Finance and Economics
Original title: Running the world's markets Author: Ruben Lee / Ruben Lee Publisher: Alpina Publisher, 2016 ISBN 978-5-9614-5711-7 Pages: 530 pages Format: 70×100/16 (170x240 mm) Weight: 990 g Binding: Hardcover Buy book (for iPad and iPhone | for Android) Read book Contents. Introduction. Chapter 1: Definitions Chapter 2: The Distribution of Regulatory Functions in Securities Markets Read book with Tips for Practical Trading Even if all customers of a market infrastructure organization are homogeneous, its board may have goals that conflict with the interests of its customers. Reuben Lee A book about corporate governance and regulation of financial institutions around the world. The book is a research project on the types of governance of infrastructure organizations in financial markets. Why.
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Having a financial "safety cushion" is a prerequisite for every financially literate and just sensible person. However, for many people saving money for a "rainy day" begins with a deadlock. They simply don't know where to start. Most, unfortunately, end up at this point, because the thought of having to give something up scares them. However, there is no need to compromise yourself. We will tell you how to start saving money for a "rainy day" as easily as possible. Optimize Your Fixed Expenses Write down all of your monthly expenses in a notebook. We assure you, you'll find many interesting things. Surely you'll find that you spend too much on your favorite online game, cleaning...
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Оригинальное название: One Up On Wall Street : How To Use What You Already Know To Make Money In The Market Автор: Питер Линч Издательство: Альпина Паблишер, 2015 г ISBN 978-5-9614-5216-7 Страниц: 265 стр. Формат: 70×100/16 (170х240 мм) Вес: 610 г Переплет: Твердый переплет Купить книгу (для iPad и iPhone | для Android) Читать книгу Содержание. Пролог. Введение Часть I. Готовимся к инвестированию Читать книгу с советами по практическому трейдингу Эта книга принадлежит перу одного из самых успешных финансовых менеджеров в мире. Питер Линч не предлагает волшебных формул и рецептов из серии «как стать миллионером». Его идея проста: несложные приемы оценки позволяют даже начинающему инвестору стать экспертом и принимать решения…
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[info_block align="right"]I haven't had any failures. I just discovered a thousand ways you can't invent an electric light bulb.[/info_block]There are several ways to become a successful man. You can wait for oil to run out of the faucet in the bathtub and sell it by the buckets on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. You can wear charms that promise good fortune and prosperity. Or you can make yourself successful, or, as the Americans say, and they know a thing or two about this: self-made. The way to success is a self-improvement, and the 9 principles of life will help you to start it, and we will tell you about them. Principle #1. Failure is not a problem, but a motivation The great physicist Thomas Edison, who spent several...
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Оригинальное название: The Great Investors: Lessons on Investing from Master Traders Автор: Глен Арнольд / Glen Arnold Издательство: Альпина Паблишер, 2017 г ISBN 978-5-9614-6135-0 Страниц: 320 стр. Формат: 70×100/16 (170х240 мм) Вес: 1750 г Переплет: Твердый переплет Купить книгу (для iPad и iPhone | для Android) Читать книгу Содержание. Глава 1. Бенджамин Грэхем Глава 2. Филип Фишер Читать книгу от профессионала трейдинга «Так же как мутации в биологии, в человеческом обществе существенную роль играют ошибочные представления и просчеты». Глен Арнольд Книга о таланте приобретать богатство и тех людях, кому этот талант дарован природой. Возможно, их примеры станут заразительны для читателя, подтолкнут к какому-то решению, давно лежащему на поверхности сознания, или направят на верный…
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The average person often thinks that financially successful people have some kind of secret knowledge, skill, or, in general, super qualities. Of course, this is not true - they are the same as everyone else. But the difference is their habits. Let's talk about useful habits that contribute to financial well-being. Habit #1. Always and in everything look for the positive Successful people prefer to ignore everything negative and depressing. They avoid communication with such people, exclude possible sources of negative information and events. Every mistake made is not a tragedy for a financially successful person, but a very valuable lesson to avoid repeating it in the future. Habit #2....
