Informational indicators
The FuturoFX indicator belongs to the category of predictive indicators and is based on one of the postulates of technical analysis, which states that history tends to repeat itself. FuturoFX indicator compares the current situation in the market with historical data and, based on repeating patterns, calculates the average arithmetic price movement, which displays on the chart of the currency pair as a forecast. FuturoFX indicator works on all available trading instruments and on all timeframes, however, for its correct operation is recommended to download the history of quotes for the selected instrument. The FuturoFX indicator considers the block consisting of the number of candles selected by the trader and compares it to the already available in the quotation history similar blocks....
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The Closed cycle FI indicator is based on the theory of currency interrelationship and is an instrument of cluster analysis. The Closed cycle FI indicator calculates the real currency index, expressed in points, for the specified time period using the closed cycle method. Closed cycle FI indicator settings TimeFrame - time period, over which the calculation will be performed; Bar_Number - number of calculated candlesticks (bars) on the specified time interval. By default, TimeFrame = H4, Bar_Number = 6 (the calculation of currency indexes is performed for the last 24 hours, by analyzing 6 bars on the 4-hour timeframe). The Closed cycle FI indicator shows on the price chart of the currency pair indices specified by a trader...
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The Spread_NiceForex indicator displays two lines on the price chart, located at a distance from the current price by the distance of the current spread. The indicator works on all available instruments and time intervals, except monthly. According to experts of, the indicator Spread_NiceForex will be useful for novice traders and when working on accounts with floating spread. Download Spread_NiceForex Indicator You might also be interested in
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The Multi Indicator Watcher is a universal tool that displays the current trend on all timeframes for selected currency pairs, based on the readings of 16 most popular indicators. Values are displayed in appropriate colors depending on the strength and direction of the current trend. Blue color - a strong uptrend. Blue - a moderate uptrend. Yellow - a flat trend. Orange - a moderate downtrend Red - a strong downtrend. The Multi Indicator Watcher can display information in two modes. To select the appropriate mode, you need to set the indicator settings to true. Multi-Indic Display Mode In Multi-Indic mode, the Multi Indicator Watcher displays readings of 16 indicators on the...
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CandleStick Pattern Indicator belongs to the category of informational and displays candlestick patterns on the price chart of a currency pair. The indicator works on any trading instrument available in the MetaTrader 4 platform. When identifying a candlestick pattern, the CandleStick Pattern Indicator displays its name on the chart, marks it with an arrow and alerts the trader with a sound signal. CandleStick Pattern Indicator settings Show strong reversal patterns - show strong reversal patterns. Show weak reversal patterns - show weak reversal patterns. Show continuation patterns - show trend continuation patterns. Show Unclassified - show additional patterns. View Bars - number of latest candlesticks, considered by the indicator. Sound Alert - to sound the sound signal when the...
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Speed Candles indicator v1.0 belongs to the category of informational and allows the trader to evaluate the price change on all timeframes without switching between them. The Speed Candles indicator is displayed as histograms characterizing the speed and direction of price changes at each timeframe. The direction of price change is displayed in green (upward movement) and red (downward movement). The speed of price change is displayed in percent. According to experts of magazine, the Speed Candles indicator will be in demand in strategies that use the method of analysis of several trading screens to make trading decisions, as well as for scalping systems. Download Speed Candles indicator v1.0 Other informational indicators
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Trade Day indicator belongs to the group of informational indicators. It plots the price maximums and minimums for the trading day on the price chart, at the same time signing the days of the week. Experts of think that Trade Day indicator will be useful for traders at the technical analysis of current situation and will simplify the trading plan formalization. Download Trade Day Indicator Other Information Indicators
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The Forex Prediction indicator belongs to the category of informational indicators. On the price chart, the Forex Prediction indicator displays an arrow and an inscription showing the current price trend. The main information of the Forex Prediction indicator is in the basement of the chart. The Forex Prediction indicator displays: Time until the closing of the current candle; Current trend on all timeframes; Percentage ratio of buyers and sellers; Current recommendation for position direction; Information on open positions; Selling and buying volumes as a bar chart. According to experts of, the Forex Prediction indicator can be useful in any strategy as an informational component. Download Forex Prediction Indicator Other informative indicators
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The iPanel indicator is an informer that displays on the price chart of a currency pair the recommendations of the most common indicators on timeframes from M1 to H4. The list of indicators which signals display the iPanel indicator Stochastic RSI CCI MACD EMA (two exponential moving averages with different periods) Used in trading iPanel indicator The red down arrow indicates a downward trend, the green up arrow - upward. In addition, the signals of the CCI indicator can be presented in the form of slanting arrows. The inclined green arrow does not recommend to open the position for sale, and the inclined red arrow does not recommend to open the position for purchase. In the opinion of the experts, the iPanel information indicator will be convenient to use in strategies,...
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The Fourier Extrapolator indicator belongs to the category of predictors and displays on the price chart of a currency pair a line of possible future price movement, calculated on the basis of Fourier theory. As a rule, price trend forecasts are available for 24-hour periods, that's why the Fourier Extrapolator can only be used for intraday trading. Since the price forecast is made on the basis of the Fourier theory, which implies the calculation of the already passed prices, it is not recommended to use the Fourier Extrapolator indicator on the day when the important economic events are released. According to experts, the accuracy of the Fourier Extrapolator forecast will decrease proportionally to the timeframe increase. The most accurate prediction will be on the M1 and M5 charts, which...
