Web-version of the MetaTrader terminal - instructions for use
Web version of MetaTrader was long awaited by the traders. The world does not stand still: there are more and more mobile accessories with Internet access, the interest in financial investments is growing, traffic jams free up a lot of free time, which you want to occupy with something useful 🙂
Of course, there are mobile applications for MT, but it is not always possible to install them. The web version of the MetaTrader platform allows you to trade through any browser of almost any operating system. Thus, you get independence from the working platform, no need to install additional software, and the convenience of a simplified version of the terminal. Just a couple of clicks and you can start trading! Let's see how it can be done.
First launch of MetaTrader web version
Not all dealers and brokers currently provide a web version of MT, but there are precedents. Usually such a terminal is presented inside the trader's personal cabinet, that's where you should look for it.
Login with username and password
When you run the terminal for the first time, you will be prompted to enter your login and password, if you already have one.

You can also perform this operation after you become familiar with the platform. In this case, you will need to enter the Connect to trading account>. To log in, just enter the data in the appropriate fields and select a trading server.

Opening a demo account
Right from the terminal you can open a full-fledged demo account to start receiving live quotes right away. To do this you will need to enter the Open demo account>. and enter the name, e-mail and parameters of the account to be created.

Remember to keep the password and login from the demo account, because you will need these data the next time you log in to the terminal.
Working with charts in the web-version of the MT terminal
Open new instrument chart
You can open a new chart directly from the market overview window, for which you need to right-click on the symbol name, then select "Chart Window" in the context menu that appears. Also for creating a new window you can use the corresponding button on the toolbar, and then select the necessary symbol, or open a new chart through the menu New schedule>.

Adding objects
You can add a new object (lines, callouts, text) to the chart through the menu "Select desired object">. This operation can also be done through the buttons on the toolbar.

After that, the object will immediately show up in the main graph window, where you can change its properties and display parameters.

Change of timeframe
Change time period (timeframe) graphics can be either through the context menu or through the main menu item Graph period>.

Changing the type, view and scale of the graph
Among other things, through the menu "Charts" you can change the type of chart display (Bars, Candlesticks, Line), show or hide the grid and volume display, enable auto-scrolling and shifting, as well as zoom in and out. The same settings are also duplicated by the buttons on the toolbar.

Changing the color scheme
The context menu of the graphic opens the properties dialog box, where the visual settings of the graphic display are duplicated, as well as there are 3 color schemes to choose from.

Trading in the web version of the MetaTrader terminal
Opening a new position
You can open a new position on the current instrument using the buttons on the quick trade panel. It is enough to specify the order volume and a position of the appropriate size will be opened at the current price.

The easiest way to set a pending order is through the context menu of the chart.

Or use the manual order dialog that opens by clicking on the new order icon on the main toolbar.

Adding StopLoss and TakeProfit levels
Stop loss and take profit level is set through a simple drag from the position opening level line.

The same can be done manually by double-clicking on the desired position in the trade window.

Closing positions and logging operations
Right from the trade window you can close a position by clicking on the cross on the right side of the list of positions. Immediately after closing, the position can be observed in the trading history window, and the log of all transactions can be viewed on the log page.

MetaTrader Web Terminal Settings
Changing the language
Through the menu Languages> you can change the language of the terminal interface.

There is only one item in the "Settings" menu, with which you can confirm in advance the possibility of "fast trading", so that you do not lose time in the process of trading.

Disabling the display of additional windows
If not necessary, you can disable the display of additional market overview and trading windows, thereby freeing up space for the price chart.

So, as far as we can see, working with the web version of the MetaTrader terminal is convenient, functional and has all the features of the mobile terminal, although it is still quite "raw. Of course, it still lacks some popular features, including downloading of custom indicators, scripts, etc. By and large, the web version is clearly designed to monitor what is happening in the market and in one's own account, with the ability to quickly make changes in manual mode, if necessary. Surely, this version will be upgraded and improved many times over to meet the needs of traders - MetaQuotes has always been known to focus on the needs of speculators, and the MetaTrader Web version certainly will not be an exception.
Discussion: What do you think is missing from this web version?
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It should have been done a long time ago. From now on it will be much easier for traders. It is possible to conduct operations without access to a computer. Your phone is always at your fingertips and you can perform any operation at any time
Thank you very much for the useful information! I didn't know there was a web version of MetaTrader.
Sometimes you have to be away from your laptop. And this version of MT will greatly simplify and speed up the work of all traders. Thanks to all the developers.
There is no possibility to combine indicators. For example, it is impossible to overlay the MA on the RSI indicator. The vertical line is also displayed only in the chart window.