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Оригинальное название: Trading Systems and Methods, 5th ed Автор: Перри Кауфман / Perry Kaufman Издательство: Альпина Паблишер, 2017 г ISBN 978-5-9614-6077-3 Страниц: 1279 стр. Формат: 70×100/16 (170х240 мм) Вес: 1750 г Переплет: Суперобложка Купить книгу (для iPad и iPhone | для Android) Читать книгу Содержание. Глава 1. Введение Глава 2. Базовые концепции и расчеты Читать книгу от профессионала трейдинга Это новое 5-е издание одной из наиболее авторитетных книг по трейдингу, которая была переведена на двадцать языков. В книге представлен системный подход к торговле на рынке фьючерсов и акций: подробно рассматриваются технические индикаторы, торговые системы, алгоритмы торговли и методы арбитража, а также приводятся результаты тестирования различных…
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[info_block align="right"]Buying things on credit is the price you pay for wanting something you haven't earned money for yet. [/info_block]Who among us has not made the mistake of spending and money? Bought something and then regretted it. Got wound up and forgot to pay the bill, made a mistake with the credit card, and so on. There's nothing wrong with that - everyone makes mistakes. The main thing is to understand your mistakes and draw the appropriate conclusions to avoid them. However, there are some mistakes, the consequences of which can take years to clear up. And it is possible, as it is sad to say, for the whole life. What kind of critical money mistakes are these? According to our...
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To be financially successful and independent, you don't have to be a millionaire right away, just treat money wisely. There are 33 rules you should follow if you don't want to reap the rewards of connivance with money and useless spending. Memorize them and follow them, and then you will never have trouble with money. Keep your money in large denominations. Keep your money in round sums. Allocate an untouchable amount of money and increase it constantly. Treat savings as income. Justify each purchase. Keep a journal of daily income and expenses. Count your money every day at the same time. Money likes its place. Don't...
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Оригинальное название: Irrational Exuberance Автор: Роберт Дж. Шиллер Издательство: Альпина Паблишер, 2016 г ISBN 978-5-9614-5621-9 Страниц: 421 стр. Формат: 60×90/16 (145х215 мм) Вес: 610 г Переплет: Твердая обложка Купить книгу (для iPad и iPhone | для Android) Читать книгу Содержание. Глава 1. Фондовый рынок в исторической перспективе Глава 5. СМИ Читать книгу о нашем иррациональном финансовом начале «Люди отдают себе отчет в том, что доверие падает, а это, в свою очередь, означает, что они в какой-то мере осознают важность психологического аспекта в развитии экономического кризиса». Роберт Шиллер Книга о теории возникновения и сдутия спекулятивных пузырей, а именно о том, что мы как люди рациональные…
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Оригинальное название: Japanese Candlestick Charting Techniques Автор: Стив Нисон / Steve Nison Издательство: Альпина Паблишер, 2016 г ISBN 978-5-9614-5231-0 Страниц: 292 стр. Формат: 70×100/16 (170х240 мм) Тираж: 1500 экз. Вес: 610 г Переплет: Твердая обложка Купить книгу (для iPad и iPhone | для Android) Читать книгу Содержание. Главы 1 — 4 Линии свечей Японская пословица гласит: «Первый утренний час управляет всем днем». Так и период открытия рынка задает вектор дальнейшего движения цен: к этому моменту все вечерние новости уже бывают отфильтрованы и осмыслены, и все формирующиеся на рынке тенденции как бы сходятся в единой временной точке. Стив Нисон Книга о применении японских свечей в анализе О системе технического анализа, которая отлично…
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How often we put off our happiness and success because of insecurity or other people's comments or opinions. How often we prefer to go with the flow, dreaming of heights and knowing what we have to do to get there. How often we are afraid to make mistakes and miss out on something important in life. Our life is in our hands, let's talk about the principles of success. Principle #1: Throw away all bad thoughts about yourself Thinking bad thoughts about yourself? It has to stop! Every person is unique and has a unique personality. Cast aside your doubts and believe in yourself. And always remember that not respecting your personality and thinking bad thoughts about yourself is an insult to the powers...
