
  • Today Stanislav Vaneev, President of Grand Capital, is our guest at We would like to discuss with him the subtleties of modern trading: the nuances of bonus offers, new services and tools, the status and success of the trader today. There will not be many questions, but they should reveal the portrait of the modern speculator and his expectations from trading. The offers from -brokers are constantly updated - we see the appearance of new tools for analysis, new assets for trading, increasing bonuses. In your opinion, what are the things that really attract a trader now? What conditions should the company offer to be interesting to a trader? Stanislav Vaneev: I would divide the question into shares/bonuses and new products/tools. The Russian market now, as I see it.

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  • The vast majority of modern brokerage companies develop two lines of business simultaneously: the provision of intermediary services when bringing client transactions to the market and building an affiliate network. And the second does not take away the attention and strength from the main activity of the company, but on the contrary, allows to get even more prepared and interested clients without serious expenses on marketing, active sales or training. The articles of the master-class "The downside of trading" Locking: a hedging method, trick or just an annoying factor for the broker? Verification at the broker: the way to postpone the payment of profit or the protection of clients' investments? Bonuses from brokers: a real benefit or a trap? Company partners do all the work of attracting and motivating clients to deposit...

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  • In Russia, a stratum of active young people has formed who are focused on creating their own business. They are very familiar with the opportunities offered by the Internet and the Forex market in particular. In this article, we will look at different ways to start their own business on . Starting your own company On many forums you can come across messages from newcomers asking how they can start their own company. Looking ahead, we can say that the order of numbers will be very high, and without a major business investor to embark on this path is almost impossible. And, as practice shows, in the highly competitive brokerage market it is difficult for a newcomer to survive even with a large investment and competent management. To open a company...

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  • Today magazine has Mikhail Boldin, Director of Development in Russia and CIS of the international brokerage company Fort Financial Services. We will ask him our traditional questions in the hope of getting unconventional and useful advice for our readers who are into trading. Hello, Michael. Tell us a little bit about yourself. How did it happen that you got acquainted with stock trading? - My name is Mikhail Boldin. I am 43 years old and I entered the stock trading market in the late '90s at the age of approximately 29. At that time I was working as a currency dealer at the representative office of an Austrian bank in Russia. After a while, I was offered a job...

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  • EXNESS representatives told about their plans for 2015, the prospects of market development in Russia after the introduction of regulation and the prospects of the ruble exchange rate at a press breakfast held on 18 September in Moscow. EXNESS is actively increasing its presence in the domestic market and plans to open an office in Moscow by the beginning of 2015, which will increase the share of Russian clients in the company's portfolio to 15%. "Based on the data on the volume of brokers in the Russian Federation published by Interfax agency in 2013, we believe that EXNESS is among the top 10 brokers in the Russian market . And now, at least, we want to be in the top five. We plan that after obtaining a license ...

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  • Bonus promotions from brokers and dealing centers have long been a common attribute of working on the market and are often decisive factors when choosing a company or determining the amount to be credited to a trading account. But very often received bonuses turn against the client and instead of increasing his profit only speed up the process of deposit's nullification. How to understand when bonus from broker is just a marketing tool and really can increase your trading efficiency, and when on the contrary - is the signal of the company's unfairness? Take a look at these articles! Locking: a hedging method, a trick or just an annoying factor for the broker? Verification at the broker: a way to postpone the payment of profits...

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  • In just two years, binary options have become extremely popular among traders, displacing even instruments . What are binary options and what is the secret of their popularity, we decided to ask one of the brokers, the company GrandCapital, which was the first company that implemented binary options in the terminal Metatrader 4. GrandCapital's Technical Support Manager Andrey Vinogradov agreed to answer's questions. - Andrey, what is the difference between binary options and om? It is not clear to everybody. What are the pros and cons? - The most important advantage of trading on binary options is the limitation of losses and fixed profit. Unlike the market, where the profit or loss depends directly on...

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  • Victor Masalov, Executive Director of EXNESS, is our guest at Today we would like to discuss the issue of trading volume at -brokers, the publications related to it and the future of such inspections. FT: Many companies provide monthly statistics on the trades of their traders. Should you trust such data? Is it possible to check the reliability of such publications? VM: In fact it is impossible to verify such data. In some cases companies are obliged to publish information about their activities, for example, if their shares are traded on a stock exchange. All the rest publish unsupported reports on their activity and the question of trust in such publications is a question of trust in the broker. FT: You are the first company that...

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  • Any person, who has taken a great interest in trading on Forex currency market, realizes that this activity is not very simple and it is necessary to receive theoretical knowledge to master it. The Internet is full of advertisements, where experienced traders offer everyone who wishes to learn the basics of currency trading for a certain fee. Brokers companies, on the contrary, offer free education for their clients, as they are interested in the growth of their client base and increase of commission income. How effective is paid Forex education? Let's weigh the pros and cons. training: where to find an experienced teacher? The main postulate, which puts forward the supporters of fee-based training - "good education is expensive. And it's hard to argue with this - a qualified specialist will not conduct training for a "thank you" ....

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  • Сегодня в гостях у журнала Генеральный директор компании EXNESS Олег Охримец. Будем рады задать ему несколько вопросов. – Здравствуйте, Олег. Расскажите нашим читателям немного о себе, пожалуйста. Каков был Ваш путь в компанию EXNESS и на рынки вообще? – Добрый день, Юлия. Первый опыт работы на фондовых и финансовых рынках, как и многие в России, я получил в середине 90-х годов на первой волне приватизации. С валютными контрактами познакомился, проходя обучение по Ценным бумагам при «Сибирской межбанковской валютной бирже» для получения лицензии брокера. Одним из учебных курсов была торговля валютными контрактами на разницу. В дальнейшем эти знания пригодились в…

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  • Если раньше торговый процесс проходил в шумных торговых залах, где брокеры, надрывая голосовые связки, заключали сделки, то с появлением рынка Форекс торговля из реальной плоскости перешла в более комфортное для работы онлайн-пространство. Согласитесь, что намного удобнее зарабатывать деньги, находясь у себя дома, за своим компьютерным столом или где-нибудь на курорте, торгуя через мобильное приложение прямо на пляже с коктейлем в другой руке. Несмотря на большое количество преимуществ трейдинга, многие интернет-пользователи еще не до конца уверены в выгодности данного рода деятельности. Брокер NSBroker задался достаточно амбициозной целью популяризовать онлайн-трейдинг и донести до широких масс информацию о том, что это действительно реальный…

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