A tale of bulls and bears
Vanya was a good boy. He studied at the institute, helped his parents. And he kept thinking about where he could earn money. И he found out about foreign exchange marketwhich was called Om. He took Vanyusha. The boy sits there, reading books for days, getting used to it. But then our hero fell asleep. Ivan fell asleep right at the computer. And he dreams of a wonderful place: all around are trees sprinkled with greenery.
Vanya took a closer look, and on the trees instead of leaves Dollars grow. Вот радость-то! Только руку протянул, сорвать побольше захотел – слышит топот за спиной. Обернулся Ванюша и обомлел: полный лес зверей набежал! Кого тут только не было! Быки, медведи, свиньи, овцы… «Сожрут» — с тоской подумал Ваня. Вдруг вперед выступил огромный медведь и говорит человеческим голосом: «Нехорошо, парень, валюту без спросу тырить, ее заработать надо. У нас в ляндии все по-честному. Выбирай племя, живи в нем, работай, и будет тебе счастье»!
"And what tribes are there, what are their differences, what do they do in life in general"? - Ivan asked. "Well, we have enough tribes, thank Buffet," replied the bear, "You see for yourself what is best for you. If you are frugal and thrifty, come to us, bears». «А чем вы занимаетесь?» — полюбопытствовал парень. «We sell the currency, but we put a high price on it, to investors interesting. Everybody sells, and the price goes down. That's where we're at. We buy up currency for next to nothing, and that's how we feed ourselves. And we beat those who disagree with us on the head with our paws and trample them down.
"Oh, don't fool the fellow's head, you squinty-eyed fellow," came a powerful bass, "Better than us, bullsyou can't find it in the Netherlands. We buy currency, we create a frenzy. Everyone is rushing to buy it, so the price is rising. Тут мы момент ловим и все продаем. Короче, кто не с нами – тех на рога и в небо!». Ваню аж передернуло, когда представил он себе эту картину. «Что, страшно стало?!» — ехидно захрюкал дохлый поросенок. «Иди тогда к sheep. They're afraid for their own skin, they almost never enter the market. They're afraid, they're nervous. So occasionally they pinch a bite, take a little currency, that's how they get by.. A miserable, in short, existence."
"Whose cow is mooing, but yours is silent. pig you greedy! - The big sheep shouted indignantly, "You are neither smart nor clever. You pigs have no heads at all. You put everything you have into it, at random.. You buy currency here, you sell it here. And you don't think about the consequences. As a result, you end up with nothing. You go begging for money from others. And all because of your pig greed, your exorbitant gambling. You think you'll get rich in an instant! It doesn't work like that!"
«Ладно, ладно, успокойся, тетушка Овца — снова подал голос медведь – каждому ведь свое. Кто как может, тот так и живет. Давайте прекратим все эти ссоры и дадим возможность парню определиться. Ну что, Ванюша, в какое племя направляешься, какая стратегия по душе тебе больше»? Задумался парень, закручинился. Трудно выбор сделать, но надо.
He just opened his mouth and wanted to ask for time to think, when a menacing voice came from above: "Vanya, how many times can you do this?". Vanya closed his eyes in fear and ... woke up. "Vanya, how much can you do?! - repeated mom - You with this ohm you can't see the light of day. Look at yourself in the mirror! Vanya sighed and silently started packing for school.