Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies
The EXMO cryptocurrency exchange was created in 2014 and is very popular in the CIS countries, as it belongs to the category of cryptocurrency exchanges that support the Russian language. Contents General information about the exchange EXMO Registration on the exchange Deposit and withdrawal Verification of your account How to trade on the EXMO Cryptocurrency exchange How to change the cryptocurrency Security of your account at EXMO Advantages and disadvantages Basic information Official website of the exchange: Official twitter of the exchange: Place of registration: UK Date of registration: 2013 Site language: English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian, Chinese, Russian, Ukrainian, Polish Trading pairs: 39 Registration on EXMO For registration on EXMO crypto exchange you need to enter the...
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Authors: Artem Genkin, Alexei Mikheev Publisher: Alpina Publisher, 2018 ISBN 978-5-9614-6558-7 Pages: 592 pages Format: 70×100/16 Weight: 990 g Binding: Softcover Buy Book Read Book Read the beginning of the book Read about Blockchain Blockchain and everything associated with it is one of the most breakthrough fintech technologies of recent times. Sergey Solonin. founder of QIWI, General Director of FinTech Association Blockchain allows you to create the perfect registry. A perfect registry can transform everything in the world. Tim Draper, American venture capitalist, founder and managing partner at Draper Associates. Using global and Russian examples, the authors discuss how and why blockchain technology captured the minds of millions in just a few years, caused a real cryptocurrency boom in the market and attracted...
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Investors are paying more and more attention to high technology and the cryptocurrency market. In turn, every new project, which is commonly referred to as a startup, needs money to develop. In order to attract investments, as a rule, the startups don't use traditional methods but resort to ICO (Initial coin offering), which is analogous to IPO on the stock market. Companies conducting ICOs offer tokens to investors. Not all tokens taste the same :), so it's time to understand their classification. Startups in the cryptocurrency market offer three main types of tokens. The first type of tokens - shares As you know, the Etherium network gives the opportunity to use smart contracts. With their help, young...
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Financial markets have long had their own slang, but the rapid growth of cryptocurrencies and the development of cryptocurrency exchanges has led to a situation where many "orthodox" traders, trying their hand at trading digital assets, sometimes do not understand what they are talking about. To remedy this situation, we have prepared for you a glossary of the most common slang expressions and terms used on cryptocurrency exchanges. Find out what all these words mean below. Crypto, crypto - a common slang name for cryptocurrency; Ded or bitcoin - short for bitcoin; Fiat - from the expression "fiat currency," not a brand of car. Used to name traditional currencies (dollars, euros, etc.); Satoshi - parts, on...
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Cryptocurrency exchange YObit is one of the most popular and, at the same time, the most controversial trading platforms in the ru-segment. The functionality of the exchange, its capabilities and features are interesting enough to consider in detail. Basic information about YObit Market Registration Registration Deposit and withdrawal Verification of your account How to trade on the YObit Market Additional services Account security Advantages and disadvantages of YObit Market Basic information about YObit Market Official website: Market registration: unknown Registration date: unknown Site language: English, Chinese, Russian Assets for trading: 584 Market registration It immediately comes to mind, that when you enter the link, you are not on the welcome...
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We continue our review of cryptocurrency exchanges oriented to work with Russian-speaking users. Today we will consider one of the most popular exchanges among domestic miners and traders -Livecoin. Contents Basic information about exchange Livecoin Registration on exchange Deposit and withdrawal Verification of account How to trade on the cryptocurrency exchange Livecoin Cryptocurrency game Security of account Advantages and disadvantages of exchange Livecoin Basic information about exchange Livecoin Official website of exchange: www.livecoin.Net The official twitter of the exchange: Place of registration: UK Date of registration: 2013 Language: Russian, English, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, French, Indonesian, Turkish Trading pairs: 288 Registration on the exchange Livecoin...
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The popularity of cryptocurrencies has caused an explosive growth in the number of cryptocurrency exchanges. The number of trading platforms, where cryptoassets are traded, has reached 400. Know Your Customer - the principle of correct cryptocurrency exchanges Many exchanges are regulated by the US and UK financial authorities and operate in compliance with legislation aimed at combating terrorist financing and money laundering. On the one hand, this is a great advantage. Such cryptocurrency exchanges, unlike all sorts of "anarchic" platforms, have an official status with all the ensuing consequences, including insurance of client funds, impossibility of fraud and manipulation of client funds and exchange functionality. On the other hand, compliance with legal requirements forces each client of the exchange to undergo...
