Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies

  • Аналитики криптовалютной биржи Kraken обнародовали новый ежемесячный отчет о состоянии рынка для VIP-клиентов. В августе торговался в диапазоне $10 590 – 12 480 и закончил месяц на отметке $11 657 с приростом в 3%. Это наименьшее положительное изменение курса за один месяц с июня 2017 года. В отчете отмечается, что исторически сентябрь был худшим месяцем для биткоина со средней доходностью минус 7%. А поскольку BTC не достиг средней доходности в течение большей части 2020 года, результаты в этом месяце, вероятно, будут даже хуже, пишет coinspot. Эксперты обращают внимание на то, что биткоин теряет долю на рынке на фоне подъема сектора…

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  • - is a simple system based on only two technical indicators: a source of trading signals and a trend filter. The period of the Coral indicator, which acts as a filter, depends on the timeframe used. After installing the template, the chart of the currency pair should look like this: To protect your trade from unnecessary unexpected losses, it is advisable to use protective orders: The author recommends adding another Coral indicator to the chart with the period +20 of the first indicator for better filtering of trading signals. For example, for H1, the period of the first Coral indicator is 120, the period of the second - 140. If two Coral indicators cross or the distance between them is too small, do not open deals...

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  • - is an economic system that aims to create an open, accessible and transparent ecosystem of financial services based on cryptocurrencies, operating independently of the authorities. Simply put, it is a technology-based financial system. DeFi's goal is to develop a quality alternative to the traditional banking system through decentralized technology. Although the first cryptocurrency is bitcoin, the Ethereum ecosystem offers the most DeFi capabilities. Perhaps the reason for this is that ETH-blockchain was originally developed not as the "second cryptocurrency of the world", but as a platform for startups, ICOs and smart contracts. Thus, Ethereum can be considered the first DeFi project. It was it that made the possibility of investing through ICOs open to anyone,...

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  • Bitcoin is attracting more and more attention from investors and ordinary people alike because of its potential. Many years have passed since the start of this project, and the cryptocurrency continues to grow in rumors and amazing stories, which will be interesting to read at your leisure. The bitcoin era is just beginning, so we will add interesting facts to this article. We'll be glad if you share your news about cryptocurrency in the comments to the article.

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  • On June 18, 2019, Mark Zuckerberg's company Facebook announced the creation of a new cryptocurrency called Libra. At the moment, the Libra network is working in test mode, and its full release is scheduled for the first half of 2020. What makes Libra different from other cryptocurrencies and why is it needed? Who created Libra? Libra is a cryptocurrency based on blockchain. The members of Libra Association, which supports the issue of this currency, are 27 well-known companies, including Mastercard, PayPal, Visa, Booking Holdings, eBay, Facebook, Uber. The symbol of the cryptocurrency Libra is three horizontal wavy lines ≋. Libra is a global stablockin If the value of orthodox cryptocurrencies is not tied to any...

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  • Each of us makes mistakes that lead to completely different consequences. If you get one digit wrong when dialing a phone number, you simply call the wrong person. Mistaking one character in a bitcoin wallet address can cost you thousands of dollars. So, the top 5 biggest mistakes in bitcoin history. 5th place: too expensive transaction The first dissatisfaction with transaction fees in the Bitcoin network appeared in 2016, when users were clearly faced with the problem of scaling. The growing popularity of cryptocurrencies led to a significant increase in fees. In 2013, a UK resident mistakenly set a commission for sending just 0.01 BTC as much as 80 bitcoins. It is worth noting that...

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  • Cryptocurrency transactions are impossible without a cryptocurrency wallet. Whatever asset you use - bitcoin, ether, litecoin or any other, you simply cannot do without a special wallet for them. What kind of cryptocurrency wallets exist and which one is better to choose? Hot and cold cryptocurrency wallets All cryptocurrency wallets, regardless of what assets they are designed for, are divided into two types - hot and cold. No, a hot wallet won't burn you, and a cold one can't be put to your forehead in the heat. These slang terms denote the fundamental difference between the two ways of storing cryptocurrency. In simple words, a hot bitcoin wallet is a wallet connected to...

