Trend indicators
The Hull Moving Average Mountain Histogram trading indicator is an advanced modification of the Hull Moving Average. Hull MA, or Hull Moving Average, has one key feature - it eliminates the lag, which is typical for the entire class of Moving Average indicators. The Hull Moving Average Mountain Histogram indicator is a transformation of Hull MA signals into a histogram displayed in the basement window of the price chart. In the indicator Hull Moving Average Mountain Histogram is implemented MTF mode, 33 types of prices to calculate and 6 types of Hull MA, displaying vertical lines and customizable system of alerts. The Hull Moving Average Mountain Histogram Trade Indicator is an accurate and effective tool for trend trading....
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Arrow trading indicator ONYX Trend AA MTF TT - another almost a grail from Tankk, who has long been on forum as the top author of profitable indicators for trading. The ONYX Trend AA MTF TT indicator is based on the use of signals from the Arnaud Legoux Moving Average (ALMA) - an indicator based on the Gaussian distribution for the deviation of the moving average towards the most relevant prices, the shift of which is regulated by the VHF-filter (Vertical Horizontal Filter). In addition to the standard VHF filter, the ONYX Trend AA MTF TT indicator adds 4 additional filters: slope angle (Beta); internal filter (Low/High); FilterPip (point); ComboLH (Low/High+High). In ONYX Trend AA MTF TT there is a filter that has already become for...
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The Cronex Taichi trend trading indicator is a modification of the popular Ichimoku indicator. Ichimoku indicator is a very effective trend-following tool, but its use often causes difficulties, especially for novice traders. The task of the Cronex Taichi indicator is to formalize the Ichimoku signals and identify a potential flat or trend. The Cronex Taichi indicator displays the following lines on the chart: Taichi - weighted average Tenkan+Kijun+SpanA+SpanB; TaichiFor - weighted average SpanA+SpanB with a shift Kijun; Signal - moving average with period Kijun; SSignal - moving average with period Senkou; Flat - it shades the flat zones. The trend indicator Cronex Taichi will make the life of a trader much easier by detecting the trend and flat on a timely basis.
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The PercentAshi TT trend indicator is designed for coloring candles according to the specified percentage of volatility of a pair. Its author is Tankk - the creator of many profitable indicators, who is very popular on the traders forum. PercentAshi TT gives three types of signals for the EUR/JPY, GBP/USD, GBP/JPY, EUR/CAD, USD/CAD pairs: trend reversal, trend start, trend continuation. In addition to the graphical representation, audio and text alerts are implemented in the PercentAshi TT indicator, as well as sending messages to e-mail. The PercentAshi TT trend indicator is perfect for visualizing possible buy and sell zones. Download PercentAshi TT trend indicator Discuss PercentAshi TT indicator with the author and traders Other profitable indicators for trading Trade...
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The T3 AnchMom TT trading indicator is a basement modification of the T3 indicator, made on the traders forum by Tankk, already known to our readers. T3 indicator is a trend indicator and belongs to the class of moving averages. Its difference from MA is that it uses exponential multiple smoothing of price series. It allows to filter noises and practically eliminate the lag characteristic to classical moving averages. The T3 AnchMom TT indicator is implemented in the basement of the price chart with the addition of a signal line, the crossing of which with the main line of the indicator can be identified as signals for opening positions. The T3 AnchMom TT trading indicator, as well as all Tankk's indicators, deserve the closest attention...
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Трендовый торговый индикатор Pan PrizMA leverage 72 строит скользящую линию на базе интерполяции полиномом 4 степени. Построенную линию индикатор экстраполирует в виде участка заданной функции (перерисовывается для визуализации построения) полиномами 1-4 степеней. С построенной линии снимается одно значение на каждом баре и строится линия экстраполированных значений, которая не перерисовывается. Параметры индикатора: line_power — степень полинома экстраполированной линии; leverage — плечо снятия значения для результирующей линии; line1_SHIFT — смещение результирующей линии экстраполированных значений. Трендовый торговый индикатор Pan PrizMA leverage 72, при его правильном использовании, может стать эффективным инструментом в трендовых торговых стратегиях, а также элементом торгового советника. Скачать индикатор Pan PrizMA…
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Arrow trading indicator Eraser on Keltner AA MTF TT is a signal modification of Keltner channels, the author of which is already known to our readers forum user trader Tankk. Keltner's channel is a trend indicator used to find reversals by breaking its boundaries. The Eraser on Keltner AA MTF TT indicator is its signal version and has one interesting feature. At first glance it may seem that it draws, but in fact it only "erases" false arrows, leaving only the current ones. The "wiping" of the arrows takes place within the limit of the minimum period of the moving averages (by default: Fast), the channel itself is built according to the maximum period (by default:...
