Cryptocurrency or paper money? About our future

Today, cryptocurrency is widely discussed in the media. Although, despite its popularity, only some people prefer it to traditional money.

Experts and investors unanimously assert that the main problem with the unpopularity of cryptocurrency in modern society is its instability.

And they're right. No one wants to keep their fortune locked up as an intangible digital asset. If we analyze the situation in more detail, it turns out that the problem of instability is related to the limited options for using digital currency in everyday life.

bitcoin or paper money

How to make cryptocurrency available to everyone?

To answer this question, you have to ask the following question. Why is cryptocurrency unstable in principle?

The answer is on the surface - speculation. But don't put it at the top of the list. First of all, the value of a particular cryptocurrency is determined by demand and supply. The greater the demand, the higher the value of the cryptocurrency - and vice versa. We can also say: unstable demand generates unstable price. Consequently, popularization of cryptocurrency is impossible without stabilizing its valuewhich, in turn, is only possible when demand is stable.

This can be achieved by using virtual money just as habitually as conventional paper money. But to do that, cryptocurrency conditionally must go through the whole way of adaptation and acceptance that traditional money went through. Only then it can become a full-fledged means of payment.

A little history of money

Since time immemorial, goods and services have been acquired through barter. As the economy grew, this approach became irrelevant. The essence of the problem is simple: to ensure economic growth at the time, access to a means of payment was necessary. This led to the earliest forms of money, which were recognized and used only in the locality where they were issued.

По мере роста международной торговли возникла необходимость в средствах расчета, признаваемых во всём мире. Это стало началом сущности под названием “валюта”.

Today, in the digital age, a completely different approach is needed. This is how debit and credit cards, which are used for most online transactions, came into being.

This brief excursus into history shows that convenience and accessibility are decisive factors in society's acceptance of any new money (including digital money).

Cryptocurrency plastic cards

Bitcoin for everyone

At this point, we come to the idea that the world needs a new way to use cryptocurrency literally anywhere.

При этом создание некоего “крипто-конвертера” может быть безрезультатным. Скажем откровенно: на данном этапе большинство потребителей не понимает даже сути цифровых денег. Есть риск, что новая технология для крипто-конверсии станет еще одной инновацией, сложной для восприятия. Выход можно найти в традиционном подходе – в дебетовых и кредитных картах. Они хорошо зарекомендовали себя в цифровом мире, и каждый знает, как их использовать.

By connecting cryptocurrencies and debit or credit cards, you can provide accessibility, which has been a stumbling block so far.

This approach will enable consumers to pay with cryptocurrency on a par with traditional money in any store. Moreover, this system is not a dream of "bitcoin" supporters, but a tangible reality.

Cryptocurrency can beat paper

Today, many companies are interested in helping crypto become real money. There is already a solution for seamless payment through a mobile app or even a regular card in stores where terminals accept bitcoins.

This uses payment processing protocols and flows similar to those used in traditional electronic payment systems (credit, debit, prepaid cards). With this solution, investors not only contribute to cryptocurrency, but also help the world fully embrace the technology.

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