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  • The rapid rise in the value of digital assets has breathed life into crypto-trading, which was losing popularity. Crypto traders are divided into two large camps, defending their position on where it is better to trade bitcoin, etherium or litecoin - on a cryptocurrency exchange or in the MetaTrader trading terminal at a broker. Let's look at the pros and cons of both cryptocurrency trading options. The main difference between trading on a cryptocurrency exchange and at a broker Each type of crypto trading has its advantages and disadvantages, however, there is a fundamental difference between them that every trader needs to understand. A cryptocurrency exchange uses real cryptocurrency for trading, which is in its exchange account of the trader. That is, real digital currencies are sold and bought...

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  • The cryptocurrency market offers many opportunities for traders to make money. However, it is worth remembering that cryptocurrencies have a very high volatility and instability, which increases trading risks many times over. Every knowledgeable trader knows that it is better to miss out on a profit than to incur a loss. How to minimize risks when trading cryptocurrencies? And that is where the three most common ways of hedging on the cryptocurrency market come to the trader's aid. Method #1: Diversification of the cryptocurrency portfolio There is a saying that urges you not to put all your eggs in one basket. In fact, this is diversification in simple words. That is, you should not invest all of your capital in any one or a few similar assets. Diversification is considered the most...

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  • Cryptocurrency "zoo"

    There is probably no one who does not know that traders in financial markets are divided into bulls and bears. A bull drives the price of an asset up with his horns, while a bear drives it down with his paws. A bronze statue of an attacking bull has even become one of the symbols of Wall Street, one of the world's financial centers. But in the cryptocurrency market, "everything is not like people." Therefore, crypto traders, depending on their behavior in the market, in addition to bulls and bears, can be divided into a whole zoo. Whale trader The main attribute of a whale trader: is a holder of a very large amount of cryptocurrency. Basic habits: whales are completely uninterested in small fish traders swimming nearby. Just like a real whale does not notice the currents, so...

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  • Cryptocurrency has long ceased to be something exotic. Traders are discussing the advantages of this or that coin, making bitcoin rate forecasts and honing their skills on various cryptocurrency exchanges. As with any other financial assets, there are three types of strategies used in cryptocurrency trading, which we will look at today. Arbitrage strategies Arbitrage strategies in the cryptocurrency market are based on the idea of simultaneously buying and selling the asset on different exchanges. The trader's profit consists in the difference in the value of the coin on these platforms. For example, on the Binance cryptocurrency exchange, one bitcoin can be bought for $3,300, and on the BitForex exchange, the same bitcoin can be sold at a rate of $3,400...

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  • Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies fall and rise, making investors nervous and giving traders an opportunity to make money. However, whether the market rises or falls, it does not make it any less easy to make a profit. Most of the time, it is inexperienced people who do not know how to use digital assets who fall for the tricks, so today we will introduce you to the most common ways of fraud in the cryptocurrency market. Cryptocurrency pyramid The method of cryptocurrency pyramid is that you will be promised gigantic profits with extremely small investments in the project on your part. This is the general principle of the classical money pyramid: investors make profits by investing new people. Naturally, the biggest...

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  • Cryptocurrency volatility is gradually fading. The uncertainty of the industry's further development makes ordinary traders leave the market and only occasionally look at the bitcoin exchange rate. This situation really does not promise anything good for speculators, but it could be a good time for businesses to integrate cryptocurrency payments into their processes. Finding the "bottom" without studying bitcoin's technical qualities is a reckless decision. As much as we would like to see hope in BTC for a new relationship system, without faith in the product, without popularizing it as a savings or payment tool, it will sell out to nothing. For this reason, we will turn to one important indicator of the bitcoin network -...