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Оригинальное название: Getting Started in Currency Trading Автор: Майкл Арчер / Michael D. Archer Издательство: Альпина Паблишер, 2016 г, 4-е издание ISBN 978-5-9614-4373-8 Страниц: 464 стр. Формат: 70×100/16 (170х240 мм) Тираж: 2000 экз. Вес: 650 г Переплет: Твердая обложка Купить книгу (для iPad и iPhone | для Android) Читать книгу Глава 2. Краткая история валютной торговли Глава 3. Пять рынков Forex «Суть трейдинга в том, чтобы находить подходящие сделки, исполнять их правильно и доводить до (желательно) приличной прибыли. Начав торговать, вы захотите посвятить этому все свое время, а не переналаживать процессы только потому, что узнали о своем брокере-дилере нечто, о чем должны были знать…
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A sensible person is unlikely to argue with the statement that money is a serious thing, which does not tolerate frivolous and disrespectful attitude. One only has to think of one's monthly payments - taxes, apartment bills, mortgage or consumer credit. A closer look at money reveals that financial problems come when they are no longer taken seriously. Each of us probably knows at least one case when successful people with a good income found themselves in debt up to their ears, and lucky people who received a large inheritance or won the lottery spent every last penny with amazing speed. Once you start haphazardly putting your hand into what seemed to be...
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Trading on the currency market is only gaining attraction from year to year, and financial regulators are increasing activity in work with the largest market participants. There is nothing surprising in it, large banks are increasingly manipulating currency rates, fearing practically nothing and no one. It is no secret that some traders use their position to take part in a conspiracy. One such example is manipulation with the LIBOR rate and WM/Reuters rate. The London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) has been in the market since 1985. The process of its formation to date looks as follows...
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Despite the fact that trading in the foreign exchange market is a labor-intensive activity, traders are no strangers to a sense of humor. We offer you the terminology related to the notorious process of stepping on a rake. Trader - a person, who stepped on a rake. Dummies - a new trader, who has never stepped on a rake, that is why he/she is naively sure that there is no such a thing as a rake. Slivator - a trader who stepped on a rake regularly, but still does not believe in its existence. Narrow specialist - a trader who has the skill to step on the same rake. The specialist of wide profile - the trader who has the skill to step on two or more rake simultaneously...
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There is hardly a single person in the modern world who does not know what a dollar looks like. Every trader knows that the dollar is the world's main reserve currency, the other currencies are quoted against it. However, there are many curious facts about the dollar that will be of interest to our readers. The banknote in denomination of 100 thousand dollars In 1934, the U.S. Federal Reserve issued a bill in circulation, the face value of which was 100 thousand dollars. Earlier in the United States there were already in circulation bills of 500, 1000, 5000 and 10000 dollars. They were used for settlements between banks and, naturally, the greatest popularity of these banknotes was gained by gangsters, who robbed in 30-ies...
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To have an untold fortune and lose practically everything. I don't think that's possible, you might say. It is quite possible. There are a number of factors - debt, excessive spending, bad investments - that, sooner or later, lead entire dynasties to financial ruin. Here are a few examples of the richest and most famous families who lost every penny. Vanderbilt Heirs According to Forbes magazine estimates, when Cornelius "Commander" Vanderbilt died in 1877, he left behind a fortune of $100 million, which at the time was an astronomical sum. With only 100 dollars taken from his mother in 1810, Vanderbilt was the founder of the largest shipping and railway empire. Nevertheless, after...
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Millions of people from all corners of the globe are involved in trading in the foreign exchange market. For some it is the main source of livelihood, some have experienced disappointment, and some have become millionaires and billionaires. George Soros is a household name, but he is not the only one who made it big. Warren Buffett vs. the U.S. dollar Taking part in real estate transactions and a number of other assets, Warren Buffett by the beginning of the twenty-first century already had a pretty impressive fortune, but never engaged in the foreign exchange market. In 2002 Buffett decides to begin investing in . In 2003, having bought five foreign currencies against the U.S. dollar, the investment company Berkshire Hathaway,...
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Among the famous traders there are truly unique personalities who became famous for their extraordinary actions both in the currency markets and in everyday life. Someone became a multimillionaire in the blink of an eye through currency speculation, someone published millions of copies of bestselling books about currency, and someone collapsed the economy of an entire country in a day... Meanwhile, there are women among the "strongmen" in the field of finance. They are also extraordinary, surprising, and strong. One of these is Hettie Greene, "the most avaricious person in history," according to the Guinness Book of World Records. And some are inclined to regard this extraordinary lady as the most enigmatic person in American history. In her time, the name of the "Wall Street Witch"...
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