It's no secret that learning is a time-consuming and labor-intensive process. However, scientific progress does not stand still, and with the advent of computers mankind in general and traders in particular have a lot of opportunities, which previously could only be dreamed of. Now traders can use all the power of computer analysis to get super-fast and incredibly accurate results. A real revolution in trading has been the emergence of special programs designed to test both manual strategies and Expert Advisors on historical data. How the strategy tester works Trader downloads the program, downloads historical data of a broker, chooses a date from which he wants to start the test (to the...
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In this and the next article we will talk about the coaching session with one of the members of the Traders Club. The topic of the session was "What are traders' expectations from trading on the market, and what prevents traders from succeeding". It consisted of four parts: What goals do you set for yourself in life? Why and what are your expectations from trading in the market? What prevents you from moving forward - what fears and concerns? What do you need to do to reach your goals? These seemingly simple questions, but the problems are already evident at the very beginning. Setting a goal for the trader - half of the success In this case, the main desire of the participant of the session (let's call...
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Having "suffered" from free -advisors and technical indicators promising a profit of hundreds and thousands of dollars by the next Monday, the beginning trader usually returns to the sinful earth and understands that technical tools are just helpers which make trading on the currency market easier and more comfortable. We have already mentioned a lot of them without mentioning only the scripts widely used by experienced traders and undeservedly neglected by the majority of novice traders. What is a script and how does it differ from an Expert Advisor? A script is a program (a utility) written in the MQL programming language whose function is the execution of a certain action once. A script can perform an informational, analytical or trading operation. For example, providing information...
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What is a pending Buy Stop order? A Buy Stop order is a type of pending order, which is a position to buy, opened by the broker when the price rises to the level specified by the trader. How does Buy Stop order work? A Buy Stop order is placed if a trader believes that the price will rise to a certain level, usually a resistance level, after which it will continue to rise. In this case the purchase will always be made at a price higher than the current market price. For example, on a daily chart of the AUD/USD currency pair, we observe a Double Bottom trend reversal pattern. We expect that soon the price will reach the resistance level at 0.7270, will break through it and the pair will start to form an uptrend.
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Настала пора разобраться с тем, что такое стратегия на , потому что все трейдеры слышали: «Нужна торговая стратегия, торговая стратегия, торговая стратегия…», а что это все означает, знают не все. Как вы понимаете, что такое торговая стратегия? Торговая стратегия – это непрозрачное понятие, когда его произносишь. Не совсем ясно, что конкретно оно означает. Вроде бы все очевидно, но весьма общо и обтекаемо. Когда человек слышит «Торговая стратегия» в голове его не возникает представление о том, что же это такое в точности. И в этом скрывается проблема, потому что большинство трейдеров называют торговыми стратегиями вовсе не то, что действительно ими является.…
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Any novice trader eventually discovers automated trading, and the resources are overflowing with free and paid trading Expert Advisors that you want to try and test or even start trading with them. So in this article we are going to talk about how to install a robot on your MT4 trading account. After reading (or sometimes simply missing) the description of an EA, a novice trader downloads it, installs it in the terminal, attaches it to his trading account and... sees no changes. Doesn't work robot? Maybe. Or maybe the trader just installed it incorrectly, depriving himself of the opportunity to evaluate a promising and profitable Expert Advisor. That's why let's look at the step by step instruction on how to install an Expert Advisor in...
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Here are 5 questions, the answers to which will show your knowledge of how Central Banks work in the world. Central bank decisions always have a strong effect on national currency rates, so this knowledge will be very useful if you plan to trade profitably. At the end of the test, there are the answers. If you have noticed your mistake, do not hesitate to follow this link and close your knowledge gap. 1. The largest foreign exchange reserves in the world are... a) U.S. Federal Reserve System; b) European Central Bank; c) People's Bank of China; d) International Monetary Fund. 2. The slang name "The Old Lady" is... a) The Reserve Bank of Australia; b) The Swiss National Bank; c) The Bank of...
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One of the most difficult things for beginner traders to understand is a different format of earning money, an unstable profit. At , as in business, the money does not come in the form of a salary - every month, the same amount. Here profits alternate with a bad month, and one must get used to it. However, many beginners have these thoughts: "Ah, I earned only 10$ on this strategy, so I won't buy a BMW X6". Or vice versa: "Wow, I have made 130$ in one trade, if I trade a couple of times now, I can quit my job this month". You can lose your whole deposit in such a wave mentality. How ...
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Surely, many traders use trading signals in their work. Someone prefers paid signals thinking that if a trader sells his signal, it means 100% is worthwhile. Someone does not want to give their hard-earned money and uses only free trading signals. Naturally, those who use trading signals know about the trading signals service of MetaQuotes Software Corp. "MQL5 Signals. has already described the features of this service and the ways to set up the Signals service on its website. We will discuss how to set up receiving free trading signals directly in MetaTrader 4. A step-by-step algorithm for receiving free trading signals in...
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In the middle of 2015 Saxo Bank announced the release of a new modern trading platform, written by its own technical experts, as well as the rejection of the usual MetaTrader 4. In the press release the company presented SaxoTraderGO as the newest and most convenient platform, which will be a serious competitor to all modern analogues. The editorial office of contacted the representatives of Saxo Bank to find out whether SaxoTraderGO is as good as it was described in the release. The answers to our questions were given by Christian Hammer, Head of Platforms and CEO of Saxo Bank. - Why has Saxo Bank decided to develop its own platform and refused to use MetaTrader 4? - We created and launched SaxoTraderGO - the most advanced trading platform...
