Blockchain: How It Works and What Happens Tomorrow

Blockchain: How It Works and What Happens TomorrowAuthors: Artem Genkin, Alexei Mikheev

Publisher: Alpina Publisher, 2018

ISBN 978-5-9614-6558-7
Pages: 592 pp.
Format: 70×100/16
Weight: 990 g
Binding: Soft Cover

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Read a book about blockchain

  • Blockchain and everything associated with it is one of the most breakthrough fintech technologies of recent times. Sergey Solonin.
    Founder of QIWI, CEO of FinTech Association

  • Blockchain makes it possible to create the perfect registry. And the perfect registry can transform everything in the world. Tim Draper.
    American venture capitalist, founder and managing partner at Draper Associates

Using global and Russian examples, the authors discuss how and why blockchain technology captured the minds of millions in just a few years, triggered a real cryptocurrency boom in the market and attracted multibillion-dollar investment into the new industry. The book analyzes the application of blockchain in the financial industry, the public sector and other industries. Leading global and Russian blockchain startups are examined. ICO practice is studied. Separate chapters are devoted to the issues of state regulation and the prospects of blockchain technology.

  • This is the first original Russian book.
  • In the book you will find a detailed history of the emergence and spread of blockchain.
  • The authors talk about the purely Russian specifics of this sector of the economy.

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Genkin Artem Semyonovich - is a recognized expert in the theory of money and regulation of advanced technologies. Professor, Doctor of Economics, author of 150 publications and several books on the subject of electronic money.

Alexei Aleksandrovich Mikheev - a successful practitioner in the field of investment business, Ph.D. in Economics, assistant professor in the Department of Public Administration and Law at MGIMO, head of a private investment company, author of five monographs and more than 60 publications on economic topics.

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