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There is probably no one in the financial world who has not heard of cryptocurrencies: bitcoin and ether, litecoin and riple. However, not everyone knows that the number of cryptocurrencies is much larger - there are 1,465 of them at the moment! Most traders have never even heard of many coins. Nevertheless, there are enterprising young people who make real money even on cryptocurrencies that nobody knows about. Today let's talk about what pamp and dump on cryptocurrency exchanges are. What are Pumps and Dumps. Pump and Dump The name of the scheme Pump and Dump comes from the English words "pump" - "pump", to inflate and "dump" - "dump". The circuit itself is not...
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In December 2017 there was a significant event on the cryptocurrency market - bitcoin futures appeared on the US exchanges SVOE and CME. What are bitcoin futures and what impact will they have on the cryptocurrency rate? What are bitcoin futures? As you know, a futures is an obligation to buy or sell some asset at a specified time at a set price, which is determined at the time of entering into this obligation. Thus, the subject who concludes a futures contract is obliged to buy or sell the asset at the price specified in the contract at the agreed upon time, and it does not matter what price the asset has at that time. It follows that futures
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Over the past year, the cryptocurrency market has amazed even the experts who have seen the scale of its growth. What was the past year like for bitcoin and what can we expect from them in 2018? Cryptocurrencies in 2017 The value of cryptocurrencies By the end of 2016, the price of Bitcoin ranged between $800 and $900, while Etherium was worth $7 to $8. The Ripple coin was going for $0.006, and the price of LightCoin was around $4. In 2017, the situation changed dramatically, and by the end of the year the price of cryptocurrencies surpassed the boldest analytical forecasts: Bitcoin - 14.5 thousand dollars, while the price of BTC reached the mark of 20 thousand dollars. During the year, the value rose to 2...
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Cryptocurrencies have become so popular that probably only lazy people have not given bitcoin exchange rate forecasts. And the forecasts varied from complete depreciation, to the growth of bitcoin price to the most exorbitant heights. More recently, analysts racked their brains as to whether or not the bitcoin price will reach the level of 10 thousand dollars by the end of 2017, drawing support and resistance levels on the charts, but the year is not over yet, and the "bitcoin" already visited the level of 20 thousand dollars per coin. So believe all kinds of predictions... In fact, it is very easy to give a bitcoin price forecast. It is enough to point a finger at any amount, and then you can build up a theoretical base. About one thing...
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Blockchain technology is the invention of Satoshi Nakamoto, the creator of the bitcoin cryptocurrency. However, since its creation, blockchain has become not just another technology for storing and exchanging data, but a whole revolutionary technological breakthrough that affects more than just the financial sphere. Today we're going to look into what blockchain is. The essence of blockchain Blockchain (blockchain) is an English word formed by the words block, chain, i.e., a chain of blocks. Simply put, blockchain is a database made up of blocks. The whole essence of blockchain technology, which distinguishes it from its counterparts, is that the information stored in the system is decentralized. In simple terms, this means that...
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Bittrex crypto exchange is one of the leaders among bitcoin and cryptocurrency trading platforms. Initially, Bittrex served as an exchange, but after some time its founders decided to expand its functionality, which made it a full-fledged cryptocurrency exchange. Bittrex exchange is especially popular among traders, trading altcoins, because it has coins in circulation, which are absent at other exchanges. Contents Basic information about the exchange Registration Deposit and withdrawal Verification of the account Types of orders How to trade on the cryptocurrency exchange Bittrex Security of the account Advantages and disadvantages of Bittrex Basic information about the exchange Bittrex Official website: Official twitter: Place of registration: US Date of registration: 25.01.2014 Language:...
