The InsideBarSetup indicator: a ready-made Price Action trading strategy
InsideBarSetup indicator - is a technical tool designed to find and identify one of the most common setups on the price chart Price Action "Inside Bar" or Inside Bar.

When you find an Inside Bar pattern, the InsideBarSetup indicator marks it with a star, the color of which can be customized, and it also duplicates the information with the sound and text messages.

In addition, the InsideBarSetup indicator determines the staging levels for the found pattern pending ordersThe order is displayed on the chart, as well as stop-loss and take-profit orders, as well as duplicated in a separate text window.
The InsideBarSetup indicator has a wide range of settings that allow you to change not only the indicator display, but also apply signal filtering and much more.
Essentially, InsideBarSetup indicator is practically a ready-made strategy for trading on Price Action patterns. We recommend using the indicator on timeframes no lower than H4 to eliminate false signals due to price noise on lower periods, as well as to open transactions only in the direction of the current trend.
Download the InsideBarSetup indicator
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