CTrader - platform for lightning-fast ECN-trading
The market is becoming more and more popular among private traders. And corporate participants are increasingly using it for their own needs. That's the conclusion that emerges from reading the recent report Bank of International Settlementsaccording to which the volume of trade on the exceeded the highs that were before the Lehman Brothers collapse and reached $5 trillion in daily turnover.

This trend supports two very pleasing processes. First, market participants are becoming more professional. And second, in an effort to catch the wave, companies associated with this business are actively developing, offering new products and services. One of the most notable trends recently has been the development of the popularity of ECNThe trading is carried out without a dealer, there is potentially no conflict of interest between the broker and the client, the trading volume is higher, and it goes faster.

The cTrader platform is an easy...
About a year ago, a European-based -FxPro broker, announced its entry into the ECN market with a new cTrader platform. The main difference of this platform from the existing analogues is the "lightness" and simplicity of the program interface. Trading can be done in one click, directly from the chart or from the quotation window in the market overview. The program itself is much less resource-intensive and "slow" than the professional products of some banks. I do not want to dwell on such things that have become a minimum set, as "photographing" charts and a wide range of technical indicators, as well as the possibility of adding drawing objects to the chart. By the way, here the charts can be not only photographed (ChartShot), but also save it on a special web server to broadcast to a friend or yourself on another computer (ChartCast).

Since it is an ECN-platform, its main difference is the presence of the quote glassThe application can be used to track volumes, but this leads to higher traffic consumption, which limits the use of this application to desktop PCs only.

We have already said that trade turnover in the market has been growing seriously in recent years, but we haven't mentioned another trend - more and more active use of electronic advisorsThe cTrader app has recently been released by cTrader, a developer of algorithmic trading. More recently, the developer of cTrader has released an application for algorithmic trading cAlgowhich makes it quite easy to create applications and trade through an ECN account opened for cTrader terminal. The company is interested in having traders and developers write their algorithms for this program as well, for which it creates platforms where opinions and experiences are exchanged.

Trading in cTrader via FxPro
Currently, FxPro is the only company that offers trading through cTrader platform. In addition to the above advantages of ease and speed of trading, the absence of a dealer (NDD) and the presence of the quote glass (Level II Pricing), the company itself does its best to make the conditions of work with the platform as comfortable as possible. On ECN accounts the minimum spreads (because the quotes come from several large banks at once), the commission is much less than the industry average ($30 for a transaction of the size of a million). But the most unusual thing is direct rebates from the company. That is, at the end of the month you get money (real, "withdrawn") to your account depending on the trade turnover made. This approach is innovative because it makes the offer from FxPro even more pleasant for clients, and allows them to bypass some suspicious rebate services.
Brief summary
In short, a very apt comparison by one of the traders who reviewed the platform in Europe. "cTrader is like a Ferrari in the trading world. There may not be as many winners and you don't have a reserved seat in a golf club as you do with a Bentley, but it's built for fast trading and handles it exceptionally well.". The design is as intuitive as possible, so that in a few seconds after installation, you will find yourself trading on the demo account.
Of all ECN terminals, cTrader is the most advanced and a bit like MT4 in terms of functionality and convenience. I especially like trading directly from charts and changing s/l and t/p levels by dragging them on charts.