The Intelligent Investor: The Complete Guide to Value Investing

Original title: The Intelligent Investor: The Definitive Book on Value Investing. A Book of Practical Counsel
Author: Benjamin Benjamin.

 The Intelligent Investor, The Intelligent Investor

Publisher: Alpina Publisher, 2014.
ISBN 978-5-9614-1874-3
Pages: 586 pp.
Format: 70×100/16 (170x240 mm)
Circulation: 1500 copies.
Weight: 790 g
Binding: Hardcover

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Read The Intelligent Investor

Guidelines for smart investing

Benjamin Graham's book has been reprinted many times around the world and is a unique guide to creating your own investment policy. The author's main focus is not on analyzing exchange-traded securities, but on the principles of investing, recommending prudent and cautious actions regardless of stock market dynamics. Graham demonstrates the many opportunities that are open to the calculating businessman in investing. The author has developed specific approaches to investment - Value investing on current assets, protected and entrepreneurial value investing, which will be for investor an invaluable tool that works effectively even in the most unpredictable market conditions.

Benjamin Graham provides his readers with knowledge of the real mechanism of behavior of stocks and different types of bonds during market fluctuations and gives invaluable recommendations for effective investing in the stock market.

Benjamin Graham is a professional investor and world-renowned economist who has become a teacher for the world's leading investors. He has been called "the father of value-based investing".

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