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Almost all traders use technical indicators in trading. On profile resources there are more and more new indicators - modifications and optimized versions of classic tools, compilations, brand new developments, etc. Why do I need to test the indicators? Often, it is hard to find out the efficiency of an indicator at first sight. Certainly, every trader has ever met such indicators. It is especially true for arrow indicators that show a signal for entering the market, but after a while they redraw their data. The programmer can look through the code of the indicator, but what should a non-specialist do? Test the indicator in real time? Long and sometimes costly. And here the MetaTrader 4 Strategy Tester comes to the trader's aid ....
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Рассматривая историю рейтинговых агентств «большой тройки», можно выявить определенную закономерность: все они появились приблизительно в одно и то же время и занимались приблизительно сходной деятельностью, помогая решить большинство возникавших в конце 19-начале 20 века проблем, связанных с инвестиционной деятельностью в США. И если история Standard and Poor’s и Moody’s начиналась чуть раньше и претерпевала различные изменения, сопряженная с взлетами и падениями, то рейтинговое агентство Fitch Ratings появился несколько позже, сумев учесть проблемы и недочеты своих будущих коллег. Рейтинговое агентство Fitch Ratings – свой путь становления Агентство Fitch Ratings возникло 24 декабря 1913 года в качестве основанной Джоном Ноулзом Фитчем компании…
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Создание строгого торгового алгоритма – первый шаг к автоматизированной торговле на финансовых рынках. Следующий шаг (возможно наиболее важный) – введение правил по управлению рисками и оценка эффективности системы на основе исторического теста. Вместе с тем, следует отметить, что два блока между собой, безусловно, связаны: невозможно настроить параметры торговой системы без проверки ее устойчивости на исторических данных, но также необходимо ввести первоначально корректные параметры системы для запуска тестирования. Логическая цепь может быть разомкнута принудительно или при помощи создания самообучающихся модулей (эволюционные алгоритмы и т.д.). Тем не менее, в обоих случаях возникает очевидный вопрос: какой объем исторических данных является достаточным для настройки…
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The "Baskerville Dog" trend continuation pattern was first mentioned by the financial markets legend Alexander Elder in his book "The Fundamentals of Trading". The figure is quite widespread and, in fact, is a failed "Head and Shoulders" trend reversal figure. In the technical analysis of the market it is accepted to consider the "Hound of the Baskervilles" as the figure of the trend continuation, although most market researchers do not include it in the list of classical figures of the trend continuation: flag, wedge, triangle, etc. How is the "Hound of the Baskervilles" figure built on As mentioned above, the "Hound of the Baskervilles" figure of technical analysis is a failed "Head and Shoulders" trend reversal figure. Head and shoulders" figure indicates the end of the uptrend, its reversal and, as a consequence, the opening of the...
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In spite of the festive atmosphere and wonderful weather, we continue to offer you to improve your knowledge in the profession of a trader. To do this, we offer you to answer 5 easy questions based on materials from recent publications. In case the answer to any of the questions of the test for traders is wrong, you can always refer to the appropriate article to refresh your knowledge. Good luck! 1. In accordance with the new legislative initiatives the main regulator of the market in Russia will become: a) RFBRIN; b) Bank of Russia; c) the FFMS of Russia; d) the Special Commission of the Ministry of Finance. 2. The leaders of the "big three" international rating agencies are: a) Standard & Poor's Agency; b) Moody's Agency; c) Fitch Agency...
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Рейтинговые агентства – структуры, которые становятся наиболее узнаваемыми в самые сложные для большинства государств и их компаний времена. Их имена у всех на слуху: Fitch Rating, Standard & Poor’s, Moody’s. Особенно сейчас, в эпоху экономической нестабильности, когда рейтинги стран то активно понижаются, то не менее активно повышаются. Несмотря на то, что названия рейтинговых агентств узнаваемы, далеко не все знают, в чем заключается суть их деятельности, а также, откуда они вообще взялись. Очень часто к их работе относятся крайне негативно, поскольку понижение кредитного рейтинга редко когда может восприниматься иначе, чем негативно. Многие считают, что деятельность агентств давно перестала носить чисто индикативный…
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How well do you know the basics of the market, the macroeconomic analysis required for trading, and brokerage services? Test your knowledge in our third quiz. Remember that at the end of the test you will find links to articles with correct answers. If you have made a mistake in the test, you always have the opportunity to improve your knowledge. 1. GDP and GNP of a state have the following ratio: a) GDP always exceeds GNP; b) GNP always exceeds GDP; c) GDP always equals GNP; d) the ratio can be any, depending on the state's economy. 2. The income of a broker operating under the agency model is: a) the client's loss; b) a percentage of the client's profit;...
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Do you want to test your skills and knowledge about ? We suggest you take our second test based on the materials published on the site in the last week. If the questions of this test for traders cause any difficulties, you can always fill in the gap in your knowledge by reading an article on the subject. Good luck! Interactive test [WpProQuiz 2] The correct answers can be found in these articles: 1) , 2), 3), 4), 5).
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National Bank of Ukraine (NBU, Ukr. National Bank of Ukraine) is the central bank of the country. NBU is a legal entity, state-owned and has a registered capital of 10 million hryvnia. The main function of the NBU is to maintain the stability of the national currency - the Ukrainian hryvnia, as well as price stability and banking system, within the allotted powers. History of the National Bank of Ukraine The starting point for the establishment of the NBU was the law "On Banks and Banking Activity" adopted by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on March 20, 1991. The basis of the NBU was its predecessor - the Ukrainian Republican Bank of the State Bank of the USSR. In the nineties of the last century Ukraine faced a complete inadequacy of the financial system to the market conditions, as well as monstrous inflation, which...
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Throughout the trading week we have been publishing interesting articles for you. If you have read them carefully, it will not be difficult for you to answer the questions of our test. If you have made a mistake, you will always find the answer by returning to the desired publication. Interactive test [WpProQuiz 1] You can find the correct answers in these articles: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
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