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Stratman MiniChart V12 indicator is an informer that allows you to observe the configuration of candles on other timeframes without switching to them. The Stratman MiniChart V12 indicator displays fragments of candles from other timeframes on the price chart of the currency pair. It should be noted that the displayed chart fragments are not superimposed on the main chart, but are located in the free space, which facilitates their analysis. In the settings, you can change the number of candlesticks displayed, their color and the desired time intervals. According to experts of, the Stratman MiniChart V12 indicator will be useful in strategies based on the candlestick analysis and involving work on several screens. Download Stratman MiniChart V12 Indicator You may also be interested in
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Strength Candles indicator is an informer, which displays on the price chart of the trading instrument displaying the strength of bulls and bears on timeframes from M1 to D1 in the form of red and green histograms and its evaluation in the range from 0 to 100%. The Strength Candles indicator does not use in its work the readings of indicators such as RSI or moving averages, so the information is provided without any delay. In the indicator settings, options are available to change the design. According to experts, the Strength Candles indicator should not be used to enter the market, but when integrated into...
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Heatmap Gradient Scale indicator refers to informational indicators and displays on the price chart the value of the daily variation of a currency pair or another trading instrument from the "Market Watch" window in three modes. Setting up the Heatmap Gradient Scale indicator Forming the list of trading instruments displayed on the price chart is performed directly in the "Market Watch" window. The information on the price change can be displayed in three modes: Scale, Gradient - normal color display; Heatmap - "heat map" mode, the backlight contrast will vary depending on the instrument change. Application of the indicator in Heatmap Gradient Scale trade The Heatmap Gradient Scale indicator can be used as a correlation indicator (when using the display mode...
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FanSimple8_4MEn indicator belongs to the category of trend indicators and uses standard Moving Average indicators in its calculations. The indicator displays the position of three moving averages (moving average fan opening) with the parameters 5, 21 and 55 on all eight timeframes, displaying the result on the price chart in the form of arrows and rhombuses. Red arrow (moving averages fan opened in descending order - 55,21,5) - there is a downtrend on the market; Blue arrow (moving averages fan opened in ascending order - 5,21,55) - there is an uptrend on the market; The gray diamond signals the flat market. For the trader's convenience it is provided...
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индикатор ZCOMFX является информационным индикатором, который в окне ценового графика отмечает стрелками направление тренда в основных валютных парах. В индикаторе реализована настройка отображений выбранных трейдером валютных пар. По мнению экспертов журнала, индикатор ZCOMFX будет полезен трейдерам, использующих стратегии, основанные на корреляции. Скачать индикатор ZCOMFX
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индикатор Cash Spitting Sensor относится к информационным индикаторам и выводит в окне ценового графика силу валют. Доступно отображение до 28 валютных пар. По мнению экспертов журнала, индикатор Cash Spitting Sensor может стать дополнительным элементом для мультивалютных стратегий. Скачать индикатор Cash Spitting Sensor
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индикатор Forex Trend Console относится к группе информационных индикаторов. Индикатор подходит для использования на любом рынке, поскольку позволяет выбрать любую валютную пару, драгоценные металлы, сырьевые товары, акции и индексы. индикатор Forex Trend Console обозначает наличие и силу текущей тенденции, а также дает торговые рекомендации, включая время и цену открытия позиции. Эксперты журнала считают, что сигналы индикатора Forex Trend Console в обязательном порядке должны проверяться показаниями других индикаторов. Скачать индикатор Forex Trend Console
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индикатор WYFX NITRO+ является уникальным мультииндикатором, предназначенным для торговых систем и стратегий, использующих корреляцию валютных пар. WYFX NITRO+ состоит из нескольких индикаторов и 10 специально разработанных шаблонов, из которых каждый трейдер может выбрать подходящий для своей торговой тактики. По мнению экспертов журнала, индикатор WYFX NITRO+ очень удобен в использовании, поскольку выводит всю интересующую информацию, избавляя трейдера от «беготни» по ценовым графикам, при этом абсолютно не загромождая окно терминала. Скачать шаблоны и индикаторы WYFX NITRO+
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индикатор TREND_alexcud — это трендовый индикатор, который одновременно показывает тренды на разных таймфреймах и дает рекомендации по входу в сделку, используя для этого несколько трендовых индикаторов. В TREND_alexcud используются показания стандартных индикаторов Moving Average и АС. Причём периоды 5-ти Moving Average можно настроить самостоятельно. Также в данном индикаторе отображается общий результат и высчитывается оценка по общей ситуации на рынке, выдавая результат в процентах вероятностного движения цены как вверх, так и вниз. Для упрощения работы с индикатором TREND_alexcud, в правой его части выдаются сигналы о рекомендуемых, конкретных действиях, таких как: удачное время для покупки, удачное время для продажи и рекомендация не открывать никаких позиций и подождать хорошего момента,…
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Информер для индикатора Parabolic Sar состоит из двух индикаторов SAR_Bar_v1 и signalTable sar, которые выводят информацию по всем таймфреймам, не загромождая ценовой график валютной пары. Показания информера интуитивно понятны и не нуждаются в дополнительных пояснениях. По мнению экспертов журнала, информер для Parabolic Sar будет полезен в любой торговой системе, где используется этот индикатор. Скачать индикаторы информера для Parabolic Sar Вас также могут заинтересовать Indicator SAR Color – аналог Parabolic SAR
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