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  • China is no longer an agrarian country with a backward industry. To the world, China has become an example of persistence and industriousness, qualities that many believe the West has begun to gradually lose. However, there is a point of view that in the future China will remain without growth drivers, as labor becomes more and more expensive. In particular, World Bank experts predict a crisis for the country if the economy does not become fully market-based. But is this true? We have tried to analyze the current situation and we think you will be interested to know how China is now changing its development priorities - especially if you are familiar with the world of cryptocurrencies and blockchain. One Belt is One...

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  • In accordance with the legislation of Belarus, the first CIS exchange for trading digital currencies, Karrensi Kom Bel LLC, was opened in the country. The trading floor is located at Investors of this project were Said Gutseriev through Lanabel Ventures and Viktor Prokopenya through VP Capital. Now it's possible to trade in bitcoin in Belarus Mr. Gutseriev is also a co-owner of the Safmar Group and the son of the notorious Mikhail Gutseriev. According to RBC, $10 million was invested in the opening of the crypto exchange. The expected revenue by the end of 2019 is $70 million. According to the creators, will initially issue more than 150 tokenized assets and bring their number to more than 10 thousand. Each token will correspond...

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  • While cryptoanalysts are trying to predict the rate of bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, twin brothers Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss, known in the world of digital assets, held a session of answers to questions from Reddit users, where they expressed their opinion on the prospects of cryptocurrencies. The Winklevoss brothers, co-founders of the cryptocurrency exchange Gemini, who first learned about bitcoin in 2012, saw great potential in it. Having bought $11 million worth of bitcoins (in 2013 that was about 1% of this cryptocurrency's volume), they became the world's first official bitcoin billionaires by December 2017. Despite BTC falling from a peak of $20,000 to $3,000 to $4,000 to $4,000, Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss still believe that bitcoin is better...

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  • Ether started 2019 with a strong growth, overtaking Ripple and once again taking the second place in terms of capitalization after bitcoin. The value of the cryptocurrency ETH rose by 7.7% in just 24 hours, crossing the $150 per coin mark, and Ethereum's capitalization now stands at $15.2 billion, leaving behind its nearest competitor, XRP, with a capitalization of $14.8 billion. Ethereum came under serious pressure last year due to ICO startups selling ETH in record volumes. Now, however, according to cryptocurrency analysts, the price of ETH is rising, taking advantage of positive expectations from the Constantinople hardforward, which will take place from January 14 to 18, 2019. From a technical point of view, ETH/USD quotes have broken...

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  • The concept of "money laundering" was introduced by the famous American gangster Al Capone. A whole network of laundromats was used to launder the proceeds of crime. But we do not live in Prohibition-era Chicago, but in the 21st century. And nowadays, one of the most popular laundries for money laundering has unfortunately become the crypto industry. As the FBI found, over the past two years, criminals using cryptocurrencies have laundered approximately $1.5 billion. That said, it should be understood that this is a very approximate amount, as an exact figure is almost impossible to establish. Services for mixing cryptocurrencies Overlay One of the most popular methods for money laundering is the so-called layering. Applicable...

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  • Making bitcoin rate predictions has long been mainstream in the cryptocurrency world. Some experts have been "burying" bitcoin for years, calling it a bubble, a financial pyramid, a fraud, etc. Others, on the contrary, believe that the flagship cryptocurrency has a future and its value will rise again. Is it hard to predict the rate of BTC? There is nothing easier! Just make a smart face, choose a longer term and poke at any price you like, spicing up your forecast with the words blockchain, mining, SEC, bitcoin-ETF and others. Voila, now you're a cryptocurrency expert. And if your forecast doesn't come true, well, no one is safe from mistakes. What's the real deal with bitcoin price prediction and is there...

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  • In the forecasts of financial analysts there is often the expression "stock market" and related terms. Many have heard them, but not everyone understands their meaning. Today, we're going to look into what the stock market and the transaction feed on cryptocurrency exchanges are all about. What is a market maker? Exchange stack or deal stack is a list of limit orders that are registered on the exchange. Orders are tabulated and distinguished by color: sell orders (Ask) - highlighted in red; buy orders (Bid) - highlighted in green. All together such orders are called offers from the English word Offers. The difference between the best Ask order and the best Bid order...

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