VPS-server for: how to choose the right one?

Traders who use Expert Advisors in their trading sooner or later encounter the problem of its uninterrupted operation. Most trading robots, for their correct operation, are recommended to be used around the clock, and it is almost impossible to keep the terminal always running. Computer breakdowns, power outages, loss of communication, etc. should also be taken into account. Failures in the work of the Expert Advisor can bring a significant negative impact to the trader. Using VPS (Virtual Private Server) successfully solves all these problems.
Many companies offer their virtual servers to traders, but the conditions of their use have a lot of differences. What should I pay attention to when choosing a high-quality VPS?

Minimum criteria for selecting a VPS server

  • VPS servers can be of wide specification and focused only on trading with the help of experts. This affects their power, cost and number of integrated programs. Naturally, a specialized VPS is suitable for a trader.
  • Most brokers offering VPS have a free test period. As they say, it's a sin not to take advantage.
  • It is better to choose a VPS server running on Windows. Using other operating systems may cause problems with MetaTrader terminal functioning.
  • Pay attention to the technical characteristics of the VPS. Desirable minimum: processor from 400 MHz, disk size from 5 GB, memory from 256 MB, unlimited connection.
  • Work VPS should be stable and fast. On weekends the VPS server must be overloaded. Technical support service must work in 24/7 mode.

VPS-server from a broker

Why is it profitable to choose a VPS server offered by a broker? The broker is well aware that a technical failure in the work of the expert will lead to the loss of the deposit and certain consequences. There are also a number of other advantages:

  • The broker, as a rule, understands the trader's needs - fast execution, price filtration and so on.
  • As a rule, the broker already has an integrated MetaTrader terminal. The trader only needs to integrate the Expert Advisor and configure it.
  • The broker charges the server directly from the deposit, which allows the trader not to worry about "forgot to pay" and the like.

Naturally, it is impossible to guarantee that on the basis of the above tips a trader will make exclusively the right choice. However, they will undoubtedly be a great help for fans of automated trading when choosing a VPS-server.

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