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Bitcoin today has a huge number of its fans. However, the number of opponents is not less. One can hear all sorts of things about the most popular cryptocurrency. Some say that bitcoin is in the future and will become a mainstay of the global financial system. Others compare it to pyramids and soap bubbles, promising adherents that they will cry and their fortune will turn into useless notes. We've gathered and debunked 6 of the most common myths about bitcoin. Misconception #1. Bitcoin is a scam and a bubble that can burst at any moment Proponents of this statement rely on the fact that bitcoin is a useless piece of code whose value is not confirmed by anything tangible. However, the value of any...
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As of today, the cryptocurrency market is not yet mature. The basics of regulation by regulatory authorities around the world are still being launched or in the process of development; many still express doubts about the applicability of Blockchain technology in its current form as a tool for big business; there are regular information injections of dubious quality, generating excessive volatility; periodic bankruptcies and hacking attacks on cryptocurrency exchanges do not go unnoticed. All these factors point to the increased risk of this market. Major cryptocurrencies for investing and trading Bitcoin (Bitcoin, BTC) is the locomotive of the cryptocurrency market. The first exchange of Bitcoin for national money took place in September 2009. At that time...
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The Entropy and Alligator trading strategy is trend-following and optimized for bitcoin cryptocurrency trading. The strategy is based on two indicators: Bill Williams' Alligator and Entropy, which shows the strength of the trend. Input parameters Currency pairs: bitcoin/dollar Timeframe: H1 or higher Trading time: any Risk management: After calculating stop-loss, choose such a volume of lot, that the risk was not more than 2-5% of the deposit per trade Setting up the price chart Unpack the archive Copy the template to the templates folder Indicators copy to the folder MQL4 -> indicators Restart the terminal Open the chart of the desired currency pair Set the template named Entropy and Alligator Trading System The chart should look like this: Signals, indicating the opening of the...
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Today, cryptocurrency is widely discussed in the media. Although, despite its popularity, only some people prefer it to traditional money. Experts and investors unanimously argue that the main problem of unpopularity of cryptocurrency in modern society is its instability. And they are right. No one wants to keep their fortune locked up as an intangible digital asset. If we analyze the situation in more detail, it turns out that the problem of instability is related to the limited options for using digital currency in everyday life. How can we make cryptocurrency accessible to everyone? To answer this question, we need to ask the following question. Why is cryptocurrency unstable in principle? The answer is on the surface - speculation. But you shouldn't put it at the top of the list. In the first place...
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The world of cryptocurrency is experiencing an unprecedented rise. Bitcoins, Ethers, blockchains, and transactions are on the radar of many. We know that Bitcoin was created by Satoshi Nakamoto, Etherium by Vitalik Buterin, Litecoin by Charles Lee, Ripple by Jack MaCaleb, etc. And if the biographies of all cryptocurrency creators are known, the identity of Satoshi Nakamoto is still a mystery. So who is Satoshi Nakamoto and what do we know about him? How did Satoshi Nakamoto come to be? In November 2008, a mailing on behalf of Satoshi Nakamoto was published, containing a description of the Bitcoin protocol. In 2009, the first software for the Bitcoin network was released, after which...
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Cryptocurrency exchange Bitfinex was founded in 2012. During its operation, the exchange has passed many tests: repeated hacks, blocking of deposits and withdrawals by foreign banks, etc. However, this did not prevent it from gaining popularity among crypto traders and firmly establish itself in the top 3 crypto exchanges. In this article Basic information about Bitfinex exchange Registration on the exchange Deposit and withdrawal Verification and types of accounts What types of orders exist on the exchange Bitfinex How to trade on the cryptocurrency Security of account Advantages and disadvantages of the exchange Bitfinex Basic information about the exchange Bitfinex Official website of the exchange: Official twitter of the exchange: /bitfinex Place of registration: Hong Kong Registration date:...
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Many people know that there are many other cryptocurrencies besides bitcoin. At the moment there are about 1300 altcoins, the most popular of which is Ethereum or Etherium. Who invented Ethereum? The Ethereum platform was created in 2013 by a twenty-year-old Canadian programmer of Russian descent, Vitalik Buterin, in co-authorship with Gavin Wood. Interestingly, Vitalik is really his full name, spelled Vitalik in English. In 2011, Buterin became interested in bitcoin. In the same year, he co-founded the first major print publication on the subject, Bitcoin Magazine. To create the Etherium platform, an ICO was held in August 2013, through which 18...
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