VWMA+CG 4C AA MTF TT Arrow Trading Indicator
Trading indicator VWMA+CG 4C AA MTF TT can be called both arrow and channel indicators. Its author is Tankk, whose technical indicators have long been known to our readers and whose technical indicators have long been popular on our traders' forum.
The indicator VWMA+CG 4C AA MTF TT builds a channel calculated on volumes, the coloring of which depends on line bends.

Indicator parameters will satisfy even the most demanding trader. They are realized in them:
- MTF mode;
- interpolation function;
- additional smoothing;
- two sets of arrows;
- 4 methods of channel calculation by 7 price variants;
- bar, on which the signal will appear, etc.

Trading indicator VWMA+CG 4C AA MTF TT can be used both in the channel variant and in the signal variant. An additional "bonus" of the indicator is that its signals are not redrawn.