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The Scalper Cluster Moving Averages trading indicator is intended for visualization of the trend direction without a lag. The indicator Scalper Cluster Moving Averages analyzes data of moving averages calculated (by prices: open, high, low, close) by Cluster Filter indicator built on the basis of digital filter that does not lag by time. Since the Cluster Filter indicator builds moving averages by close prices, it is possible to change the price type for calculation in the parameters. The Scalper Cluster Moving Averages trend trade indicator, by eliminating the lag, can act as an effective filter in trading strategies. Download Scalper Cluster Moving Averages indicator Other profitable indicators for trading Timebox Time Zone Trading Indicator Price...
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Price Volume Trend MTF TT trade indicator is a modification of the PVT price trend indicator, which is based on momentum, used to measure cash flow. The PVT indicator is similar to another technical analysis tool: On Balance Volume (OBV), which is also an accumulation of volume. Whereas OBV adds or subtracts total daily volume depending on whether it was a rising day or a falling day, PVT only adds or subtracts a portion of daily volume. The amount of volume added or subtracted to/from the PVT total depends on the amount of the current day's rise or fall compared to the previous day's close. The Price Volume Trend MTF TT trading indicator, in...
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Signal Trade Indicator 4 RainMA AATX MTF TT [x4] - this is another version of the fan of moving averages, made in the form of a cascade of four indicators of Moving Averages, with signal arrows. The author of the indicator 4 RainMA AATX MTF TT [x4] is already known to our readers Tankk, constantly delighting the users of the forum for traders effective and profitable indicators. Indicator 4 RainMA AATX MTF TT [x4] - it's a kind of "combine", because it has many functions: MTF mode, the arrow signals for entry and exit, setting the moving averages. But the main advantage of the signal trading indicator 4 RainMA AATX MTF TT [x4] is that it has many...
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The AMA STL Color Trend Trading Indicator is a modification of the adaptive Kaufman AMA moving average. As we know, the disadvantage of standard moving averages is lag. In Kaufman AMA moving average this drawback is eliminated by dynamically changing calculation period, which depends on the market situation. The trend trading indicator AMA STL Color is displayed as a line, which changes its color depending on the position of two moving averages, specified in the parameters of the indicator. In addition, the indicator implements a filter that allows you to smooth out market noises. The trend trading indicator AMA STL Color, due to its timely reaction to price changes, is more flexible as compared to a regular moving average, which expands the range...
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Signal trading indicator CMA 2 CJCF NoRedraw2 at the moment is one of the most discussed indicators among traders on the forum. Line indicator CMA 2 CJCF NoRedraw2 changes color depending on the direction of the trend, and at the points of price reversal indicator draws arrows. In addition, the CMA 2 CJCF NoRedraw2 indicator has sound and text alerts for arrows. CMA 2 CJCF NoRedraw2 signal trading indicator CMA 2 CJCF NoRedraw2 signal trading indicator has great potential and is constantly being improved on the forum. By taking part in the discussion, you can contribute to the creation of an effective and profitable tool. Download the CMA signal trading indicator...
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Торговый скрипт at PR+SQ-e предназначен для быстрого отображения полиномиальной регрессии на истории и в текущем времени. Скрипт at PR+SQ-e ставится перетаскиванием мышкой. Среднюю линию канала линейной регрессии можно выделить и растягивать, сжимать или перетаскивать куда нужно. При первом включении длительность канала будет 50 баров, в дальнейшем, изменяя длительность выделенной средней линии канала линейной регрессии, ее можно менять. В установочных данных: m — степень регрессии; m = 1 — линейная; m = 2 — параболическая; m = 3 – кубическая и т.д. ksq — множитель канала среднеквадратичного отклонения. Как применять скрипт at PR+SQ-e в торговле Один из практических аспектов применения скрипта…
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Arrow trading indicator STAR 13×68 MAs TT - this is another option of using a fan of moving averages in trading on the currency market. In the indicator STAR 13×68 MAs TT, by default, implemented Moving Average of the following periods: 16, 3, 26, 5, 34, 7, 42, 8, 52, 10, 68, 13, 94, 18, 110, 21. Signal in the form of arrow appears when the moving average of the oldest period (by default 110) is "inflected". In contrast to peers, STAR 13×68 MAs TT indicator has parameters, convenient for its fine-tuning: xSpeedFactor and FiboFactor - two additional multiplication coefficients for periods; FilterPips - how many pips to add / subtract from the moving average,...
