The practice of stock speculation

The practice of stock speculationAuthors: Victor Niederhoffer, Laurel Kenner
English.: Practical Speculation

Publishers: Alpina Business Books, Alpina Publishers, 2007.
Softcover, 560 pp.
ISBN 978-5-9614-0525-5
Circulation: 3000 copies.
Format: 84×108/32 (~130x205 mm)


In the realm of. investmentsAs in life, the question is not whether you will be knocked down, but when you will be knocked down and whether you will be able to get back up and keep fighting. The risk of failure is an inherent aspect of the human experience that is particularly pronounced in financial markets, where speculation - the willingness to take commercial risk - dominates.

В "The practice of stock speculation" the authors explore the underpinnings of the myths, misinformation, and propaganda that are bombarded daily with investors all the media. Superstitions, attempts to apply past experience to an already changed situation, "grandmother's tales" repeated over and over again - all this is exposed in the book. After the misconceptions about the market are refuted, the authors offer an antidote - a scientific method that allows you to assess the real probability of profit.

The book is addressed primarily to traders, to investorsIt will be of interest to analysts and other financial professionals, but will also be of interest to a wide audience.

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