Breakthrough Economies. In Search of the Next Economic Miracle

Breakthrough Economies. In Search of the Next Economic MiracleOriginal title: Breakout Nations. In Pursuit of the Next Economic Miracles
Author: Ruchir Sharma \ Ruchir Sharma
Interpreter: Oksana Medved

Publisher: Mann, Ivanov & Ferber, 2013.
ISBN 978-5-91657-704-4
Pages: 512 pp.
Format: 70×100/16 (170x240 mm)
Circulation: 3000 copies.
Weight: 670 g
Binding: Hardcover

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A book about fast-growing economies

The book is about which countries have a great chance to come out ahead and why. Is Russia among them?

Ruchir Sharma, head of emerging markets at Morgan Stanley, who manages $25 billion in assets, discusses the characteristics of economic growth and shows which countries can claim the title of a new economic miracle in the future.

This book is a treasure trove of valuable observations and ideas for anyone who wants to look into the future of the world economy. The book has been translated into seven languages.

At the beginning of this decade, the attention of all investors were focused on the big emerging markets. They all believed that China, India, Brazil and Russia would continue to grow at the astonishingly fast and steady pace of the previous ten years. In fact, it was a happy "golden age" of the aforementioned countries, and it is unlikely ever to be repeated, although it is generally accepted as the new standard for measuring the growth and development of these relatively poor economies of the world.

Beginning in 2003, which should be considered an as yet unappreciated turning point in the development of the world economy, luck has suddenly spread to all developing countries...

It was the fastest and most sweeping burst of economic growth our world has ever seen, and we will probably never see it again...

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