Intermarket Analysis: Principles of Financial Market Interaction

Intermarket Analysis: Principles of Financial Market InteractionOriginal title: Intermarket Analysis: Profiting from Global Market Relationships
Author: John J. Murphy / John J. Murphy

Publisher: Alpina Publisher, 2012.
ISBN 978-5-9614-1707-4
Pages: 299 pp.
Format: 70×100/16 (170x240 mm)
Circulation: 1500 copies.
Weight: 400 g
Binding: Paperback

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A best-selling book on intermarket analysis in the stock market

"You don't have to be a specialist to analyze the intermarket. All that is needed is the ability to distinguish upward movement from downward movement, and, of course, common sense." John Murphy

What the book "Cross-Market Analysis" is about

On intermarket analysis and its use in identifying the most exciting profit opportunities. The book opens with a brief overview of the 1980s. Emphasis is placed on the significant intermarket changes that precipitated the beginning of the greatest bovine of the stock market. The remainder of the paper examines market developments since 1998.

Why the book "Intermarket Analysis" is worth reading

This book is an updated version of the 1991 bestseller Intermarket Technical Analysis. Its author is, without exaggeration, an outstanding person in the world of finance. The book is written in such a simple and clear language that even non-specialists will understand it.

John Murphy - financial analyst, Trader and investor. He began his market career in the late 1960s. He is the author of books that are rightly considered to be the fundamental and fundamental works on technical and intermarket analysis of financial markets. In 1992 he was honored by the International Federation of Technical Analysts for his outstanding contribution to technical analysis, and in 2002 he was awarded the annual Market Technicians Association Award.

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