
  • Master Class: Stock Clippings - Options and Futures So far we have looked at several relatively simple uses of futures and options. They can all fall into one of the following three categories: - Hedging; - Speculation; - Arbitrage. In this lesson, we will go a little further and briefly look at the more sophisticated ways of using futures and options. Options - Basic Trading Strategies If you meet an options trader, it is quite possible that his conversation will be full of complicated and incomprehensible jargon. You may, in particular, hear phrases such as "butterflies and boxes,...

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  • Igor Dombrowan, Managing Director, Saxo Bank in Russia P/E and P/B ratios, due to their simplicity, are among the most frequently used financial indicators. However, this simplicity has serious negative consequences for investors and traders. The P/E ratio (the ratio of a stock's market price to its net earnings per share) depends on the stability of earnings, which is why this indicator is considered especially important and illustrative for stable and/or low-risk companies. The best way to assess the effectiveness of the price-to-earnings ratio is to use the example of companies with slow but stable earnings or revenue growth, because the earnings component of this ratio is not prone to dramatic changes - it...

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  • In our last article, we looked at two main groups of traders. Let me briefly remind you that these two groups include: - Short-term traders who are unable to be in the market for a long time and - Long-term traders who have sufficient funds for long-term exchange operations and hold their large positions for a long time, moving them day after day in anticipation of the market reaching the most favorable price. We also learned about two of the four types of trading days according to the classification introduced by the creator of the Market Profile, Peter Steidlmayer. Let me briefly remind you of the first two types of trading days. - The first type is called a normal day,...

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  • The Chicago trading session begins at 7:20 and ends at 2:10 p.m. Before we start trading, we need to learn how to identify the trend. To do this, we should be interested in three parameters: 1. The volume and rating prices of the contract (the first 3-4 prices). 2. The volume of the current week and the previous week. 3. The volume of previous and the day before. To determine the trend correctly, it is necessary to understand the interaction of time periods relative to each other and the volumes for these periods. You should always remember that market "moves" from volume to volume: Fig. 1. Schematic price movement on the market. All we need is to analyze the current market position in relation to last day, last week and this week, the contract. For more...

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  • Trading platforms

    Trading platforms are specialized software products designed to work on the foreign exchange market. Active work on creation of the most convenient trading platforms began with the development of Internet trading, in connection with the appeared possibility for traders to trade remotely. Trading platforms usually consist of several parts: user, server and dealer. Traders use only the user part, which allows the remote execution and management of trade transactions, addressing to a dealer by means of the trading terminal. The most popular trading platform at the moment is MetaTrader.

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  • CCI (Commodity Channel Index) indicator is a commodity channel indicator, which shows the deviation of the moving average from the price chart. This indicator was created about 30 years ago, and it is based on the cyclic variability of the market. A certain sequence of price movements allows to predict a trend. When calculating the indicator CCI most often time intervals of 20 and 60 days for the moving average are used. The indicator values are between +100 and -100. High value of CCI indicator indicates that the market is overbought, while its low value is oversold. Divergence and high zones are used as trading signals of the CCI indicator. Learn more about CCI indicator

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  • The Fibonacci Extension Grid or Fibonacci levels are a trading indicator that graphically indicates strong, according to harmonic theory, levels on the chart. In the Fibonacci extension grid you'll find: retracement levels - 23.6%, 38.2%, 61.8%, 76.4% and extended Fibonacci levels - 38.2%, 61.8%, 100%, 138.2%, 161.8%. The main figure is always 1.618 which defines a harmonic proportion. Traders actively use Fibonacci levels in trading, most often to identify market reversal points after a pullback. Read more about Fibonacci expansions

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  • Training: Swing Trading on Pivots The debate about market efficiency or inefficiency has never ceased and probably never will. Adherents of the efficient market theory think that markets are absolutely efficient, i.e. it is impossible to make a decision to buy or sell an instrument to gain profit using the available information about them. Millions of traders all over the world are trying to disprove this statement, and some of them are succeeding quite well. In fact, these successful traders are busy searching for inefficiencies, that is, situations where the market allows a decision to make a trade with a high probability of profit. The search for market inefficiency, which most practicing traders are busy doing, usually boils down to identifying any commonly occurring price...

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  • Training: Trading strategies in practice The trading system we are considering this time is a simplified and prepared for easier perception form of one of the popular online tactics. So, it includes the following tools: - exponential moving average (EMA); - MACD indicator; - RSI indicator; - support/resistance levels. In our case, these levels are set by the Pivot.mq4 or DJLines.mq4 indicators, which are available by default in the MetaTrader 4 trading platform. - Working chart: GBPUSD, 5 min. Let's analyze each element separately Step 1.

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  • As many years ago, the main problem in making trading decisions is the accuracy of market price forecasts. Developing methods for predicting price movements is as timeless as the search for the meaning of life. Nevertheless, very often too little attention is paid to money management when building decision-making models. No, of course everyone thinks about it, but, frankly speaking, there are very few trading systems where a dynamic system of money management and stop loss order placement can be found. The purpose of this article is to show how a simple risk management system can be used as the basis for a trading system, while the price forecast is based on the simplest methods and is not the basis of a strategy, as...