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The collection of trend indicators MA Colors TT is a modification of the moving average indicator, made by Tankk, a "star" of indicator building on traders forum, who is already known to our readers. The collection contains three indicators in which the color change depending on the price direction is implemented, four modes of construction, MTF function and much more. The collection of trend indicators MA Colors TT will not leave indifferent any trader and will help make the market situation analysis and position opening more effective and profitable. Download collection of trend indicators MA Colors TT Discuss indicators with the author and traders Other profitable indicators for trading Arrow trading indicator MACD-OsMA on Chart MTF 2 Trend trading...
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The trend trading indicator MA on Day Adaptive is an effective modification of the moving average. The difference of MA on Day Adaptive indicator from the usual Moving Average is that it has a floating period - indicator calculation begins every day from 00:00 o'clock. The indicator has flexible settings, allowing to configure it according to trader's preferences. Trend trading indicator MA on Day Adaptive, due to the changed calculation, will help get more accurate and profitable trading signals for market entry. Download trend trading indicator MA on Day Adaptive Discuss the indicator with traders Other profitable indicators for trading Collected trading indicators ZZ NRP for Heiken Ashi Indicator Line...
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The collection of ZZ NRP trading indicators for Heiken Ashi is an attempt to implement the calculation of the popular Zigzag trend indicator using the Heiken Ashi algorithm. Modifications are made by Tankk, a well-known on the forum traders author of many profitable technical indicators. The collection includes three basic versions of the ZZ NRP indicator for Heiken Ashi. Like other indicators of this author, the collection of ZZ NRP trading indicators for Heiken Ashi has a convenient set of parameters that will satisfy even the most demanding trader. Download the collection of ZZ NRP trading indicators for Heiken Ashi Discuss indicators with the author and traders Other profitable indicators for trading Line Profit informative indicator for MetaTrader 4 and 5 Channel...
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The Cluster Filter trade indicator belongs to the category of cluster filters, in which lag is eliminated. Its main purpose is to filter, for example, the moving average, and its modifications - to filter any other data source. The original Cluster Filter indicator consists of three lines: blue line - SMA; green - EMA; red - cluster filter. The author of many effective indicators Tankk, known at forum of traders, has performed a number of modifications of the Cluster Filter indicator, some of which are arrow indicators. In the modifications he added the MTF mode, implemented the Keltner channel and some other "chips". Certainly, the modifications of the Cluster Filter trading indicator made by Tankk have a higher efficiency of signals, the sphere of their application...
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Identical candles is a semaphore candlestick indicator, which highlights on the chart the candles with the same direction as all the candles on the timeframes selected by the trader. For example, everywhere growing candlesticks (bullish) or everywhere falling candlesticks (bearish). Any timeframe can be enabled/disabled. In addition to the arrows, the indicator can beep when a new arrow appears on the timeframe open in the terminal. The Identical candles indicator settings allow: Turn off the display of all unnecessary arrows and leave, for example, only those that show a change in the direction of the signal, that is, only the first arrow in each direction; Specify from which candle to take the signal: from zero or from an already formed. Take into account the fact that if...
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The HullMA trend indicator is a Hull moving average, which has long enjoyed well-deserved popularity among traders. The peculiarity of the Hull Moving Average is that it practically eliminates the lag - the main drawback of all moving averages, and at the same time, improves smoothing. HullMA is able to keep up with the rapid changes of price dynamics with an excellent smoothing of SMA for the same period. The best modifications of HullMA indicator are presented in the compilation, some of them are made by the users of forum for traders. There are 21 modifications of HullMA in the assembly - from the usual trend detector to the arrow variant, from which any trader can choose the necessary indicator for his...
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