Signal indicator Directional Breakout mtf alerts + arrows
Signal indicator Directional Breakout mtf alerts + arrows is designed to enter the market in the direction of the current trend. For this purpose, a histogram based on the readings of moving average.

The histogram of the Directional Breakout mtf alerts + arrows signal indicator is between the 2.2 and -2.2 levels. The histogram reading is identified as follows:
- Exceeding the level of 2.2 is displayed in the form of green bars of the histogram and is considered as the presence of an uptrend in the market;
- Decrease below the level of -2.2 is displayed as red bars and is considered as presence in the market downward trend.
- Finding between the levels 2.2 and -2.2 is displayed in the form of yellow bars and is considered as the absence of a pronounced trend in the market.
When the first red or green column appears, the Directional Breakout mtf alerts + arrows signal indicator displays arrows of the corresponding color on the price chart of the currency pair, indicating market entry points.
Additionally, in the indicator Directional Breakout mtf alerts + arrows is implemented a system of alerts in the form of a sound signal, text window, e-mail notification.
According to experts, the flexibility of the settings allows you to use Directional Breakout mtf alerts + arrows signal indicator on almost all timeframes and currency pairs. However, the indicator cannot be considered a full-fledged source of signals for entry and requires the introduction of additional filters.
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