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  • В рамках мастер-класса «Будь трейдером с iLearney» Очень часто рынки более бурно реагируют на высказывания официальных лиц, чем на публикацию тех или иных фундаментальных индикаторов. Особенно пристальное внимание уделяется инвесторами выступлениям руководителей Центральных банков. Так уж повелось со времен мирового экономического кризиса 1929 года, что регуляторы активно воздействуют на процессы, происходящие на финансовых рынках. Денежно-кредитная рестрикция кредитно-денежной политики С тех пор прошло уже почти сто лет, а влияние Центральных банков на динамику рыночного ценообразования становится все более очевидным. В зависимости от проводимой ими политики на рынке то появляются лишние деньги, то начинает ощущаться их дефицит. Подобные тенденции тесно связаны с…

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  • Мастер-класс: Методы торговли Price Action Сама идея конечно не нова и не настолько радикальна, чтобы говорить о какой-либо революции в торговле. Большинство, если не все технические индикаторы были придуманы с появлением в обиходе ПК и с развитием электронной торговли. Им, индикаторам, максимум лет 20-30 от роду. Некоторые – постарше, некоторые помладше, но сути это не меняет – все индикаторы лишь производное от цены. Давайте посмотрим какие «преимущества» дают нам индикаторы? Уровни перекупленности – перепроданности. Дивергенция. Фильтрация(?) ложных сигналов. Так как индикаторы по сути упрощают восприятие рынка, то эти «достоинства» у меня лично, да и не только у меня, вызывают достаточно…

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  • Мастер-класс: Биржа для новичков Из книги А. Элдера «Как играть и выигрывать на бирже»:  «Профессиональный трейдер играет головой и проявляет выдержку. Восторги и отчаяние во время игры – удел дилетантов. Переживания – не позволительная на рынке роскошь». Перефразируя крылатое выражение графа Толстого, можно сказать: «Все успешные трейдеры похожи друг на друга, каждый неуспешный трейдер неуспешен по-своему». Разработка торговой системы, изучение основ управления капиталом, психология и т.п… Существует множество мнений по поводу того, на что начинающему трейдеру следует сделать основной упор в начале своего пути. На наш взгляд, наиболее приближенным к истине является то, что  вряд ли стоит рассчитывать на комфортную…

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  • Мастер-класс: Актуальные инвестиции Рыночные индексы, рассчитываемые агентством Value Line, отслеживают акции более 1700 компаний с точки зрения «соблюдения сроков» и безопасности. Используя модель, основанную на показателе прибыльности компаний, Value Line прогнозирует, какие акции будут иметь лучшие или худшие относительные ценовые показатели в течение последующих 12 месяцев. В основу их расчета положен принцип инвестирования одинаковой суммы денег в различные ценные бумаги.  Видно, что при такой методике расчета индекс подвержен большим колебаниям и своеобразному отражению происходящих экономических процессов. По этой причине индекс Value Line более чувствителен к колебаниям именно дешевых, а не относительно дорогих ценных бумаг. Кроме того, каждой акции присваивается рейтинг…

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  • Elliott Wave Pattern

    Wave markup is a graphical analysis of exchange-traded instruments, including currency pairs at , which is based on Elliott Wave Theory. The basis of the wave markup is the concept of market cyclicity and market waves, which were introduced by Ralph Nelson Elliott. Elliott has made a research of the market and compiled a list of graphic models which are most often found on price charts and describe various stock conditions. Basically, such models are 3 or 5-wave structures, which allow the trader to determine the trend and correctional movements, as well as to predict the reversal points.

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  • Truncated 5 wave

    Truncated 5 wave is a concept of the Elliott Wave Theory, which represents an exception to the general rules of the 5-wave partitioning, when wave 5 does not reach the level of wave 3, thereby making the structure truncated. Most often, the "truncation" or "cutting" of the 5th wave occurs after a strong impulse of the 3rd wave, so it makes sense to monitor this situation carefully in trading.

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  • Trade order

    Trade order - an order to the broker to make, close or modify a trade at occurrence of certain conditions. Basic types of trade orders: - Order from market - an order to immediately buy or sell at the current price on the market. A specific opening price is not specified, the broker performs a deal at the best available price. During high market volatility this order can lead to significant losses due to the time delay between the request for opening and the actual execution of a deal. Note also that often if the price at the time of the request to open an order from the market differs from the possible price, the broker separately notifies the trader about it, allowing...

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  • Who is a speculator? A speculator (from Latin speculatio - tracking, looking out) is a legal or private person who enters into a transaction to profit from changes in the price of an asset being bought or sold. Depending on the price fluctuations, the speculator selects the time of opening and the duration of position holding. In the stock markets, speculators are commonly referred to as traders. What is the role of the speculator on the stock exchange? At the exchange, speculators fulfill several functions: they take over the risk of hedgers, which allows the hedgers to agree on the price with sellers much faster; they play the role of a "bridge" between the buy and offer prices of securities, which increases the exchange efficiency; they help increase the general liquidity of the market. Thanks to speculators, transactions with...

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  • What are COT reports? The Commitments of traders report (Commitments of traders report) is a weekly report published by the CFTC Commodity Futures Trading Commission, which contains the number of open short and long positions opened by traders in the futures market. The COT traders report is broken down by groups of market participants: small speculators, large traders, hedgers or operators who actually take delivery on contracts. The purpose of the COT report is to account for all open positions in the futures market and provide this information to all interested participants. This is a great tool to show the mood of the big players. The report on the number of open positions is usually published on Friday. The publication of the report is monitored by the Commission...

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  • В рамках мастер-класса «Будь трейдером с iLearney» Нередко трейдеры в поисках Грааля сами усложняют себе жизнь, пытаясь применить на практике сложные стратегии, которые у «продавцов счастья» когда-то давали результат. Наверное, так уж устроен человек, что в поисках «легких денег» он подвластен эмоциям и периодически забывает, что трейдинг – это, прежде всего, тяжелый труд. На самом деле за сложностью торговой системы в большинстве случаев лежит ее непонимание, приводящее к автоматическому совершению операций. Такую работу лучше всего способен делать робот, а не человек. На мой взгляд, стратегия должна быть проста и понятна тому, кто ее применяет. Она должна быть видоизменяема для существующих…

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