A.

In 2011 the screen version of the first volume was released, in 2012 - the second one. A film based on the third part of the novel is scheduled for release in 2014.

The idea of the novel "Atlas Shrugged" became the basis for the plot of the first part of the computer game BioShock.

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